Catfish Farming
INTRODUCTION 1. BRIEF HISTORY Catfish is a species of freshwater fish consumption with elongated body and slippery skin. In Indonesia catfish has several names, among Other: prop fish (Padang), fish death (Gayo, Aceh), fish pintet (Kalimantan South), fish rivet (Napier), fish Cepi (Bugis), catfish or leachate (Java Middle). Who's in other countries known as the mali (Africa), plamond (Thailand), fish keli (Malaysia), gura Magura (Sri Lanka), ca tre light (Japan). In English is called also catfish, siluroid, mudfish and walking catfish. Catfish were never found in brackish water or salt water. Habitat in the river with a slow flow of water, marshes, ponds, reservoirs, rice fields are flooded. Catfish are noctural, ie active search for food at night days. By day, catfish silence and refuge in places dark. In the wild catfish spawn in the rainy season.
2. FISHERIES CENTER Catfish commonly found in Africa and Asia. Grown in Thailand, India, Philippines and Indonesia. Catfish production in Thailand ± 970 kg/100m2 / year. In India (the acid) produced on average every 7 months reached 1200 kg / ha.
3. TYPE Classification by Hasanuddin Saanin catfish in Djatmika et al (1986) are: Kingdom: Animalia Sub-kingdom: abundant metazoan Phyllum: Chordata Sub-phyllum: Vertebrata Class: Pisces Sub-classes: Teleostei Order: Ostariophysi Sub-order: Siluroidea Family: Clariidae Genus: Clarias In Indonesia there are 6 (six) species of catfish that can be developed: 1) Clarias batrachus, known as the catfish (Java), fish prop (Sumatra West), fish death (North Sumatra), and fish pintet (South Kalimantan). 2) Clarias teysmani, known as the catfish Flower (West Java), white Kalang (Padang). 3) Clarias melanoderma, known as fish spines (South Sumatra), wais (Central Java), pleat (West Java). 4) Clarias nieuhofi, known as leachate fish (Java), limbat (Sumatra West), kaleh (South Kalimantan). 5) Clarias loiacanthus, known as fish keli (West Sumatra), fish Penang (East Kalimantan). 6) Clarias gariepinus, catfish known as Dumbo (Lele Lamb), King paints fish, originating from Africa. 4. BENEFITS 1) As a food ingredient 2) Catfish of type C. batrachus can also be used as a fish ornament and ornamental fish. 3) Fish catfish reared in the rice could be useful to combat insect pests of rice in the form of water, because it is one of the food catfish natural. 4) Catfish can also be mixed with various other ingredients to treat asthma, menstruation (menstruation) irregular, the nose blood, urinating blood and others.
5. LOCATION REQUIREMENTS 1) The land is good for pond maintenance is the type of soil clay / clay, does not pivot, muddy and fertile. Land that can be used to produce catfish can be: rice, kecomberan, Pool yard, garden ponds, and blumbang. 2) Catfish live well in low lying areas until local maximum height of 700 m above sea level. 3) Elevation of ground surface water sources and ponds is 5-10%. 4) The location for the manufacture of swimming must relate directly or closely with source water and not close to the motorway. 5) The location for the manufacture of the pool should be in the shade, but not under a tree whose leaves fall off easily. 6) Catfish can live at a temperature of 200 C, with optimum temperature between 25-280 C. While necessary for larval growth temperature range between 26 - 300C and for spawning 24-280 C. 7) Catfish can live in a somewhat calm and deep waters enough, even poor water conditions, muddy, dirty and poor oxygen O2. 8) Water must not be polluted by chemicals, industrial waste, mercury, or contain levels of oil or other materials that can be deadly fish. 9) Waters that contain many substances that are needed fish and natural food ingredients. Waters was not a flood-prone waters. 10) The surface waters should not be closed by the garbage or leaves leaves life, such as water hyacinth. 11) Has a pH of 6.5 to 9; hardness (degree of coarse grain) a maximum of 100 ppm and 50 ppm optimal; turbidity (turbidity) is not the mud between 30-60 cm; need for optimal O2 on a fairly wide range, from 0.3 ppm to A mature until saturated for seed, and the CO2 content of less than 12.8 mg / liter, ammonium bound from 147.29 to 157.56 mg / liter. 12) Requirements for maintenance of catfish in cages: a. Rivers or irrigation channels are not steep, easily visited / controlled. b. Close to home maintenance. c. The width of the river or irrigation canal between 3-5 meters. d. Rivers or irrigation channels are not rocky, so the cages easy installed. e. Water depth of 30-60 cm. 6. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING 6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment In making catfish pond maintenance of its size should not too broad. This is to facilitate the control and supervision. Form and size of pool maintenance varies, depending on your taste and owner location. But should the bottom of the pool wall and made permanent. At 1-6 weeks to be in a state of clear water pool, free from pollution as well as phytoplankton. Fish at the age of 7-9 weeks of water clarity must be maintained. At week 10, the water within certain limits still allowed. Showed turbidity levels of suspended solids in water (plankton). Tools to measure the turbidity of water called the Secchi. Forecast of water turbidity on the basis of age catfish (weeks) according to figures Secchi: - Age 10-15 weeks, the number Secchi = 30-50 - Age 16-19 weeks, the number Secchi = 30-40 - Age 20-24 weeks, the number Secchi = 30 6.2. Preparation of Seeds 1) Preparing Seeds a. Parent Selection 1. The characteristics of catfish male parent: - His head is smaller than the parent female catfish. - The color of breast skin a bit old when compared to the parent female catfish. - Urogenital papilla (sex) rather prominent, elongated in the direction rear, situated behind the anus, and reddish color. - Movement is nimble, the bones of short and somewhat flattened head (Depress). - His stomach is more slender and supple when compared to the parent catfish female. - When the stomach in stripping it manually from the stomach to the tail will issue a thick white fluid (spermatozoa-mani). - Skin is more subtle than the parent female catfish. 2. The characteristics of the parent female catfish - His head is bigger than catfish male parent. - Skin color a bit brighter chest. - Urogenital papilla (sex) oval (round leaf), colored redness, hole rather wide and located behind the anus. - Movement is slow, the skull is short and slightly convex. - His stomach is bloated and soft. - When the stomach in stripping it manually from the stomach into the tail will issue a yellowish liquid (Ova / egg). 3. Terms of catfish a good parent: - Her skin is more rough than catfish male parent. - Parent catfish taken from catfish reared in ponds since childhood so used to living in the pond. - His weight ranged between 100-200 grams, depending fertility of the body with a length of 20-5 cm. - Symmetrical body shape, not bent, no defect, no injuries, and agile. - Age of male parental over seven months, while the female parent one year old. - Frequency of spawning can be a bull once, and throughout his life can spawn more than 15 times when food was provided containing adequate protein. 4. The characteristics of the parent is ready to spawn catfish is visible from the main candidates pairs, the chase between a male and a female. Parent was immediately arrested and placed in the pool individual to be cultivated. 5. Catfish parent care: - During the spawning period and the period of treatment, given the parent catfish which yield high-protein foods such as chopped meat snails, larvae of flies / maggots, termites or artificial food (pellets). Need catfish pellets with a relative protein content high, ie ± 60%. Silk worms are not good for holding food catfish, because of the high fat content. Provision of silk worms to be stopped a week before the marriage or spawning. - Food provided morning and afternoon with the amount of 5-10% of total weight of fish. - After a week-old seedlings, separated female parent, whereas the male parent is left to guard her children. New male parent can be moved when the children had catfish 2 weeks old. - Immediately separate the parent-parent or the affected weak start disease to be treated immediately. - Manage the flow of water into a clean, although the flow velocity do not need heavy, just 5-6 liters / minute. b. Traditional Spawning 1. Spawning in Ponds Spawning Swimming parent: - The pool can be a ground wholly or partially by walls land base. - Size varies, at least 50 m2. - The pool consists of 2 parts, namely the shallow (70%) and part in (puddle) 30% of the total pool. Wallow in the section middle of the pond with a depth of 50-60 cm, serves to hiding the parent, if the pool water disurutkan. - On the sides of the pond there is a nest egg to the size of 30x30x25 cm3, which basically comes from the wall outlet of paralon diamneter 1-inch pipe to discharge into the pond banih nursery. - Each has one hole spawning nest made of paralon pipe (PVC) ± 4-inch size for the entry of the parent-parent catfish. - Distance between nest nesting ± 1 m. - Swimming limed evenly, and scatter manure (chicken manure) as many as 500-750 g/m2. - Airi swimming pools extent, leave for 4 days. Swimming Rotifera (single-celled worms): - Location of swimming rotifers at the top of the pond berfungi for fish grow natural food (rotifers). - Swimming pool rotifers were connected to the mains with pipe paralon to drain the rotifers. - Swimming rotifers given organic fertilizer to meet the requirements growth of rotifers. - ± 10 m2 pool area. Spawning: - Prepare the catfish female parent as much as 2 x the number of available nest and the male parent as many as the number of nests, or one pair per nest, or one pair per 2-4 m2 pool area (select one). - Enter the parent who was elected to the hole, after pools of irrigated for 4 days. - Give / enter high protein foods every day like worms, trash fish, pellets and the like, with the dose (number of food weight) 2-3% of the total weight of the fish are scattered. - Allow up to 10 days. - After a parent in the pool for 10 days, the water in the pool increased to 10-15 cm above the nest hole or nesting water depth in the nest about 20-25 cm. Allow up to 10 days. At this time the parent does not need to be fed, and is expected to during the next 10 days the parent has been breeding and spawning grounds. After 24 hours, the eggs were hatched in the nest, terkumpullah seed catfish. Parent Good catfish spawn 2-3 months one time when the food was good and will continue to lay eggs until the age of 5 years. - Seeds are removed from sarnag to catfish nursery ponds with ways: water swimming pools disurutkan to the limit, then seed expenditure channeled through pipes. - The seeds of catfish that have been transferred to nursery ponds fed intensively, seed size 1-2 cm, with density 60 -100 ekor/m2. - From a mother cat can produce 2000 ± catfish fry. Parent spawning catfish usually occurs in the afternoon or evening days. 2. Spawning in Bak Spawning Pairwise Preparation of the spawning tanks in pairs: - Create a tub of cement or terrazzo with a size of 1 x 1 m or 1 x 2 m and height of 0.6 m. - In the tub fitted wooden box of size 25 x 40x30 cm without basis as a spawning nest. At the top are holes and given the close to see any eggs in the nest. The front of box / nest spawning was given a box so that water hyacinth dark. - Spawning nests can be made also from the pile of bricks or plastic bucket or other junk that possible. - Nest hatchery tanks were roofed and gravel to place eggs result of spawning. - Before tub is used, cleaning / washing with water and rinse with 40% formalin or KMnO4 (can be purchased at pharmacies), then rinse again with clean water and dry. Spawning: - Sprinkle I (one) pairs of parent in a tub after tub of water filled as high as ± 25 cm. Should the water flow. Spreading done at 14:00 to 16:00 hours. - Let the parent for 5-10 days, give intensive food. After ± 10 days, are expected to master a pair of these have been spawned, spawn and within 24 hours the eggs have hatched. Good eggs is a bright yellow. - Give children food that is still small catfish (larva stage) The form of the water flea or mosquito child and after a rather large worms and eggs can be boiled. 3. Spawning in Body Mass Spawning Preparation of mass-spawning tanks: - Create a tub of cement area of 20 m2 or 50 m2, m2 or 2x10 size 5x10 m2. - Outside the tub, attached vessel walls are made nest spawning size 30x30x30 cm 3, which is equipped with channel expenditures seed from paralon (PVC) in diameter 1 inch. Each nest made one paralon hole diameter of 4 inches. - Basic spawning nests were roofed and gravel to place eggs attached to the spawning. - Before use, like a dried and rinsed with a solution disinfectant or formalin, then rinsed with clean water; then dried.
Spawning: - Sprinkle catfish selected parent (mature egg) in a tub seeding as much as 2xjumlah nest, the same male parent much as the female parent or can be sown 25-50 attach to vessel width of 50 m 2 (5x10 m 2), after seeding Tub watered as high as 1 m. - After 10 days the parent in the tub, surutkan water to a height of 50 - 60 cm, mains fed intensively. - Ten days later, the water in the bathtub is raised to above the nest holes so that water reaches a height of 20-25 in the nest cm. - When the water is raised is expected to enter the parent-parent pairs nest spawning, breeding and spawning grounds. Allow up to ± 10 days. - Ten days later disurutkan water again, and is expected telurtelur spawning in the nest has hatched and became the seed of catfish. - The seed is removed through the channel catfish seed expenditure for didederkan in nursery ponds. c. Artificial Spawning This method is called the Induced Breeding or hypophysasi which stimulates catfish to marry by giving injections of a liquid hormone into the body of the fish. Hipophysa hormone from gland hipophysa, the hormone gonadotropin. Gonadotropin function: - Gametogenesis: spur maturation of eggs and sperm, is called Follicel Stimulating Hormone. After 12 hours of injection, eggs ovulation (release of eggs from ovarian tissue). During ovulation, the female fish stomachs will swell gradually slightly because the ovaries to absorb water. When it is time good for sorting stomach (stripping). - Encouraging sexual lust (libido) 2) The treatment and seed treatment a. Swimming for the nursery: 1. Form a pool at weeks 1-2, width 50 cm, length 200 cm, and height 50 cm. Pool wall is made upright, smooth, and slippery, so if rubbing against the body of catfish seeds will not wounding. Slightly tilted toward the floor surface water drainage. The slope was made 3 cm difference between both ends of the floor, where near where the water intake is higher. On floor mounted pralon with a diameter of 3-5 cm and length 10 m. 2. Approximately 10 cm from the dewatering filter installed clipped with 2 wooden frame appropriate to the surface of the pool wall. In between 2 frames fitted piece of plastic mosquito netting mess size from 0.5 to 0.7 mm, then nailed. 3. Each nursery pond installed inlet and pipe water to drain the pond. Expenditures associated with pipe pipe plastics that could serve to regulate the water level of the pond. Pipe The plastic is associated with a hook as a hook. 4. The third week, the seed was transferred to another nursery ponds. The withdrawal may not use nets, but with adjusting the height of the plastic pipe. 5. The new nursery pond size of 100 x 200 x 50 cm, with shape and the same as the previous construction. b. Spacing: 1. Thinning is done to reduce stocking density because of growing catfish toward larger, so the volume ratio between the catfish with a pool is not balanced. - If not done thinning can lead to: - Fish crowded, so the body will hurt. - There was a struggle for food rations and a time to trigger mumculnya cannibalism (the smaller fish eaten by fish larger). - The atmosphere of the pool is not healthy by the stacking of CO2 and NH3, and O2 less once so stunted growth catfish. 2. How thinning on seed catfish: - Sunday 1-2, stocking density ekor/m2 5000 - Sunday 3-4, stocking density ekor/m2 1125 - Sunday 5-6, stocking density of 525 ekor/m2 c. The food: 1. The first day until the third seed from catfish fed bag of egg yolk (yolk sac), which was taken from the hatch. 2. On the fourth day until the second week fed zooplankton, namely Daphnia and Artemia that have a 60% protein. Such foods given at a dose 70% x biomass per day, divided into 4 times of administration. Food spread out around the water intake. Approximately 2-3 days before the end of zooplankton feeding, catfish seeds should be introduced to the food in the form of flour a yield of 50% protein. A bit of flour is given to seed 10-15 minutes before giving zooplankton. Food in the form teoung can be made from egg yolk mixture, flour nestum shrimp and a little porridge. 3. The third week was feed as many as 43% x biomass every day. 4. Fourth week and fifth as much as 32% fed with biomass x every day. 5. Fifth week fed with as much as 21% x biomass every day. 6. The third week was feed as many as 43% x biomass every day. 7. Sixth week already can be tried by giving the floating pellets. d. Packaging and transport of seed 1. How to close: - Strong Plastic bags filled with clean water and seeds included little by little. The air in the plastic removed. O2 from the tube inserted into the water until the volume of air in a plastic 1/3-1/4 section. Tightly tied plastic ends soon. - Plastic contains the seeds of catfish are included in boxes or crates so that not easily broken. 2. How open is if the distance is not too far: - Seed catfish dilaparkan first so that during transport, water not clouded by dirt catfish. (To transport more than 5 hours). - Place catfish filled with clean water, then seeds included little by little. The amount depends on size. Seed size 10 cm can be transported with maximum density 10.000/m3 or 10 fish / liter. Every 4 hours, all water is replaced in the shade. 6.3. Maintenance Enlargement 1) Fertilization a. Prior to use fertilized pond first. Intends to Fertilizing foster animal and vegetable plankton that becomes a natural food for seed catfish. b. Fertilizer used was manure (chicken manure) with dose of 500-700 g/m2. It can also be added urea 15 g/m2, TSP 20 g/m2, and ammonium nitrate 15 g/m2. Furthermore, left for 3 days. c. The pool is filled again with fresh water. At first, 30-50 cm and allowed to for one week until the pool water color changed to brown or greenish bodies which show began many microorganisms that grow- as a natural food catfish. d. Gradually the water level increased, before seed stocked catfish. 2) Providing food a. Natural Foods Catfish 1. Natural food in the form of zooplankton, larvae, worms, and aquatic insects. 2. Food in the form of phytoplankton is Gomphonema spp (gol. Diatome) Anabaena spp (gol. Cyanophyta), Navicula spp (gol. Diatome) Ankistrodesmus spp (gol. Chlorophyta). 3. Catfish also like rotten food that protein. 4. Catfish also like the dirt that comes from the toilet. b. Side dish 1. Maintenance in kecomberan can be given additional food family food scraps, leaves of cabbage, fish bones, chicken bones destroyed, chicken intestine, and carcass. 2. Mixed bran and trash fish (9:1) or a mixture of bran, corn, and snails (2:1:1). c. Artificial Food (Pellet) 1. Material composition (wt%): fish meal = 27.00; bean meal soybean = 20.00; wheat flour = 10.50; groundnut meal 18.00; mung bean flour = 9.00; blood flour = 5.00; bran = 9.00; vitamin = 1.00; mineral = 0.500; 2. The process of manufacture: By way of smoothing ingredients, dough made such pasta, printed and dried until their water content less than 10%. The addition of fat can be given in the form of oil dilumurkan on the pellets before feeding to the catfish. Oil spread also can slow sinking pellets. 3. The way of feeding: - Pellet began to be introduced on catfish during 6 weeks of age and given 10-15 minutes before the catfish feeding in the form of flour. - At week 7 and onwards are to be given directly pellet-shaped food. - Avoid feeding at the time blazing sun, because the temperature levels can reduce appetite catfish. 3) Giving Vaccinations The ways of vaccination before the seeds sown: a. To prevent diseases caused by bacteria, before sown, catfish 2 weeks old first put into formalin solution with dose of 200 ppm for 10-15 minutes. Once vaccinated catfish will be immune for 6 months. b. Prevention of disease because the bacteria can also be done with menyutik with terramycin 1 cc to 1 kg of the parent. c. Prevention of disease because the fungus can be done by soaking catfish in a solution of Malachite Green Oxalate 2.5 to 3 ppm for 30 minutes. 4) Maintenance of Ponds / Pond a. The pool was treated with a dose of 25-200 g/m2 calcification to eradicate pests and germs. b. Water in the pool / tub is cleaned once a month by replacing all these dirty water with clean water that has been precipitated 2 night. c. Pool that has infected the disease must be dried and Calcification done with a dose of 200 g/m2 for one week. Flour lime (CaO) scattered evenly in the bottom of the pool, then allowed to dry further until the bottom of the pond soil cracks.
7. PEST AND DISEASE 7.1. Pests and Diseases a. Pests on catfish are animals that directly interfere with high level catfish life. b. In the wild and in open ponds, which often attacks the pest catfish include: beaver, snakes, frogs, birds, insects, water mongoose, fish cork and eel. c. In the yard, especially in urban areas, pests are often attacking only the frogs and cats. Maintenance intensive catfish is not many pests. Parasitic disease is a disease caused by the organism level low such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are small. 1) Diseases due to Aeromonas and Pseudomonas hydrophilla hydrophylla These bacteria form such as rods with polar flage (whip, located at tip of stem), and the whip is used for moving, measuring from 0.7 to 0.8 x 1 to 1.5 microns. Symptoms: iwarna body becomes dark, coarse skin and arise bleeding, breathing gasping at the surface of the water. Control: maintain the water environment to keep them clean, including water quality. Treatment through diet include: (1) Terramycine a dose of 50 mg / kg fish / day, given for 7-10 days in a row. (2) Sulphonamid as much as 100 mg / kg fish / day for 3-4 days. 2) Tuberculosis Disease Cause: Mycobacterium fortoitum). Symptoms: body-colored fish dark, swollen abdomen (due to tubercle / a pimple on the liver, kidney, and spleen). Position stand on the surface of the water, circling or side-tilted, white spots around the mouth and fins. Control: improve water quality and neighborhood pool. Treatment: with Terramycin mixed with gram/100 5 to 7.5 kg of food fish / day for 5-15 days. 3) Diseases due to fungi / candawan Saprolegnia. These fungi grow into a saprophyte on dead tissue or fish whose condition is weak. Symptoms: The fish covered with a collection of fine threads such as cotton, in areas that have been injured or weak fish, attack cover the head area gills, fins, and body. Attack on egg, the egg is covered with yarn like cotton. Control: seeds spindles and adult fish marinated in Malachyte Green Oxalate 2.5 to 3 ppm for 30 minutes and soaked eggs Malachyte Green Oxalate 0.1 to 0.2 ppm for 1 hour or 5-10 ppm for 15 minutes.
4) White Spot Disease and Itching / Trichodiniasis Cause: Parasitic Ciliate from the classes, the shape is round, sometimes amuboid, has a horseshoe-shaped nucleus, called Ichthyophthirius multifilis. Symptoms: (1) fish being attacked is very weak and always arise in surface water; (2) there are white spots on the skin, fins and Gill, (3) fish often rub the body at the base or wall pool. Control: water quality and quantity must be maintained. Treatment: by soaking the fish with an infection in mixture solution with the solution Formalin 25 cc/m3 Malachyte Green Oxalate 0.1 gram/m3 for 12-24 hours, then the fish were given water fresh. Treatment was repeated after 3 days. 5) Worm Disease Trematoda Cause: The small worm Gyrodactylus and Dactylogyrus. Worms Dactylogyrus attack the gills, while the worm Gyrodactylus attacks the skin and fins. Symptoms: The gills are damaged into the wounds, then arise as a result of bleeding that disturbed breathing. Control: (1) 250 Formalin cc/m3 water soaked for 15 minutes, (2) Methyline Blue 3 ppm for 24 hours, (3) dipping into the fish's body solution-Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) 0.01% for ± 30 minutes, (4) using NaCl solution 2% for ± 30 minutes, (5) can also use NH4OH solution of 0.5% for ± 10 minutes. 6) Parasite Hirudinae Cause: leech Hirudinae, brownish red worms. Symptoms: slow growth, because the blood sucked by the parasite, so that cause anemia / anemia. Control: always observed in while reducing the stocking density and with a solution of 0.5 ppm Diterex. 7.2. Pests Ponds / Pond If the catfish show signs of illness, must be controlled factor cause, then these conditions should be modified, for example: 1) When the temperature is too high, the pool was given temporary shelter and water replaced with the temperature is cooler. 2) When the pH is too low, given a solution of lime 10 gram/100 l of water. 3) When the content of toxic gases (H2S, CO2), the water must be replaced immediately. 4) If the food is less, must be added dose of food.
8. HARVEST 8.1. Arrest Some things to note in harvesting: 1) Catfish are harvested at the age of 6-8 months, except if you want, any time can be harvested. Average weight at that age about 200 grams per head. 2) In Dumbo catfish, harvesting can be done during maintenance 3-4 months with a weight of 200-300 grams per tail. If the maintenance time plus 5-6 months will weigh 1-2 kg with a length of 60-70 cm. 3) Harvesting should be done in the morning so that catfish are not too overheating. 4) Swimming partially drained and the fish caught using seser smooth, hands, lambit, strong or nets. 5) When fishing using a fishing rod, first let the hungry catfish. 6) When fishing using nets, harvesting is conducted simultaneously with feeding, so easy to catch catfish. 7) Once harvested, piaralah catfish the first in the barrel / tub / hapa during 1-2 days without food for the soil and the smell of decaying stench smell disappears. 8) Do it as soon as possible and weighing just once. 8.2. Cleaning After catfish are harvested, the pond should be cleaned as follows: 1) The pool cleaned by sprinkling or insert a lime solution of 20-200 g/m2 on pool wall until blended. 2) Watering was continued with 40% formalin solution or solution kalikus permanganate (PK) in the same way. 3) Swimming rinsed with clean water and dried with heated or direct sunlight. This is done to kill the disease exist in the pool. 9. Postharvest 1) Once harvested, the catfish is cleaned of mud and entrails. Before catfish should be cleaned off first with the beat head wear Muntu or wood. 2) We remove dirt, not to break the gall, because can cause meat tastes bitter. 3) After the entrails removed, catfish can be utilized for various variety of cuisine.
10. RAISING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Business 10.1.Analisis Cultivation Catfish Hatchery Business Analysis Dumbo Bendosewu Village, District Talun, Blitar district are as follows: 1) Production costs a. Land - Land 123 m2 USD. 123 000, - - Pool 9 units Rp. 1.23 million, - - Treatment ponds USD. 60.000, - b. Seed - Females 40 individuals @ Rp. 12,000, - Rp. 480 000, - - Male 10 head @ Rp. 10.000, - Rp. 100.000, - c. Feed - Forage seed Rp. 14,530,300, - - Feed the parent Rp. 4,818,000, - d. Drugs Rp. 42 000, - e. Equipment - Pump air3 pcs @ Rp. 110,000, - Rp. 330 000, - - Diesel 1 pc @ Rp. 600.000, - Rp. 600.000, - - Brush @. Rp. 25.000, - Rp. 25.000, - - 1 pc @ nets. Rp. 150.000, - Rp. 150.000, - - Tub 5 pcs @ USD. 3.000, - Rp. 15.000, - - Bucket 7 bh @. Rp. 3.000, - RpD. 21,000, - - 6 pcs @ selection tools. Rp. 4000, - Rp. 24,000 - - Ciruk 5 pcs @. Rp. 1500, - Rp. 7,500, - - 5 pcs @ scoop. 1,000, - Rp. 5.000, - - Hose Rp. 90,000, - - Paralon Rp. 70.000, - - Maintenance tool Rp. 120.000, - f. Rp labor. 420 000, - g. Other Rp. 492 000, - h. Unexpected costs 10% to Rp. 2,522,800, - Total production costs Rp. 5,045,600, - 2) Income Rp. 2.22 million, - 3) Advantages Rp. 7,174,400, - 4) Parameter feasibility of 25% 5) BEP in units (tail) - Size 1 1138 - Size of 2 325 049 - Size 3 65 010 - Size 4 6501 - Size 5 11 377 - Size 6260 10.2.Gambaran Agribusiness Opportunities Raising catfish, either in hatchery and rearing have a good prospect. Consumer demand for the existence of catfish is increasing. With proper maintenance techniques, then will obtain a satisfactory result of conducting and consumer demand.
2. FISHERIES CENTER Catfish commonly found in Africa and Asia. Grown in Thailand, India, Philippines and Indonesia. Catfish production in Thailand ± 970 kg/100m2 / year. In India (the acid) produced on average every 7 months reached 1200 kg / ha.
3. TYPE Classification by Hasanuddin Saanin catfish in Djatmika et al (1986) are: Kingdom: Animalia Sub-kingdom: abundant metazoan Phyllum: Chordata Sub-phyllum: Vertebrata Class: Pisces Sub-classes: Teleostei Order: Ostariophysi Sub-order: Siluroidea Family: Clariidae Genus: Clarias In Indonesia there are 6 (six) species of catfish that can be developed: 1) Clarias batrachus, known as the catfish (Java), fish prop (Sumatra West), fish death (North Sumatra), and fish pintet (South Kalimantan). 2) Clarias teysmani, known as the catfish Flower (West Java), white Kalang (Padang). 3) Clarias melanoderma, known as fish spines (South Sumatra), wais (Central Java), pleat (West Java). 4) Clarias nieuhofi, known as leachate fish (Java), limbat (Sumatra West), kaleh (South Kalimantan). 5) Clarias loiacanthus, known as fish keli (West Sumatra), fish Penang (East Kalimantan). 6) Clarias gariepinus, catfish known as Dumbo (Lele Lamb), King paints fish, originating from Africa. 4. BENEFITS 1) As a food ingredient 2) Catfish of type C. batrachus can also be used as a fish ornament and ornamental fish. 3) Fish catfish reared in the rice could be useful to combat insect pests of rice in the form of water, because it is one of the food catfish natural. 4) Catfish can also be mixed with various other ingredients to treat asthma, menstruation (menstruation) irregular, the nose blood, urinating blood and others.
5. LOCATION REQUIREMENTS 1) The land is good for pond maintenance is the type of soil clay / clay, does not pivot, muddy and fertile. Land that can be used to produce catfish can be: rice, kecomberan, Pool yard, garden ponds, and blumbang. 2) Catfish live well in low lying areas until local maximum height of 700 m above sea level. 3) Elevation of ground surface water sources and ponds is 5-10%. 4) The location for the manufacture of swimming must relate directly or closely with source water and not close to the motorway. 5) The location for the manufacture of the pool should be in the shade, but not under a tree whose leaves fall off easily. 6) Catfish can live at a temperature of 200 C, with optimum temperature between 25-280 C. While necessary for larval growth temperature range between 26 - 300C and for spawning 24-280 C. 7) Catfish can live in a somewhat calm and deep waters enough, even poor water conditions, muddy, dirty and poor oxygen O2. 8) Water must not be polluted by chemicals, industrial waste, mercury, or contain levels of oil or other materials that can be deadly fish. 9) Waters that contain many substances that are needed fish and natural food ingredients. Waters was not a flood-prone waters. 10) The surface waters should not be closed by the garbage or leaves leaves life, such as water hyacinth. 11) Has a pH of 6.5 to 9; hardness (degree of coarse grain) a maximum of 100 ppm and 50 ppm optimal; turbidity (turbidity) is not the mud between 30-60 cm; need for optimal O2 on a fairly wide range, from 0.3 ppm to A mature until saturated for seed, and the CO2 content of less than 12.8 mg / liter, ammonium bound from 147.29 to 157.56 mg / liter. 12) Requirements for maintenance of catfish in cages: a. Rivers or irrigation channels are not steep, easily visited / controlled. b. Close to home maintenance. c. The width of the river or irrigation canal between 3-5 meters. d. Rivers or irrigation channels are not rocky, so the cages easy installed. e. Water depth of 30-60 cm. 6. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING 6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment In making catfish pond maintenance of its size should not too broad. This is to facilitate the control and supervision. Form and size of pool maintenance varies, depending on your taste and owner location. But should the bottom of the pool wall and made permanent. At 1-6 weeks to be in a state of clear water pool, free from pollution as well as phytoplankton. Fish at the age of 7-9 weeks of water clarity must be maintained. At week 10, the water within certain limits still allowed. Showed turbidity levels of suspended solids in water (plankton). Tools to measure the turbidity of water called the Secchi. Forecast of water turbidity on the basis of age catfish (weeks) according to figures Secchi: - Age 10-15 weeks, the number Secchi = 30-50 - Age 16-19 weeks, the number Secchi = 30-40 - Age 20-24 weeks, the number Secchi = 30 6.2. Preparation of Seeds 1) Preparing Seeds a. Parent Selection 1. The characteristics of catfish male parent: - His head is smaller than the parent female catfish. - The color of breast skin a bit old when compared to the parent female catfish. - Urogenital papilla (sex) rather prominent, elongated in the direction rear, situated behind the anus, and reddish color. - Movement is nimble, the bones of short and somewhat flattened head (Depress). - His stomach is more slender and supple when compared to the parent catfish female. - When the stomach in stripping it manually from the stomach to the tail will issue a thick white fluid (spermatozoa-mani). - Skin is more subtle than the parent female catfish. 2. The characteristics of the parent female catfish - His head is bigger than catfish male parent. - Skin color a bit brighter chest. - Urogenital papilla (sex) oval (round leaf), colored redness, hole rather wide and located behind the anus. - Movement is slow, the skull is short and slightly convex. - His stomach is bloated and soft. - When the stomach in stripping it manually from the stomach into the tail will issue a yellowish liquid (Ova / egg). 3. Terms of catfish a good parent: - Her skin is more rough than catfish male parent. - Parent catfish taken from catfish reared in ponds since childhood so used to living in the pond. - His weight ranged between 100-200 grams, depending fertility of the body with a length of 20-5 cm. - Symmetrical body shape, not bent, no defect, no injuries, and agile. - Age of male parental over seven months, while the female parent one year old. - Frequency of spawning can be a bull once, and throughout his life can spawn more than 15 times when food was provided containing adequate protein. 4. The characteristics of the parent is ready to spawn catfish is visible from the main candidates pairs, the chase between a male and a female. Parent was immediately arrested and placed in the pool individual to be cultivated. 5. Catfish parent care: - During the spawning period and the period of treatment, given the parent catfish which yield high-protein foods such as chopped meat snails, larvae of flies / maggots, termites or artificial food (pellets). Need catfish pellets with a relative protein content high, ie ± 60%. Silk worms are not good for holding food catfish, because of the high fat content. Provision of silk worms to be stopped a week before the marriage or spawning. - Food provided morning and afternoon with the amount of 5-10% of total weight of fish. - After a week-old seedlings, separated female parent, whereas the male parent is left to guard her children. New male parent can be moved when the children had catfish 2 weeks old. - Immediately separate the parent-parent or the affected weak start disease to be treated immediately. - Manage the flow of water into a clean, although the flow velocity do not need heavy, just 5-6 liters / minute. b. Traditional Spawning 1. Spawning in Ponds Spawning Swimming parent: - The pool can be a ground wholly or partially by walls land base. - Size varies, at least 50 m2. - The pool consists of 2 parts, namely the shallow (70%) and part in (puddle) 30% of the total pool. Wallow in the section middle of the pond with a depth of 50-60 cm, serves to hiding the parent, if the pool water disurutkan. - On the sides of the pond there is a nest egg to the size of 30x30x25 cm3, which basically comes from the wall outlet of paralon diamneter 1-inch pipe to discharge into the pond banih nursery. - Each has one hole spawning nest made of paralon pipe (PVC) ± 4-inch size for the entry of the parent-parent catfish. - Distance between nest nesting ± 1 m. - Swimming limed evenly, and scatter manure (chicken manure) as many as 500-750 g/m2. - Airi swimming pools extent, leave for 4 days. Swimming Rotifera (single-celled worms): - Location of swimming rotifers at the top of the pond berfungi for fish grow natural food (rotifers). - Swimming pool rotifers were connected to the mains with pipe paralon to drain the rotifers. - Swimming rotifers given organic fertilizer to meet the requirements growth of rotifers. - ± 10 m2 pool area. Spawning: - Prepare the catfish female parent as much as 2 x the number of available nest and the male parent as many as the number of nests, or one pair per nest, or one pair per 2-4 m2 pool area (select one). - Enter the parent who was elected to the hole, after pools of irrigated for 4 days. - Give / enter high protein foods every day like worms, trash fish, pellets and the like, with the dose (number of food weight) 2-3% of the total weight of the fish are scattered. - Allow up to 10 days. - After a parent in the pool for 10 days, the water in the pool increased to 10-15 cm above the nest hole or nesting water depth in the nest about 20-25 cm. Allow up to 10 days. At this time the parent does not need to be fed, and is expected to during the next 10 days the parent has been breeding and spawning grounds. After 24 hours, the eggs were hatched in the nest, terkumpullah seed catfish. Parent Good catfish spawn 2-3 months one time when the food was good and will continue to lay eggs until the age of 5 years. - Seeds are removed from sarnag to catfish nursery ponds with ways: water swimming pools disurutkan to the limit, then seed expenditure channeled through pipes. - The seeds of catfish that have been transferred to nursery ponds fed intensively, seed size 1-2 cm, with density 60 -100 ekor/m2. - From a mother cat can produce 2000 ± catfish fry. Parent spawning catfish usually occurs in the afternoon or evening days. 2. Spawning in Bak Spawning Pairwise Preparation of the spawning tanks in pairs: - Create a tub of cement or terrazzo with a size of 1 x 1 m or 1 x 2 m and height of 0.6 m. - In the tub fitted wooden box of size 25 x 40x30 cm without basis as a spawning nest. At the top are holes and given the close to see any eggs in the nest. The front of box / nest spawning was given a box so that water hyacinth dark. - Spawning nests can be made also from the pile of bricks or plastic bucket or other junk that possible. - Nest hatchery tanks were roofed and gravel to place eggs result of spawning. - Before tub is used, cleaning / washing with water and rinse with 40% formalin or KMnO4 (can be purchased at pharmacies), then rinse again with clean water and dry. Spawning: - Sprinkle I (one) pairs of parent in a tub after tub of water filled as high as ± 25 cm. Should the water flow. Spreading done at 14:00 to 16:00 hours. - Let the parent for 5-10 days, give intensive food. After ± 10 days, are expected to master a pair of these have been spawned, spawn and within 24 hours the eggs have hatched. Good eggs is a bright yellow. - Give children food that is still small catfish (larva stage) The form of the water flea or mosquito child and after a rather large worms and eggs can be boiled. 3. Spawning in Body Mass Spawning Preparation of mass-spawning tanks: - Create a tub of cement area of 20 m2 or 50 m2, m2 or 2x10 size 5x10 m2. - Outside the tub, attached vessel walls are made nest spawning size 30x30x30 cm 3, which is equipped with channel expenditures seed from paralon (PVC) in diameter 1 inch. Each nest made one paralon hole diameter of 4 inches. - Basic spawning nests were roofed and gravel to place eggs attached to the spawning. - Before use, like a dried and rinsed with a solution disinfectant or formalin, then rinsed with clean water; then dried.
Spawning: - Sprinkle catfish selected parent (mature egg) in a tub seeding as much as 2xjumlah nest, the same male parent much as the female parent or can be sown 25-50 attach to vessel width of 50 m 2 (5x10 m 2), after seeding Tub watered as high as 1 m. - After 10 days the parent in the tub, surutkan water to a height of 50 - 60 cm, mains fed intensively. - Ten days later, the water in the bathtub is raised to above the nest holes so that water reaches a height of 20-25 in the nest cm. - When the water is raised is expected to enter the parent-parent pairs nest spawning, breeding and spawning grounds. Allow up to ± 10 days. - Ten days later disurutkan water again, and is expected telurtelur spawning in the nest has hatched and became the seed of catfish. - The seed is removed through the channel catfish seed expenditure for didederkan in nursery ponds. c. Artificial Spawning This method is called the Induced Breeding or hypophysasi which stimulates catfish to marry by giving injections of a liquid hormone into the body of the fish. Hipophysa hormone from gland hipophysa, the hormone gonadotropin. Gonadotropin function: - Gametogenesis: spur maturation of eggs and sperm, is called Follicel Stimulating Hormone. After 12 hours of injection, eggs ovulation (release of eggs from ovarian tissue). During ovulation, the female fish stomachs will swell gradually slightly because the ovaries to absorb water. When it is time good for sorting stomach (stripping). - Encouraging sexual lust (libido) 2) The treatment and seed treatment a. Swimming for the nursery: 1. Form a pool at weeks 1-2, width 50 cm, length 200 cm, and height 50 cm. Pool wall is made upright, smooth, and slippery, so if rubbing against the body of catfish seeds will not wounding. Slightly tilted toward the floor surface water drainage. The slope was made 3 cm difference between both ends of the floor, where near where the water intake is higher. On floor mounted pralon with a diameter of 3-5 cm and length 10 m. 2. Approximately 10 cm from the dewatering filter installed clipped with 2 wooden frame appropriate to the surface of the pool wall. In between 2 frames fitted piece of plastic mosquito netting mess size from 0.5 to 0.7 mm, then nailed. 3. Each nursery pond installed inlet and pipe water to drain the pond. Expenditures associated with pipe pipe plastics that could serve to regulate the water level of the pond. Pipe The plastic is associated with a hook as a hook. 4. The third week, the seed was transferred to another nursery ponds. The withdrawal may not use nets, but with adjusting the height of the plastic pipe. 5. The new nursery pond size of 100 x 200 x 50 cm, with shape and the same as the previous construction. b. Spacing: 1. Thinning is done to reduce stocking density because of growing catfish toward larger, so the volume ratio between the catfish with a pool is not balanced. - If not done thinning can lead to: - Fish crowded, so the body will hurt. - There was a struggle for food rations and a time to trigger mumculnya cannibalism (the smaller fish eaten by fish larger). - The atmosphere of the pool is not healthy by the stacking of CO2 and NH3, and O2 less once so stunted growth catfish. 2. How thinning on seed catfish: - Sunday 1-2, stocking density ekor/m2 5000 - Sunday 3-4, stocking density ekor/m2 1125 - Sunday 5-6, stocking density of 525 ekor/m2 c. The food: 1. The first day until the third seed from catfish fed bag of egg yolk (yolk sac), which was taken from the hatch. 2. On the fourth day until the second week fed zooplankton, namely Daphnia and Artemia that have a 60% protein. Such foods given at a dose 70% x biomass per day, divided into 4 times of administration. Food spread out around the water intake. Approximately 2-3 days before the end of zooplankton feeding, catfish seeds should be introduced to the food in the form of flour a yield of 50% protein. A bit of flour is given to seed 10-15 minutes before giving zooplankton. Food in the form teoung can be made from egg yolk mixture, flour nestum shrimp and a little porridge. 3. The third week was feed as many as 43% x biomass every day. 4. Fourth week and fifth as much as 32% fed with biomass x every day. 5. Fifth week fed with as much as 21% x biomass every day. 6. The third week was feed as many as 43% x biomass every day. 7. Sixth week already can be tried by giving the floating pellets. d. Packaging and transport of seed 1. How to close: - Strong Plastic bags filled with clean water and seeds included little by little. The air in the plastic removed. O2 from the tube inserted into the water until the volume of air in a plastic 1/3-1/4 section. Tightly tied plastic ends soon. - Plastic contains the seeds of catfish are included in boxes or crates so that not easily broken. 2. How open is if the distance is not too far: - Seed catfish dilaparkan first so that during transport, water not clouded by dirt catfish. (To transport more than 5 hours). - Place catfish filled with clean water, then seeds included little by little. The amount depends on size. Seed size 10 cm can be transported with maximum density 10.000/m3 or 10 fish / liter. Every 4 hours, all water is replaced in the shade. 6.3. Maintenance Enlargement 1) Fertilization a. Prior to use fertilized pond first. Intends to Fertilizing foster animal and vegetable plankton that becomes a natural food for seed catfish. b. Fertilizer used was manure (chicken manure) with dose of 500-700 g/m2. It can also be added urea 15 g/m2, TSP 20 g/m2, and ammonium nitrate 15 g/m2. Furthermore, left for 3 days. c. The pool is filled again with fresh water. At first, 30-50 cm and allowed to for one week until the pool water color changed to brown or greenish bodies which show began many microorganisms that grow- as a natural food catfish. d. Gradually the water level increased, before seed stocked catfish. 2) Providing food a. Natural Foods Catfish 1. Natural food in the form of zooplankton, larvae, worms, and aquatic insects. 2. Food in the form of phytoplankton is Gomphonema spp (gol. Diatome) Anabaena spp (gol. Cyanophyta), Navicula spp (gol. Diatome) Ankistrodesmus spp (gol. Chlorophyta). 3. Catfish also like rotten food that protein. 4. Catfish also like the dirt that comes from the toilet. b. Side dish 1. Maintenance in kecomberan can be given additional food family food scraps, leaves of cabbage, fish bones, chicken bones destroyed, chicken intestine, and carcass. 2. Mixed bran and trash fish (9:1) or a mixture of bran, corn, and snails (2:1:1). c. Artificial Food (Pellet) 1. Material composition (wt%): fish meal = 27.00; bean meal soybean = 20.00; wheat flour = 10.50; groundnut meal 18.00; mung bean flour = 9.00; blood flour = 5.00; bran = 9.00; vitamin = 1.00; mineral = 0.500; 2. The process of manufacture: By way of smoothing ingredients, dough made such pasta, printed and dried until their water content less than 10%. The addition of fat can be given in the form of oil dilumurkan on the pellets before feeding to the catfish. Oil spread also can slow sinking pellets. 3. The way of feeding: - Pellet began to be introduced on catfish during 6 weeks of age and given 10-15 minutes before the catfish feeding in the form of flour. - At week 7 and onwards are to be given directly pellet-shaped food. - Avoid feeding at the time blazing sun, because the temperature levels can reduce appetite catfish. 3) Giving Vaccinations The ways of vaccination before the seeds sown: a. To prevent diseases caused by bacteria, before sown, catfish 2 weeks old first put into formalin solution with dose of 200 ppm for 10-15 minutes. Once vaccinated catfish will be immune for 6 months. b. Prevention of disease because the bacteria can also be done with menyutik with terramycin 1 cc to 1 kg of the parent. c. Prevention of disease because the fungus can be done by soaking catfish in a solution of Malachite Green Oxalate 2.5 to 3 ppm for 30 minutes. 4) Maintenance of Ponds / Pond a. The pool was treated with a dose of 25-200 g/m2 calcification to eradicate pests and germs. b. Water in the pool / tub is cleaned once a month by replacing all these dirty water with clean water that has been precipitated 2 night. c. Pool that has infected the disease must be dried and Calcification done with a dose of 200 g/m2 for one week. Flour lime (CaO) scattered evenly in the bottom of the pool, then allowed to dry further until the bottom of the pond soil cracks.
7. PEST AND DISEASE 7.1. Pests and Diseases a. Pests on catfish are animals that directly interfere with high level catfish life. b. In the wild and in open ponds, which often attacks the pest catfish include: beaver, snakes, frogs, birds, insects, water mongoose, fish cork and eel. c. In the yard, especially in urban areas, pests are often attacking only the frogs and cats. Maintenance intensive catfish is not many pests. Parasitic disease is a disease caused by the organism level low such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are small. 1) Diseases due to Aeromonas and Pseudomonas hydrophilla hydrophylla These bacteria form such as rods with polar flage (whip, located at tip of stem), and the whip is used for moving, measuring from 0.7 to 0.8 x 1 to 1.5 microns. Symptoms: iwarna body becomes dark, coarse skin and arise bleeding, breathing gasping at the surface of the water. Control: maintain the water environment to keep them clean, including water quality. Treatment through diet include: (1) Terramycine a dose of 50 mg / kg fish / day, given for 7-10 days in a row. (2) Sulphonamid as much as 100 mg / kg fish / day for 3-4 days. 2) Tuberculosis Disease Cause: Mycobacterium fortoitum). Symptoms: body-colored fish dark, swollen abdomen (due to tubercle / a pimple on the liver, kidney, and spleen). Position stand on the surface of the water, circling or side-tilted, white spots around the mouth and fins. Control: improve water quality and neighborhood pool. Treatment: with Terramycin mixed with gram/100 5 to 7.5 kg of food fish / day for 5-15 days. 3) Diseases due to fungi / candawan Saprolegnia. These fungi grow into a saprophyte on dead tissue or fish whose condition is weak. Symptoms: The fish covered with a collection of fine threads such as cotton, in areas that have been injured or weak fish, attack cover the head area gills, fins, and body. Attack on egg, the egg is covered with yarn like cotton. Control: seeds spindles and adult fish marinated in Malachyte Green Oxalate 2.5 to 3 ppm for 30 minutes and soaked eggs Malachyte Green Oxalate 0.1 to 0.2 ppm for 1 hour or 5-10 ppm for 15 minutes.
4) White Spot Disease and Itching / Trichodiniasis Cause: Parasitic Ciliate from the classes, the shape is round, sometimes amuboid, has a horseshoe-shaped nucleus, called Ichthyophthirius multifilis. Symptoms: (1) fish being attacked is very weak and always arise in surface water; (2) there are white spots on the skin, fins and Gill, (3) fish often rub the body at the base or wall pool. Control: water quality and quantity must be maintained. Treatment: by soaking the fish with an infection in mixture solution with the solution Formalin 25 cc/m3 Malachyte Green Oxalate 0.1 gram/m3 for 12-24 hours, then the fish were given water fresh. Treatment was repeated after 3 days. 5) Worm Disease Trematoda Cause: The small worm Gyrodactylus and Dactylogyrus. Worms Dactylogyrus attack the gills, while the worm Gyrodactylus attacks the skin and fins. Symptoms: The gills are damaged into the wounds, then arise as a result of bleeding that disturbed breathing. Control: (1) 250 Formalin cc/m3 water soaked for 15 minutes, (2) Methyline Blue 3 ppm for 24 hours, (3) dipping into the fish's body solution-Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) 0.01% for ± 30 minutes, (4) using NaCl solution 2% for ± 30 minutes, (5) can also use NH4OH solution of 0.5% for ± 10 minutes. 6) Parasite Hirudinae Cause: leech Hirudinae, brownish red worms. Symptoms: slow growth, because the blood sucked by the parasite, so that cause anemia / anemia. Control: always observed in while reducing the stocking density and with a solution of 0.5 ppm Diterex. 7.2. Pests Ponds / Pond If the catfish show signs of illness, must be controlled factor cause, then these conditions should be modified, for example: 1) When the temperature is too high, the pool was given temporary shelter and water replaced with the temperature is cooler. 2) When the pH is too low, given a solution of lime 10 gram/100 l of water. 3) When the content of toxic gases (H2S, CO2), the water must be replaced immediately. 4) If the food is less, must be added dose of food.
8. HARVEST 8.1. Arrest Some things to note in harvesting: 1) Catfish are harvested at the age of 6-8 months, except if you want, any time can be harvested. Average weight at that age about 200 grams per head. 2) In Dumbo catfish, harvesting can be done during maintenance 3-4 months with a weight of 200-300 grams per tail. If the maintenance time plus 5-6 months will weigh 1-2 kg with a length of 60-70 cm. 3) Harvesting should be done in the morning so that catfish are not too overheating. 4) Swimming partially drained and the fish caught using seser smooth, hands, lambit, strong or nets. 5) When fishing using a fishing rod, first let the hungry catfish. 6) When fishing using nets, harvesting is conducted simultaneously with feeding, so easy to catch catfish. 7) Once harvested, piaralah catfish the first in the barrel / tub / hapa during 1-2 days without food for the soil and the smell of decaying stench smell disappears. 8) Do it as soon as possible and weighing just once. 8.2. Cleaning After catfish are harvested, the pond should be cleaned as follows: 1) The pool cleaned by sprinkling or insert a lime solution of 20-200 g/m2 on pool wall until blended. 2) Watering was continued with 40% formalin solution or solution kalikus permanganate (PK) in the same way. 3) Swimming rinsed with clean water and dried with heated or direct sunlight. This is done to kill the disease exist in the pool. 9. Postharvest 1) Once harvested, the catfish is cleaned of mud and entrails. Before catfish should be cleaned off first with the beat head wear Muntu or wood. 2) We remove dirt, not to break the gall, because can cause meat tastes bitter. 3) After the entrails removed, catfish can be utilized for various variety of cuisine.
10. RAISING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Business 10.1.Analisis Cultivation Catfish Hatchery Business Analysis Dumbo Bendosewu Village, District Talun, Blitar district are as follows: 1) Production costs a. Land - Land 123 m2 USD. 123 000, - - Pool 9 units Rp. 1.23 million, - - Treatment ponds USD. 60.000, - b. Seed - Females 40 individuals @ Rp. 12,000, - Rp. 480 000, - - Male 10 head @ Rp. 10.000, - Rp. 100.000, - c. Feed - Forage seed Rp. 14,530,300, - - Feed the parent Rp. 4,818,000, - d. Drugs Rp. 42 000, - e. Equipment - Pump air3 pcs @ Rp. 110,000, - Rp. 330 000, - - Diesel 1 pc @ Rp. 600.000, - Rp. 600.000, - - Brush @. Rp. 25.000, - Rp. 25.000, - - 1 pc @ nets. Rp. 150.000, - Rp. 150.000, - - Tub 5 pcs @ USD. 3.000, - Rp. 15.000, - - Bucket 7 bh @. Rp. 3.000, - RpD. 21,000, - - 6 pcs @ selection tools. Rp. 4000, - Rp. 24,000 - - Ciruk 5 pcs @. Rp. 1500, - Rp. 7,500, - - 5 pcs @ scoop. 1,000, - Rp. 5.000, - - Hose Rp. 90,000, - - Paralon Rp. 70.000, - - Maintenance tool Rp. 120.000, - f. Rp labor. 420 000, - g. Other Rp. 492 000, - h. Unexpected costs 10% to Rp. 2,522,800, - Total production costs Rp. 5,045,600, - 2) Income Rp. 2.22 million, - 3) Advantages Rp. 7,174,400, - 4) Parameter feasibility of 25% 5) BEP in units (tail) - Size 1 1138 - Size of 2 325 049 - Size 3 65 010 - Size 4 6501 - Size 5 11 377 - Size 6260 10.2.Gambaran Agribusiness Opportunities Raising catfish, either in hatchery and rearing have a good prospect. Consumer demand for the existence of catfish is increasing. With proper maintenance techniques, then will obtain a satisfactory result of conducting and consumer demand.
Nice article about catfism cultivation
Fish farming is one of the most lucrative business ideas in Nigeria. Thanks for sharing!
waw halaman yang bagus dan artikel yang menarik . Saya senang bisa menemukan artikel ini , karena artikelnya sangat membantu dan bermanfaat untuk saya . ditunggu postingan berikutnya yaaa ...terimakasih
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