Strawberry Cultivation
INTRODUCTION Prospect strowberry agribusiness in Indonesia is quite bright views of market absorption and world demand increases from year to year. In the spirit of PT environmentally friendly. Natural Nusantara role in improving the quantity, quality and sustainability of the environment on the cultivation of this strowberi.
GROWTH CONDITIONS Solar radiation 80-10 hours a day. Rainfall ranges from 600 700 mm per year. Optimum air temperature between 17 ° C - 20 ° C and minimum temperatures between 4 ° C - 5 ° C with humidity 80% - 90%. Altitude ideal place between 1000-2000 m asl
Before the plowed land LAND TREATMENT flooded earlier last night. The next day is about 30 cm deep piracy, after which the land is a new drying mashed.
FORMATION beds form beds with widths 80-120 cm, height 30-40 cm, the distance between beds of 60 cm, length adjusts state land.
Calcification Give dolomite about 100-200 kg per 1000 m2 land suitable conditions.
Sprinkle the fertilizer UREA FERTILIZER BASIC + TSP 20 kg 25 kg + 10 kg KCl and Manure 2-3 tons in 1000 m2. NASA POC tutup/1000 30-60 m2 splashed water added to taste. To obtain better results, POC NASA replaced SUPERNASA way is 1 bottle SUPERNASA diluted in 3 liters as the mother liquor, then take 50 liters of water and add 200 cc tadi.Setelah mother liquor pour it into the bed evenly. 1 bottle SUPERNASA able to 1000-2000 m2
GRANT OF NATURAL GLIO To prevent fungal disease attacks mainly scatter Natural GLIO wilt disease that has been mixed with manure and aged for a week. Natural GLIO 1 package mixed with 25-30 kg of manure to an area of approximately 1000 m2.
INSTALLATION Installation of mulch plastic mulch at the time blazing sun for mulch to expand so as to precisely close the beds properly.
PLANTING HOLE MAKING ± 10 cm diameter holes, with hole distance of 30-50 cm. Models can be planting two rows facing each other form a rectangle.
HOW TO PLANTING Move seedlings along with the medium, seedlings should be conditioned for a month before planting in the garden, and try to roots when planting is not damaged when opening the polybags.
Stitching stitching later than 15-30 days after planting, in the afternoon and immediately watered.
Weeding Weeding done on the weeds / weeds that compete with plant life
Prune the vine that are less productive, lush, and the first flowers to obtain fruit of the prime.
Fertilization Fertilizer aftershocks given at 1.5 to 2 months after planting with NPK (16-16-16) as much as 5 kg dissolved in 200 liters of water, then dikocorkan as much as 350-500 cc / plant.
POC USE NASA + HORMONIK Spray (3-4 cap NASA POC) + (1-2 HORMONIK cap) per 14 liters tank after 2 months at intervals of 7-10 days once.
PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL a. Aphids (Chaetosiphon fragaefolii) Part of being attacked: the lower surface of leaves, flower buds, shoots or young stems. Symptoms: shoots or leaves wrinkled, curly, sometimes hampered the formation of leaves or fruit. Prevention using pentane + AERO 810 or Natural BVR.
b. MITE (Tetranychus Tarsonemus sp-sp) Part of being attacked: leaves, stems, and fruit. Symptoms: yellow leaf spot, brown, curly leaves eventually fall off. Prevention pentane + AERO 810 or NATURAL BVR.
c. Flower weevils (Anthonomus ruby), root weevil (Othiorhychus rugosostriatus), stem borer beetle (O. Sulcatus) Symptoms of attack: the powder form of flour in the section digereknya. Prevention spray PESTONA or pentane + AERO 810 in turn.
DISEASE a. Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae) Part of being attacked: from the roots, leaves, until the plant. Symptoms: Infected leaves initially yellow to brown, heavy attack will cause death in plants. Control: improved drainage, sanitation, gardens, use the Natural GLIO in the early planting.
b. Ripe fruit rot / Ripe Fruit Rot (Colletotrichum fragariae Brooks) Rot Rhizopus / Rhizopus spot (Rhizopus stolonifer) Part of being attacked: fruit. Symptoms: RFR is typical only in the ripe fruit only with rotten fruit with pink spore masses. In the RS, fruit soft rot, watery, cloudy fluid when massaged out. Control: destroy the infected fruit, improve drainage garden, pemulsaan, crop rotation, use the Natural GLIO at the beginning of planting mixed with manure that has been finished.
c. Root rots (Idriella lunata, ulmatum Pythium, Rhizoctonia solani) Part of being attacked: the roots of plants. Symptoms: Idriella cause the ends of the plant roots are black and rotten, sedangkanPhytium limit root cause stem rot at the soil surface is brown to black. While the fungus Rhizoctonia root rot resulting in system-basahan kebasah. Control: remove and destroy heavily infected plants, add lime to the soil, do crop rotation, drainage repair plant, give Natural GLIO at the beginning of planting.
d. Red pith (Phytophtora fragrariae) Part of being attacked: plant roots. Symptoms: plants stunted, leaves may wilt even tudak fresh, if observed root and stem base of infected empulurnya will appear in color on this merah.Penyakit resulted in a great attack on the poor drainage conditions and sour / low pH. Control: improve drainage, liming the soil, crop rotation, use of healthy seeds and avoid mechanical injury to the maintenance, destroy the infected plant weight, combine the Natural GLIO at the beginning of planting. Note: If the control of pests and diseases with natural pesticides has not been overcome, as the last alternative could be to use chemical pesticides are recommended. For spraying is more evenly distributed and not easily lost by rain water add the adhesive wetting Straighten AERO 810 dose of 0.5 bottles per tank cap
HARVEST Strawberry plants begin flowering at the age of 2 months after planting. But the conception or the first flowering should be removed or pruned because the have not been able to produce at its optimum. After a 4-month-old plants begin flowering directed to more productive and berbuah.Panen performed with plucked or clipped section of fruit stalks and their lids, and conducted periodically twice a week.
GROWTH CONDITIONS Solar radiation 80-10 hours a day. Rainfall ranges from 600 700 mm per year. Optimum air temperature between 17 ° C - 20 ° C and minimum temperatures between 4 ° C - 5 ° C with humidity 80% - 90%. Altitude ideal place between 1000-2000 m asl
Before the plowed land LAND TREATMENT flooded earlier last night. The next day is about 30 cm deep piracy, after which the land is a new drying mashed.
FORMATION beds form beds with widths 80-120 cm, height 30-40 cm, the distance between beds of 60 cm, length adjusts state land.
Calcification Give dolomite about 100-200 kg per 1000 m2 land suitable conditions.
Sprinkle the fertilizer UREA FERTILIZER BASIC + TSP 20 kg 25 kg + 10 kg KCl and Manure 2-3 tons in 1000 m2. NASA POC tutup/1000 30-60 m2 splashed water added to taste. To obtain better results, POC NASA replaced SUPERNASA way is 1 bottle SUPERNASA diluted in 3 liters as the mother liquor, then take 50 liters of water and add 200 cc tadi.Setelah mother liquor pour it into the bed evenly. 1 bottle SUPERNASA able to 1000-2000 m2
GRANT OF NATURAL GLIO To prevent fungal disease attacks mainly scatter Natural GLIO wilt disease that has been mixed with manure and aged for a week. Natural GLIO 1 package mixed with 25-30 kg of manure to an area of approximately 1000 m2.
INSTALLATION Installation of mulch plastic mulch at the time blazing sun for mulch to expand so as to precisely close the beds properly.
PLANTING HOLE MAKING ± 10 cm diameter holes, with hole distance of 30-50 cm. Models can be planting two rows facing each other form a rectangle.
HOW TO PLANTING Move seedlings along with the medium, seedlings should be conditioned for a month before planting in the garden, and try to roots when planting is not damaged when opening the polybags.
Stitching stitching later than 15-30 days after planting, in the afternoon and immediately watered.
Weeding Weeding done on the weeds / weeds that compete with plant life
Prune the vine that are less productive, lush, and the first flowers to obtain fruit of the prime.
Fertilization Fertilizer aftershocks given at 1.5 to 2 months after planting with NPK (16-16-16) as much as 5 kg dissolved in 200 liters of water, then dikocorkan as much as 350-500 cc / plant.
POC USE NASA + HORMONIK Spray (3-4 cap NASA POC) + (1-2 HORMONIK cap) per 14 liters tank after 2 months at intervals of 7-10 days once.
PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL a. Aphids (Chaetosiphon fragaefolii) Part of being attacked: the lower surface of leaves, flower buds, shoots or young stems. Symptoms: shoots or leaves wrinkled, curly, sometimes hampered the formation of leaves or fruit. Prevention using pentane + AERO 810 or Natural BVR.
b. MITE (Tetranychus Tarsonemus sp-sp) Part of being attacked: leaves, stems, and fruit. Symptoms: yellow leaf spot, brown, curly leaves eventually fall off. Prevention pentane + AERO 810 or NATURAL BVR.
c. Flower weevils (Anthonomus ruby), root weevil (Othiorhychus rugosostriatus), stem borer beetle (O. Sulcatus) Symptoms of attack: the powder form of flour in the section digereknya. Prevention spray PESTONA or pentane + AERO 810 in turn.
DISEASE a. Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae) Part of being attacked: from the roots, leaves, until the plant. Symptoms: Infected leaves initially yellow to brown, heavy attack will cause death in plants. Control: improved drainage, sanitation, gardens, use the Natural GLIO in the early planting.
b. Ripe fruit rot / Ripe Fruit Rot (Colletotrichum fragariae Brooks) Rot Rhizopus / Rhizopus spot (Rhizopus stolonifer) Part of being attacked: fruit. Symptoms: RFR is typical only in the ripe fruit only with rotten fruit with pink spore masses. In the RS, fruit soft rot, watery, cloudy fluid when massaged out. Control: destroy the infected fruit, improve drainage garden, pemulsaan, crop rotation, use the Natural GLIO at the beginning of planting mixed with manure that has been finished.
c. Root rots (Idriella lunata, ulmatum Pythium, Rhizoctonia solani) Part of being attacked: the roots of plants. Symptoms: Idriella cause the ends of the plant roots are black and rotten, sedangkanPhytium limit root cause stem rot at the soil surface is brown to black. While the fungus Rhizoctonia root rot resulting in system-basahan kebasah. Control: remove and destroy heavily infected plants, add lime to the soil, do crop rotation, drainage repair plant, give Natural GLIO at the beginning of planting.
d. Red pith (Phytophtora fragrariae) Part of being attacked: plant roots. Symptoms: plants stunted, leaves may wilt even tudak fresh, if observed root and stem base of infected empulurnya will appear in color on this merah.Penyakit resulted in a great attack on the poor drainage conditions and sour / low pH. Control: improve drainage, liming the soil, crop rotation, use of healthy seeds and avoid mechanical injury to the maintenance, destroy the infected plant weight, combine the Natural GLIO at the beginning of planting. Note: If the control of pests and diseases with natural pesticides has not been overcome, as the last alternative could be to use chemical pesticides are recommended. For spraying is more evenly distributed and not easily lost by rain water add the adhesive wetting Straighten AERO 810 dose of 0.5 bottles per tank cap
HARVEST Strawberry plants begin flowering at the age of 2 months after planting. But the conception or the first flowering should be removed or pruned because the have not been able to produce at its optimum. After a 4-month-old plants begin flowering directed to more productive and berbuah.Panen performed with plucked or clipped section of fruit stalks and their lids, and conducted periodically twice a week.
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