Cocoa Farming
INTRODUCTIONCocoa is a crop plant perkebunaan promising prospect. But if the land is increasingly hard factors and poor nutrients, especially micro-nutrients and natural hormones, climate and weather factors, factors of pests and plant diseases, and other maintenance factors are not considered then the level of production and quality will be low.
PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help the cocoa farmers to be able to increase its productivity to compete in the era of globalization with a program to improve production in quantity and quality, based on the concept of environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).1. Land Preparation- Clean the weeds and other weeds- Use of cover crops (cover crop), especially species of legumes such as Peuraria javanica, Centrosema pubescens, Calopogonium mucunoides & C. caeraleum to prevent weed growth, especially herbaceous species- Use also used for cover crops such as Leucaena, Gleresidae and Albazia, this crop is planted year before the planting of cocoa and in the third year the number decreased down to 1 tree cacao tree protector for 3 (1: 3)
2. Nurseries- Cocoa beans for seeds taken from the middle of a ripe fruit and healthier than plants that were old enough- Before dikecambahkan seeds must first be cleaned flesh by rubbing ash- Because cocoa beans had no rest period (dormancy), it must immediately dikecambahkan- Germination with gunny sacks in the room, done watering 3 times a day- Prepare a polybag size 30 x 20 cm (0.8 cm thick) and nurseries- Mix the soil with manure (1: 1), enter in polybags- Before the sprouts put add 1 gram of TSP / SP-36 into the individual polybags- Seeds can be used to germinate seeds if 2-3 days over 50%- The distance between polybags of 20 x 20 cm width 100 cm row- High shade tailor-made so that incoming light is not too much- Watering of seedlings performed 1-2 times a day- Weeding weeds look at the state nursery- Fertilization with NPK (2: 1: 2) doses according to age of seedlings, age 1 month: 1 g / seedling, 2 months, 2 g / seedling, 3 months: 3 g / seedling, 4 months: 4 g / seedling. Fertilization by means ditugal- Pour POC NASA with a dose of 0.5 to 1 cap / tree was diluted with enough water or spray with a dose of 4 cap / tank every 2-4 weeks- Spacing roof shade starting at the age of 3 months removed 50% until the age of 4 months- Observe pests and diseases in nurseries, among others, termites, leaf ladybugs, caterpillars inch, white back caterpillars, and caterpillars fire. If infestations are sprayed with 6-8 doses PESTONA cap / tank or Natural BVR dose of 30 g / tank. If there is a fungal disease attacks and Cortisium Phytopthora GLIO Natural spread manure that has been mixed for + 1 week on each tree
3. Cultivationa. Pengajiran- Marking is made from bamboo height 80-100 cm- Replace the stem marker as a benchmark in the next pengajiran- To align the stake using a rope in order to obtain the same spacing
b. Planting hole- The size of planting holes 60 x 60 x 60 cm at the end of the rainy season- Give manure mixed with soil (1:1) plus 1-5 grams of TSP fertilizer per hole
c. Planting Seeds- At the time of cocoa seedlings planted shade trees should have grown well and the shade while the 1-year-old- Planting cocoa with intercropping system does not need shade, such as intercropping with coconut trees- Seedlings transferred to the field in accordance with its type, for cocoa seedlings planted after Noble 6 months of age, Cocoa Lindak age 4-5 months- Planting time is enough rain and shade should be perfect preparation. When the transfer of cocoa seeds should not form the middle of young leaves (flush)
4. Plant Maintenancea. Watering was carried out 2 times a day (morning and evening) as much as 2-5 liters / treeb.Dibuat fertilizer around the plant hole with the way dikoak. Fertilizer included in the manure pit and then closed again. Dose of fertilizer to see in this next table:
Table Fertilizing Crops Brown
Note: It would be better punctuated delivery / plus NASA SUPER 1-2 times / year with a dose of 1 bottle to + 200 plants. 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering each tree.
5. Pest & Disease Controla. Silkworm span (Hyposidea infixaria; Family: Geometridae), attack at the age of 2-4 months. The attack caused severe leaf veins stay young leaves only. Control by PESTONA dose 5-10 cc / liter.
b. Silkworm Jaran / Horse (Dasychira inclusa, Familia: Limanthriidae), there are hairs on the dorsalnya itching like a feather (hair) on the neck of a horse, is at the marke 4 and 5 are white or black, or brown caterpillars are blackish-brown . Control with natural enemies and predators mendosa Carcelia Apanteles spp, spray PESTONA.
c. Parasa lepida and Ploneta diducta (Silkworm Srengenge), carried out the attack after another because both species are quite different life cycles and how to put kokonnya, so that future development will interchangeably. The highest attack on young leaves, buds which is central to life and flowers are still young. Lifecycle Ploneta diducta 1 month, Parasa lepida longer than the Ploneta diducta. Control by PESTONA.
d. Lice - alliance (Pseudococcus lilacinus), a white flea. Symbiosis with black ants. Symptoms of attack: the infection at the base of the fruit in a protected place, further destruction to the fruit that is still small, stunted fruit and eventually dry up and die. Control: plants attacked and burned trimmed, with predatory natural enemies; Scymus sp, black ants, parasitic Coccophagus pseudococci Natural BVR 30 g / 10 liters of water or PESTONA.
e. Helopeltis antonii, jabbed ovipositor to lay their eggs in young fruit, if there is no pest attack young fruit buds and young shoots. The adults are black, medium red chest, resembling the horns look straight. Feature of the attack, the fruit skin is black blotches and dry, stunted fruit growth, fruit stiff and very hard and ugly shape and small fruit dry and then die. Control is carried out with dose PESTONA 5-10 cc / lt (in fruit infected), the first day spray imago stage, day-to-7 carried out tests on eggs and on the 17th day are made to the nymphs who are still alive, so that truly effective control , field sanitation, disposal of infected fruit.
f. Mot cacao (Fruit Moth), Acrocercops cranerella (Family; Lithocolletidae). Fruits attacked by a great young, pale yellow color, seeds in the fruit can not expand and sticky. Control: environmental sanitation garden, fruit chocolate covered with a plastic bag that the bottom remains open (kondomisasi), the release of natural enemies of black ants and the fungus Beauveria bassiana antagonist (BVR) by spraying, spray with PESTONA.
g. Fruit Rot Diseases (Phytopthora palmivora), symptoms of an attack from the tip of the fruit or fruit appears brown at the base of the fruit that has large and small fruit would soon die. Control: remove fruit attacked and burned, regular pruning, spray with Natural GLIO.
h. Mushroom Upas (Upasia salmonicolor), attack the trunk and branches. Control: scrape and paint the stem or branch fell ill with Natural GLIO + HORMONIK, regular trimming, continue attacks cut and then burned.Note: If a pest control using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended use of chemical pesticides. To be more evenly spraying of chemical pesticides and are not easily lost by rainwater add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank.
6. Pruning- Pruning branches aimed at the establishment of a balanced and good vegetative growth. Protective tree pruning is also done for branching and leaves grow tall and good. Trimming there are several kinds:- Prune Form, do the age of 1 year after emerging primary branch (jorquet) or until age 2 years with 3 branches leaving a good primer and located symmetrical.- Crop Care, aims to reduce excessive vegetative growth by removing water shoots (wiwilan) on the main stem or branches.- Crop production, aiming for the light to enter but not directly so the flower can be formed. Crop is depending on the circumstances and seasons, so there is heavy crop in the rainy season and light pruning during the dry season.Restoration Snip, cut plant parts are damaged and maintain shoot water or can be done by side budding.
7. HarvestWhen picking prepare rorak rorak and coordination-picking. Picking carried out on a ripe fruit but not too ripe. Cut the fruit stalks with leaves 1 / 3 part of the fruit stalk. Picking up the base of the fruit will damage the bearings of interest so that the formation of interest disrupted and if this is done continuously, the fruit production will decline. Fruit is picked ages 5.5 to 6 months of flowering, yellow or red. Fruit that has been plucked included in sacks and gathered near rorak. Picking done in the morning and afternoon solving. Solving the fruit with a bang on the stone to crack. Then, seeds removed and placed in sacks, was included in rorak leather available.
8. Processing ResultsFermentation, the initial stage of processing cocoa beans. Aims to simplify remove the pulp, eliminating the ability to grow grain, seed color change and get the aroma and taste delicious.Drying, which has been fermented cocoa beans are dried to prevent mildew attacked by direct sunlight (7-9 days) or with a heating stove at 60-700C (60-100 hours). A good water content of less than 6%.Sorting, to obtain a certain measure of cocoa beans on demand. Terms of quality fermented cocoa beans is not a maximum of 3%, maximum 7% water content, pest and disease attack a maximum of 3% and free of dirt.
PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help the cocoa farmers to be able to increase its productivity to compete in the era of globalization with a program to improve production in quantity and quality, based on the concept of environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).1. Land Preparation- Clean the weeds and other weeds- Use of cover crops (cover crop), especially species of legumes such as Peuraria javanica, Centrosema pubescens, Calopogonium mucunoides & C. caeraleum to prevent weed growth, especially herbaceous species- Use also used for cover crops such as Leucaena, Gleresidae and Albazia, this crop is planted year before the planting of cocoa and in the third year the number decreased down to 1 tree cacao tree protector for 3 (1: 3)
2. Nurseries- Cocoa beans for seeds taken from the middle of a ripe fruit and healthier than plants that were old enough- Before dikecambahkan seeds must first be cleaned flesh by rubbing ash- Because cocoa beans had no rest period (dormancy), it must immediately dikecambahkan- Germination with gunny sacks in the room, done watering 3 times a day- Prepare a polybag size 30 x 20 cm (0.8 cm thick) and nurseries- Mix the soil with manure (1: 1), enter in polybags- Before the sprouts put add 1 gram of TSP / SP-36 into the individual polybags- Seeds can be used to germinate seeds if 2-3 days over 50%- The distance between polybags of 20 x 20 cm width 100 cm row- High shade tailor-made so that incoming light is not too much- Watering of seedlings performed 1-2 times a day- Weeding weeds look at the state nursery- Fertilization with NPK (2: 1: 2) doses according to age of seedlings, age 1 month: 1 g / seedling, 2 months, 2 g / seedling, 3 months: 3 g / seedling, 4 months: 4 g / seedling. Fertilization by means ditugal- Pour POC NASA with a dose of 0.5 to 1 cap / tree was diluted with enough water or spray with a dose of 4 cap / tank every 2-4 weeks- Spacing roof shade starting at the age of 3 months removed 50% until the age of 4 months- Observe pests and diseases in nurseries, among others, termites, leaf ladybugs, caterpillars inch, white back caterpillars, and caterpillars fire. If infestations are sprayed with 6-8 doses PESTONA cap / tank or Natural BVR dose of 30 g / tank. If there is a fungal disease attacks and Cortisium Phytopthora GLIO Natural spread manure that has been mixed for + 1 week on each tree
3. Cultivationa. Pengajiran- Marking is made from bamboo height 80-100 cm- Replace the stem marker as a benchmark in the next pengajiran- To align the stake using a rope in order to obtain the same spacing
b. Planting hole- The size of planting holes 60 x 60 x 60 cm at the end of the rainy season- Give manure mixed with soil (1:1) plus 1-5 grams of TSP fertilizer per hole
c. Planting Seeds- At the time of cocoa seedlings planted shade trees should have grown well and the shade while the 1-year-old- Planting cocoa with intercropping system does not need shade, such as intercropping with coconut trees- Seedlings transferred to the field in accordance with its type, for cocoa seedlings planted after Noble 6 months of age, Cocoa Lindak age 4-5 months- Planting time is enough rain and shade should be perfect preparation. When the transfer of cocoa seeds should not form the middle of young leaves (flush)
4. Plant Maintenancea. Watering was carried out 2 times a day (morning and evening) as much as 2-5 liters / treeb.Dibuat fertilizer around the plant hole with the way dikoak. Fertilizer included in the manure pit and then closed again. Dose of fertilizer to see in this next table:
Table Fertilizing Crops Brown
AGE (months) | Macro fertilizer (per ha) | |||
Urea (kg) | TSP (kg) | MOP/ KCl (kg) | Kieserite (MgSO4) (kg) | |
2 | 15 | 15 | 8 | 8 |
6 | 15 | 15 | 8 | 8 |
10 | 25 | 25 | 12 | 12 |
14 | 30 | 30 | 15 | 15 |
18 | 30 | 30 | 45 | 15 |
22 | 30 | 30 | 45 | 15 |
28 | 160 | 250 | 250 | 60 |
32 | 160 | 200 | 250 | 60 |
36 | 140 | 250 | 250 | 80 |
42 | 140 | 200 | 250 | 80 |
Dst | Soil analysis | |||
Dose POC NASA began early planting: | ||||
0 – 24 | 2-3 cap / diluted sufficiently and around the base of the stem every 4-5 months | |||
> 24 | 3-4 cap / diluted sufficiently and around the base of the stem every 3-4 months (once in a while can also be sprayed into the plant) | |||
Dose NASA POC production at existing plants but not from scratch using NASA POC: | ||||
- Phase 1: Apply 3-4 times in a row at intervals of 1-2 months, 3-4 Dose cap / tree - Phase 2: Apply once every 3-4 months, 3-4 Dose cap / tree |
Note: It would be better punctuated delivery / plus NASA SUPER 1-2 times / year with a dose of 1 bottle to + 200 plants. 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering each tree.
5. Pest & Disease Controla. Silkworm span (Hyposidea infixaria; Family: Geometridae), attack at the age of 2-4 months. The attack caused severe leaf veins stay young leaves only. Control by PESTONA dose 5-10 cc / liter.
b. Silkworm Jaran / Horse (Dasychira inclusa, Familia: Limanthriidae), there are hairs on the dorsalnya itching like a feather (hair) on the neck of a horse, is at the marke 4 and 5 are white or black, or brown caterpillars are blackish-brown . Control with natural enemies and predators mendosa Carcelia Apanteles spp, spray PESTONA.
c. Parasa lepida and Ploneta diducta (Silkworm Srengenge), carried out the attack after another because both species are quite different life cycles and how to put kokonnya, so that future development will interchangeably. The highest attack on young leaves, buds which is central to life and flowers are still young. Lifecycle Ploneta diducta 1 month, Parasa lepida longer than the Ploneta diducta. Control by PESTONA.
d. Lice - alliance (Pseudococcus lilacinus), a white flea. Symbiosis with black ants. Symptoms of attack: the infection at the base of the fruit in a protected place, further destruction to the fruit that is still small, stunted fruit and eventually dry up and die. Control: plants attacked and burned trimmed, with predatory natural enemies; Scymus sp, black ants, parasitic Coccophagus pseudococci Natural BVR 30 g / 10 liters of water or PESTONA.
e. Helopeltis antonii, jabbed ovipositor to lay their eggs in young fruit, if there is no pest attack young fruit buds and young shoots. The adults are black, medium red chest, resembling the horns look straight. Feature of the attack, the fruit skin is black blotches and dry, stunted fruit growth, fruit stiff and very hard and ugly shape and small fruit dry and then die. Control is carried out with dose PESTONA 5-10 cc / lt (in fruit infected), the first day spray imago stage, day-to-7 carried out tests on eggs and on the 17th day are made to the nymphs who are still alive, so that truly effective control , field sanitation, disposal of infected fruit.
f. Mot cacao (Fruit Moth), Acrocercops cranerella (Family; Lithocolletidae). Fruits attacked by a great young, pale yellow color, seeds in the fruit can not expand and sticky. Control: environmental sanitation garden, fruit chocolate covered with a plastic bag that the bottom remains open (kondomisasi), the release of natural enemies of black ants and the fungus Beauveria bassiana antagonist (BVR) by spraying, spray with PESTONA.
g. Fruit Rot Diseases (Phytopthora palmivora), symptoms of an attack from the tip of the fruit or fruit appears brown at the base of the fruit that has large and small fruit would soon die. Control: remove fruit attacked and burned, regular pruning, spray with Natural GLIO.
h. Mushroom Upas (Upasia salmonicolor), attack the trunk and branches. Control: scrape and paint the stem or branch fell ill with Natural GLIO + HORMONIK, regular trimming, continue attacks cut and then burned.Note: If a pest control using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended use of chemical pesticides. To be more evenly spraying of chemical pesticides and are not easily lost by rainwater add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank.
6. Pruning- Pruning branches aimed at the establishment of a balanced and good vegetative growth. Protective tree pruning is also done for branching and leaves grow tall and good. Trimming there are several kinds:- Prune Form, do the age of 1 year after emerging primary branch (jorquet) or until age 2 years with 3 branches leaving a good primer and located symmetrical.- Crop Care, aims to reduce excessive vegetative growth by removing water shoots (wiwilan) on the main stem or branches.- Crop production, aiming for the light to enter but not directly so the flower can be formed. Crop is depending on the circumstances and seasons, so there is heavy crop in the rainy season and light pruning during the dry season.Restoration Snip, cut plant parts are damaged and maintain shoot water or can be done by side budding.
7. HarvestWhen picking prepare rorak rorak and coordination-picking. Picking carried out on a ripe fruit but not too ripe. Cut the fruit stalks with leaves 1 / 3 part of the fruit stalk. Picking up the base of the fruit will damage the bearings of interest so that the formation of interest disrupted and if this is done continuously, the fruit production will decline. Fruit is picked ages 5.5 to 6 months of flowering, yellow or red. Fruit that has been plucked included in sacks and gathered near rorak. Picking done in the morning and afternoon solving. Solving the fruit with a bang on the stone to crack. Then, seeds removed and placed in sacks, was included in rorak leather available.
8. Processing ResultsFermentation, the initial stage of processing cocoa beans. Aims to simplify remove the pulp, eliminating the ability to grow grain, seed color change and get the aroma and taste delicious.Drying, which has been fermented cocoa beans are dried to prevent mildew attacked by direct sunlight (7-9 days) or with a heating stove at 60-700C (60-100 hours). A good water content of less than 6%.Sorting, to obtain a certain measure of cocoa beans on demand. Terms of quality fermented cocoa beans is not a maximum of 3%, maximum 7% water content, pest and disease attack a maximum of 3% and free of dirt.
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