Rice Cultivation
RICE CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE USING SRI (System of Rice Intensification)ORGANIC FERTILIZER USING POWDER 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA)1. The principles of organic rice cultivation using SRI methods1. Young seedlings are less than 12 days after seeding (HSS) when seedlings areleaved 2 pieces.2. Seedlings planted one tree perlubang a distance of 30 x 30, or 35 x 35 or less frequently.3. Move the seedlings should be as soon as possible (less than 30 minutes) and mustcareful not to break roots and be planted shallow.4. The supply of water up to 2 cm (macak-macak) and dried until a certain periodground rupture (Irrigation intermittent / interrupted)5. Weeding since the beginning about 10 days and repeated 2-3 times with intervals of 10 days6. It is advisable to use organic fertilizer, compost, green manure or otherOrganic Fertilizer Powder use 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA) made ofof spices and other ingredients that can restore quicklynutrients and soil micro-organisms that will quickly restore fertilityland and to eliminate weeds that can interfere with growthplant.2. SRI Method of Excellence1. Water Saving Plants, during the growth of from planting to harvest enoughprovide air max 2 cm, best-macak macak about 5 mm and no perioddrying until the soil cracks (Irrigation disconnected).2. Save Money, It takes just 5 kg seed / ha, do not require the removal costs of seed,does not require the cost of moving seedlings, planting less energy, cost of organic fertilizercheap because when using Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 SuperTUGAMA) is 40-50 kg / ha.3. Increased production, in some places could reach 11-15 tonnes / ha,4. Environmentally Friendly, Not using chemicals or pesticides becausereplaced by using organic fertilizer, compost, etc. because if you usePOP 135 (135 Powder Organic Fertilizer made of spices and bahanbahanothers will also function as an organic pesticide that canprevent the emergence of weeds and pests.Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 Super TUGAMA)Page - 23. ORGANIC RICE CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE USING SRI (System of Rice Intensification)1. PREPARATION OF SEEDSeed before sowing tested first in the salt water solution. Salt water solution is a solution which when entered the egg the egg would float. Seed input into the solutionsalt and a good seed is the seed that sank in the solution and the seeds will float should be discarded only. Seed that has been tested in a salt water solution was taken and soaked in the mixture and in water + POP 135 with a ratio of about 5 tablespoons to 10 liters of water or a bucket full of water and soaked for 24 hours. Once completed, the seed and then drained and broodedfor 2 days. Seed soaking water should not be discarded because it can be sprayed on the soil before seed sowing seedlings land. Rice seeding can be done in the paddy fields have been provided or can be also on the medium soil and organic fertilizer in a rectangular container measures 20 x 20 cm (pipiti) for 7 days. After the age of 70-10 days the seedlings are ready to be planted.2. PROCESSING OF LAND OR LAND PLANTINGLand preparation for rice planting SRI methods are not different from the way land preparation for planting rice the conventional way or the old ways in general that is done for the purpose of obtaining a better soil structure for plants. Processing is done two weeks before planting by using a hand hoe or a buffalo or a tractor hoe hands to form the structure of mud.Leveled soil surface to facilitate control and water control. And 3-7 days before planting soil should be sprayed in advance using Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 at a dose that has been determined.3. FertilizationOrganic Fertilizer Powder giving 135 in SRI method is directed to the improvement of soil health and the addition of nutrients reduced after the harvesting and also because of frequent use of chemical fertilizers. Needs organic fertilizer after the first regular use of conventional system is 10 tons / ha, there are also other organic fertilizers are used as much as 1.5 tons / ha in fertilizer Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 Super TUGAMA)Page - 3first after using the conventional system. As for Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA) is 50-10 kg / ha for application by way of the spray (comparison see table 1). Organic fertilizer which performed on stage tillagecarried out continuously in every season and dose of use will be reduced in accordancewith the soil conditions are getting better.Fertilization is second with 135 Powder Organic Fertilizer performed at 15 days old rice is sprayed evenly on the surface of the rice as usual spraying techniques. Furthermore, the third fertilizing with organic fertilizer made Powder 135 at age 30 days of fertilization of paddy rice age four to 45 days for a total of fertilization by means of spraying using 135 Powder Organic Fertilizeris as much as 4 times, but can also be done up to 5 times with an interval of time that we specify. And fertilization will be discontinued if the plant has flowered (paddy terms already pregnant)4. MAINTENANCESystem planting rice with SRI methods do not require a pool of water that continues toagain, enough with the wet soil conditions (macak-macak). Inundationdone only for ease of maintenance only. In practice managementwater in the system of organic rice can be made as follows: at the age of 10-10 DaysAfter Planting (DAP) plant flooded rice with an average height of 1 cm,then at age 10 days weeding done. After weedingplants do not drowned. For the treatment still needs weedingnext, then two days before weeding crops drowned. At the timeflowering plants, flooded crops and after rice crop did not mature milkbecame flooded again until harvest.Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 Super TUGAMA)
POWDER ORGANIC FERTILIZER 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA)POWDER ORGANIC FERTILIZER Fertilizer 135 is for allother plants are made from herbs andother materials that is needed by the soilto restore nutrients and micro-organismssoil so that the function is great for restoringsoil fertility and is a very friendly fertilizerenvironment. POP 135 also can function as wellvegetable organic pesticides or pesticides that canprevent pests and diseases in plants. Organic FertilizerPowder 135 from the Laboratory SucofindoNo.Reg.3127522. andfrom agriculture departmentfood crops in West Java that Organic Fertilizeris a supplementary fertilizer (contentmany micro elements and c / n latio 30.65%)making it suitable for various types of plants.Characteristics of Organic Fertilizer Powder 135, shapedbrown powder, soluble in water, andefficient in use. Benefits of Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 to land andplants are as follows:1. Enrich the soil, neutralizing the damaged solid ground, the soil acidity,normalize the Ph soil, adding nutrients and micronutrients. From the economical toreduce fertilizer costs.2. Reproduce and reinforce the root, zoom in stems, green leaves,strengthen the interest of wind, rain and insect disturbances.3. Use of Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 is used by spraying withwater mixed with an average of 5 grams / liter of water. To use this fertilizer, the land of 1 haonly fertilizer needed by 40 to 50 kg .- Additionally Powder Organic Fertilizer135 can be used as ingredients mixed with other organic fertilizer. Examples of fertilizerscage and composting of chicken manure, cow, buffalo, goat and so on.Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 Super TUGAMA)Page - 8DOSE POWDER ORGANIC FERTILIZER USE 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA)Plants Dose Ways and ApplicationsIn the Land of 5-7 grams / liter of water is sprayed on the soil 3-7days before plantingIn wetland / upland rice andPalawija 2-3 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly on the age15, 30, 45 days / 3-4 times / seasonChili, Tomato, OnionRed and Vegetables 2 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly 10 daysonceCucumber, watermelon, andetc. 2 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly 1 weekonceFruits, grafting,graft. 3-4 grams / liter of waterLeaves sprayed evenly, mediatransplant sprayed 3 weeksonceCash crops, tea,Clove, Coconut, Coffee andsimilar plants.3-4 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly Leaves 1 monthonceAgave / haramay, Patchouli,cotton, citronella, distance,sugarcane, tobacco andsimilar plants.3-4 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly Leaves 1 monthonceOrchid, suplir, Jasmine andother ornamental plants 1 gram / liter of water sprayed 2 weeksDescription:1. 1 (one) Spoon feed = 6 grams POP 1352. CAUTION: Fertilization discontinued if the plant hasflowering.Content of Fertilizer SUCOFINDO 3127522 (Gr / Kg):N = 0.31 P2O5 = 2.25 K = 7.69 Mg = Ca = 0.16 2.91 S = 15.94Micro Elements: F2, CU, Zn, Co, Mn, B and MoIt has been recommended by the Office of Food Crops of West Java ProvinceBy Letter Number: 521-33/4516/SD/Nopember 2002
Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 Super TUGAMA)
The use of chemical fertilizers or chemicals on the plants, without us knowingcan cause various diseases such as shown in the pictureabove. Therefore turn to the use of organic fertilizer incultivate our crops. With organic fertilizer production costs cancheaper, more results / maximum and mostimportant result of our plants are safe for consumption by the body
POWDER ORGANIC FERTILIZER 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA)POWDER ORGANIC FERTILIZER Fertilizer 135 is for allother plants are made from herbs andother materials that is needed by the soilto restore nutrients and micro-organismssoil so that the function is great for restoringsoil fertility and is a very friendly fertilizerenvironment. POP 135 also can function as wellvegetable organic pesticides or pesticides that canprevent pests and diseases in plants. Organic FertilizerPowder 135 from the Laboratory SucofindoNo.Reg.3127522. andfrom agriculture departmentfood crops in West Java that Organic Fertilizeris a supplementary fertilizer (contentmany micro elements and c / n latio 30.65%)making it suitable for various types of plants.Characteristics of Organic Fertilizer Powder 135, shapedbrown powder, soluble in water, andefficient in use. Benefits of Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 to land andplants are as follows:1. Enrich the soil, neutralizing the damaged solid ground, the soil acidity,normalize the Ph soil, adding nutrients and micronutrients. From the economical toreduce fertilizer costs.2. Reproduce and reinforce the root, zoom in stems, green leaves,strengthen the interest of wind, rain and insect disturbances.3. Use of Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 is used by spraying withwater mixed with an average of 5 grams / liter of water. To use this fertilizer, the land of 1 haonly fertilizer needed by 40 to 50 kg .- Additionally Powder Organic Fertilizer135 can be used as ingredients mixed with other organic fertilizer. Examples of fertilizerscage and composting of chicken manure, cow, buffalo, goat and so on.Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 Super TUGAMA)Page - 8DOSE POWDER ORGANIC FERTILIZER USE 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA)Plants Dose Ways and ApplicationsIn the Land of 5-7 grams / liter of water is sprayed on the soil 3-7days before plantingIn wetland / upland rice andPalawija 2-3 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly on the age15, 30, 45 days / 3-4 times / seasonChili, Tomato, OnionRed and Vegetables 2 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly 10 daysonceCucumber, watermelon, andetc. 2 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly 1 weekonceFruits, grafting,graft. 3-4 grams / liter of waterLeaves sprayed evenly, mediatransplant sprayed 3 weeksonceCash crops, tea,Clove, Coconut, Coffee andsimilar plants.3-4 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly Leaves 1 monthonceAgave / haramay, Patchouli,cotton, citronella, distance,sugarcane, tobacco andsimilar plants.3-4 grams / liter of water is sprayed evenly Leaves 1 monthonceOrchid, suplir, Jasmine andother ornamental plants 1 gram / liter of water sprayed 2 weeksDescription:1. 1 (one) Spoon feed = 6 grams POP 1352. CAUTION: Fertilization discontinued if the plant hasflowering.Content of Fertilizer SUCOFINDO 3127522 (Gr / Kg):N = 0.31 P2O5 = 2.25 K = 7.69 Mg = Ca = 0.16 2.91 S = 15.94Micro Elements: F2, CU, Zn, Co, Mn, B and MoIt has been recommended by the Office of Food Crops of West Java ProvinceBy Letter Number: 521-33/4516/SD/Nopember 2002
Organic Fertilizer Powder 135 (POP-135 Super TUGAMA)
The use of chemical fertilizers or chemicals on the plants, without us knowingcan cause various diseases such as shown in the pictureabove. Therefore turn to the use of organic fertilizer incultivate our crops. With organic fertilizer production costs cancheaper, more results / maximum and mostimportant result of our plants are safe for consumption by the body
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