Tiger Shrimp Cultivation
I. Preliminary
Shrimp aquaculture in Indonesia began in the early 1980's, and reached peak production in 1985-1995. So at this period of shrimp is the largest foreign exchange earner in fishery products. After 1995, shrimp production began to decline. It is caused by environmental degradation and disease attack. Seeing these conditions, PT. NATURAL NUSANTARA felt called to help overcome these problems with products that principle to the Quality, Quantity and Sustainability (K-3).
II. Raising the technical
Shrimp cultivation involves several factors, namely:
2.1. Technical Terms
2.2. Type of cultivation.
Based on the location, cost of implementation and operation, type of farming can be divided into:
2.3. Fry
A good fry have this level of life (Survival Rate / SR) is high, their adaptability to environmental change is high, clear colored / pale is either black or red, active, healthy and have a complete organ. Test the quality of fry can be done simply, is put some fries in a container pot or bowl with water, stir the water with a fairly strong for 1-3 minutes. A good and healthy fry will be resistant to mixing it with water to swim against the current round, and after the flow stops, fry remain active.
2.4. Processing of Land
Land management, including:
2.5. Importation of Water
After 3 days left, the water put into the pond. The first water inlet as high as 10-25 cm and let a few days, to allow the seeds to grow after the fertilized plankton TON. After water was added until a minimum of 80 cm. Saponen treatment can be done to kill the fish that enter the pond. To fertilize the plankton before fry stocked, water limed with Dolomite or zeolite with a dose of 600 kg / ha.
2.6. Stocking of fry.
Fry stocking is done after the water so, that after the plankton growth which is characterized by the brightness of approximately 30-40 cm of water. Stocking fry made with caution, because the fries are still weak and the new stress on the environment. Stocking fry stage are:
2.7. Maintenance.
At the beginning of cultivation, preferably in an area sealed with a waring of stocking fry or hapa, to facilitate feeding. The bulkhead can be expanded in accordance with the development of shrimp, 1 week after bulkhead can be opened. In the first month to consider the quality of water should always be stable. Addition or replacement of water made with caution because the shrimp are still vulnerable to drastic changes in water conditions. To maintain the stability of the water, any addition of new water TON treated with a dose of 1-2 bottles of TON / ha to cultivate and nourish plankton and neutralize toxic materials from outside the pond.
From age 30 days of sampling to determine the weight pekembanghan shrimp with shrimp. Shrimp are normal at the age of 30 days has reached size (number of shrimp / kg) 250-300. For further sampling conducted once every 7-10 days. Production of dissolved organic material that come from the feces and food remains high enough, therefore the water should be treated zeolite lime every few days with a dose of 400 kg / ha. At every turn of a new or additional water remains treated TON.
From age 60 days and above, which must be considered is the water quality management and control of the condition of the shrimp. Each indicating poor water conditions (indicated by the color of turbid, low brightness) immediately made the turn of the water and the treatment of TON 1-2 bottles / ha. If the concentration of organic material in the ponds of the higher, causing the water quality / environment also declining shrimp, shrimp consequently prone to stress, which is characterized by not eating, dirty and still in the corners of the pond, which can lead to cannibalism.
2.8. Harvest.
Shrimp harvested due to the achievement of harvest weight (normal harvest) and for developing the disease (emergency harvest). Normal harvest is usually done at ages less than 120 days, with an average normal size 40-50. Emergency harvest was made if a malignant disease of shrimp on a large scale (eg SEMBV / white spots). Because if not harvested soon, shrimp will run out / off.
Shrimp are harvested with the requirements of good quality is a large, hard skin, clean, smooth, shining, full body tools, is still alive and fresh. Catching shrimp at harvest can be done with a mesh stocking or drag nets and taken by hand. When the harvest is good the night or early morning, so that the shrimp are not exposed to hot sun so that the shrimp are dead are not quickly become red / damaged.
III. Shrimp feed.
There are two kinds of shrimp feed, which is natural food which consists of plankton, small snails, small worms, insects and detritus of children (the rest of decaying plants and animals). The feed is another form of artificial feed pellets. On a semi-intensive cultivation especially intensive, artificial feeding is necessary. Due to the high density, natural food that is not enough to result in stunted growth of shrimp and shrimp cannibalistic nature will arise.
Shrimp pellets are distinguished by a different numbering in accordance with the normal growth of shrimp.
a. Age 1-10 days feed 01
b. Age 11-15 mixture of 01 to 02 days
c. Age 16-30 days feed 02
d. Age 30-35 mixture of 02 with 03
e. Age 36-50 days feed 03
f. Age 51-55 mixture of 03 with 04 or 04S
(If using 04S, given up to age 70 days).
g. Age 55 to 04 food crops, at the age of 85 days if the average size reaches 50, 05 are used to harvest food.
Initial feed requirements for every 100,000 of the tail is 1 kg, then once every 7 days plus 1 kg up to the age of 30 days. Starting age was carried out checks with ancho ancho amount of feed in 10% of the feed given. Time to lift ancho 1000-166 size is 3 hours, 166-66 size is 2.5 hours, size 66-40 is 2.5 hours and less than 40 is 1.5 hours of administration.
To increase shrimp growth, need to complete the addition of nutrients in feed. To that end, the feed should be mixed with the NASA POC contains essential minerals, protein, fat and vitamins at a dose of 5 cc / kg feed for 60 days dibwah age and after that 10 cc / kg of feed until harvest.
IV. Diseases.
Some diseases that often attack the shrimp;
A. White spots. This disease is the cause of most of the failures of shrimp farming. Caused by a viral infection SEMBV (Systemic Ectodermal mesodermal Baculo Virus). The attacks are very fast, within a few hours the entire population of shrimp in a pond can die. Symptoms: if the shrimp is still alive, swimming on the surface irregular and died instantly when struck embankment, the white spots on the shell (carapace), are very sensitive to environmental changes. The virus can multiply and spread through the host, the wild crab and shrimp, white shrimp in particular. There is no cure for this disease, how to deal with it is arranged so that no crab and shrimp aquaculture ponds into the wild. Pond ecosystem stability should be maintained so the shrimp do not stress and high durability. So that although it has been infected with viruses, still able to live until shrimp are large enough to be harvested. To maintain the stability of the pond ecosystem pond needs to be fostered by a TON.
2. Black Spot / Black Spot. Caused by a virus monodon Baculo Virus (MBV). Visible sign that there are black spots on the shell and is usually followed by a bacterial infection, so other symptoms appear that the damage to the shrimp body. How to prevent: to always keep the quality of pond water and basic sanitation.
3. White feces / diarrhea. Caused by high concentrations of manure and ammonia gas in the pond. Symptoms: easy to see, namely the white dirt in the corner of the pond (in the direction of the wind), also followed by a decrease in appetite, so for a long time can cause death. How to prevent: keep the quality of water and sewage expenditures made pond bottom / siphon on a regular basis.
4. Red gills. Characterized by the formation of red in the gills. Due to the high acidity of pond water, so how to cope with the spreading of lime on a pond aquaculture. Land management should also be upgraded.
5. Necrosis. Caused by high concentrations of bacteria in pond water. The visible symptoms of damage / injury that is black on the tool body, especially on the tail. The fix is a replacement of water treatments plus a maximum of 1-2 TON bottle / ha, while the shrimp are encouraged to immediately change the skin (molting) by administering saponen or with calcification.
Diseases of the shrimp is largely due to a decrease in the quality of aquaculture ponds. Therefore, treatment is necessary TON well as land management as well as a new water intake.
Shrimp aquaculture in Indonesia began in the early 1980's, and reached peak production in 1985-1995. So at this period of shrimp is the largest foreign exchange earner in fishery products. After 1995, shrimp production began to decline. It is caused by environmental degradation and disease attack. Seeing these conditions, PT. NATURAL NUSANTARA felt called to help overcome these problems with products that principle to the Quality, Quantity and Sustainability (K-3).
II. Raising the technical
Shrimp cultivation involves several factors, namely:
2.1. Technical Terms
- The location is suitable for shrimp farming in coastal areas that have a clay or clay-textured soils are easily compacted sand so it can hold water and not easily broken.
- The water well is brackish water with salinity of 0-33 ppt with optimal temperature 26 - 300C and is free from harmful chemical contamination.
- Having entered the water channel / inlet and exit drains / outlet separate.
- Easy to get the means of production are fry, feed, fertilizer, medicine and others.
- In intensive pond should be available flow of electricity or to have its own generator.
2.2. Type of cultivation.
Based on the location, cost of implementation and operation, type of farming can be divided into:
- Extensive or traditional ponds.
- Semi-Intensive Pond.
- Intensive Pond.
2.3. Fry
A good fry have this level of life (Survival Rate / SR) is high, their adaptability to environmental change is high, clear colored / pale is either black or red, active, healthy and have a complete organ. Test the quality of fry can be done simply, is put some fries in a container pot or bowl with water, stir the water with a fairly strong for 1-3 minutes. A good and healthy fry will be resistant to mixing it with water to swim against the current round, and after the flow stops, fry remain active.
2.4. Processing of Land
Land management, including:
- Appointment of mud. Every culture must leave the remainder in the form of sludge organic cultivation of food remains, faeces of shrimp and dead shrimp. The dirt should be removed because it is a dangerous poison shrimp. Expenditure mud can be done by mechanical means using a hoe or a water pump suction / Alkon.
- Reversal of Land. Soil in the bottom of the pond needs to be reversed by hijacked or hoe to release toxic gases (H2S and ammonia) are bound to the soil particle, for the soil and kill seedlings menggemburkan panyakit because the sun / ultra violet.
- Liming. Aims to neutralize the acidity of the soil and kill germs. Performed with zeolite and dolomite lime with each dose of 1 ton / ha.
- Drying. After the limed soil, allow it to dry and the soil became cracked, to kill germs.
- Treatment TON fertilizer (Organic Pond Nusantara). To restore soil fertility and accelerate the growth of natural food / plankton and neutralize toxic compounds, the land should be treated with a dose of 5 TON bottle / ha for ponds that are still good or are new and 10 bottles of TON to the pond area that is damaged. Do I enter a TON into the water, then stir until dissolved. Pour evenly into all areas of fishponds.
2.5. Importation of Water
After 3 days left, the water put into the pond. The first water inlet as high as 10-25 cm and let a few days, to allow the seeds to grow after the fertilized plankton TON. After water was added until a minimum of 80 cm. Saponen treatment can be done to kill the fish that enter the pond. To fertilize the plankton before fry stocked, water limed with Dolomite or zeolite with a dose of 600 kg / ha.
2.6. Stocking of fry.
Fry stocking is done after the water so, that after the plankton growth which is characterized by the brightness of approximately 30-40 cm of water. Stocking fry made with caution, because the fries are still weak and the new stress on the environment. Stocking fry stage are:
- Adaptation of the temperature. Plastic containers fries soaked for 15 30 minutes, so that the adjustment of the temperature of the water in the pool and in the plastic.
- Adaptation of air. Plastic is opened and folded at the edges. Leave it open and floating for 15 30 minutes for the air exchange with the air of free air in water in plastic.
- Adaptation to salinity / salinity. Done by splashing pond water into the plastic for 10 minutes. The goal is to enable the mixing of different water salinity, so the shrimp can adapt to the salinity of pond water.
- Expenditure fries. Done by incorporating some of the plastic tip into the pond water. Allow yourself to fry out of the pond water. The rest of the fries that do not go out alone, can be incorporated into the pond with slowly.
2.7. Maintenance.
At the beginning of cultivation, preferably in an area sealed with a waring of stocking fry or hapa, to facilitate feeding. The bulkhead can be expanded in accordance with the development of shrimp, 1 week after bulkhead can be opened. In the first month to consider the quality of water should always be stable. Addition or replacement of water made with caution because the shrimp are still vulnerable to drastic changes in water conditions. To maintain the stability of the water, any addition of new water TON treated with a dose of 1-2 bottles of TON / ha to cultivate and nourish plankton and neutralize toxic materials from outside the pond.
From age 30 days of sampling to determine the weight pekembanghan shrimp with shrimp. Shrimp are normal at the age of 30 days has reached size (number of shrimp / kg) 250-300. For further sampling conducted once every 7-10 days. Production of dissolved organic material that come from the feces and food remains high enough, therefore the water should be treated zeolite lime every few days with a dose of 400 kg / ha. At every turn of a new or additional water remains treated TON.
From age 60 days and above, which must be considered is the water quality management and control of the condition of the shrimp. Each indicating poor water conditions (indicated by the color of turbid, low brightness) immediately made the turn of the water and the treatment of TON 1-2 bottles / ha. If the concentration of organic material in the ponds of the higher, causing the water quality / environment also declining shrimp, shrimp consequently prone to stress, which is characterized by not eating, dirty and still in the corners of the pond, which can lead to cannibalism.
2.8. Harvest.
Shrimp harvested due to the achievement of harvest weight (normal harvest) and for developing the disease (emergency harvest). Normal harvest is usually done at ages less than 120 days, with an average normal size 40-50. Emergency harvest was made if a malignant disease of shrimp on a large scale (eg SEMBV / white spots). Because if not harvested soon, shrimp will run out / off.
Shrimp are harvested with the requirements of good quality is a large, hard skin, clean, smooth, shining, full body tools, is still alive and fresh. Catching shrimp at harvest can be done with a mesh stocking or drag nets and taken by hand. When the harvest is good the night or early morning, so that the shrimp are not exposed to hot sun so that the shrimp are dead are not quickly become red / damaged.
III. Shrimp feed.
There are two kinds of shrimp feed, which is natural food which consists of plankton, small snails, small worms, insects and detritus of children (the rest of decaying plants and animals). The feed is another form of artificial feed pellets. On a semi-intensive cultivation especially intensive, artificial feeding is necessary. Due to the high density, natural food that is not enough to result in stunted growth of shrimp and shrimp cannibalistic nature will arise.
Shrimp pellets are distinguished by a different numbering in accordance with the normal growth of shrimp.
a. Age 1-10 days feed 01
b. Age 11-15 mixture of 01 to 02 days
c. Age 16-30 days feed 02
d. Age 30-35 mixture of 02 with 03
e. Age 36-50 days feed 03
f. Age 51-55 mixture of 03 with 04 or 04S
(If using 04S, given up to age 70 days).
g. Age 55 to 04 food crops, at the age of 85 days if the average size reaches 50, 05 are used to harvest food.
Initial feed requirements for every 100,000 of the tail is 1 kg, then once every 7 days plus 1 kg up to the age of 30 days. Starting age was carried out checks with ancho ancho amount of feed in 10% of the feed given. Time to lift ancho 1000-166 size is 3 hours, 166-66 size is 2.5 hours, size 66-40 is 2.5 hours and less than 40 is 1.5 hours of administration.
To increase shrimp growth, need to complete the addition of nutrients in feed. To that end, the feed should be mixed with the NASA POC contains essential minerals, protein, fat and vitamins at a dose of 5 cc / kg feed for 60 days dibwah age and after that 10 cc / kg of feed until harvest.
IV. Diseases.
Some diseases that often attack the shrimp;
A. White spots. This disease is the cause of most of the failures of shrimp farming. Caused by a viral infection SEMBV (Systemic Ectodermal mesodermal Baculo Virus). The attacks are very fast, within a few hours the entire population of shrimp in a pond can die. Symptoms: if the shrimp is still alive, swimming on the surface irregular and died instantly when struck embankment, the white spots on the shell (carapace), are very sensitive to environmental changes. The virus can multiply and spread through the host, the wild crab and shrimp, white shrimp in particular. There is no cure for this disease, how to deal with it is arranged so that no crab and shrimp aquaculture ponds into the wild. Pond ecosystem stability should be maintained so the shrimp do not stress and high durability. So that although it has been infected with viruses, still able to live until shrimp are large enough to be harvested. To maintain the stability of the pond ecosystem pond needs to be fostered by a TON.
2. Black Spot / Black Spot. Caused by a virus monodon Baculo Virus (MBV). Visible sign that there are black spots on the shell and is usually followed by a bacterial infection, so other symptoms appear that the damage to the shrimp body. How to prevent: to always keep the quality of pond water and basic sanitation.
3. White feces / diarrhea. Caused by high concentrations of manure and ammonia gas in the pond. Symptoms: easy to see, namely the white dirt in the corner of the pond (in the direction of the wind), also followed by a decrease in appetite, so for a long time can cause death. How to prevent: keep the quality of water and sewage expenditures made pond bottom / siphon on a regular basis.
4. Red gills. Characterized by the formation of red in the gills. Due to the high acidity of pond water, so how to cope with the spreading of lime on a pond aquaculture. Land management should also be upgraded.
5. Necrosis. Caused by high concentrations of bacteria in pond water. The visible symptoms of damage / injury that is black on the tool body, especially on the tail. The fix is a replacement of water treatments plus a maximum of 1-2 TON bottle / ha, while the shrimp are encouraged to immediately change the skin (molting) by administering saponen or with calcification.
Diseases of the shrimp is largely due to a decrease in the quality of aquaculture ponds. Therefore, treatment is necessary TON well as land management as well as a new water intake.
Excellent article on shrimp farming
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