Clove cultivation
Clove is one of the high-value agricultural commodity economy. Both
as a spice, clove cigarette ingredient or ingredients in the
manufacture of essential oils, but when the planting and maintenance of
other factors not addressed the production and quality will be low.PT. NATURAL
NUSANTARA trying to play a role in the increased production of the K-3,
namely quantity, quality and maintain environmental sustainability.
Plant grows optimally at 300-600 dpal with temperature 22 °
-30 ° C, precipitation of the desired 1500 4500 mm / year- Soil solum loose with the minimum of 2 m, not berpadas with optimal pH 5.5 to 6.5. Latosol soil type, red podzolic andosoldan good to be a pimento plantation.III. NURSERIES
- Create a raised bed for shade with a width of 1 to 1.2 m and length according to the needs of the longitudinal direction south to north. Right and left raised bed made deep ditch 20 cm wide and 50 cm. Shade above the bed is made as high as 1.8 m 1.2 m to the east and the south, the light intensity of 75%.
- The seeds embedded in the media in polybag size 15 cm x 20 cm (for seed to be moved at the age of 1 year) or a size 20 cm x 25 cm (for seed to be moved at age 2 years) that the bottom has been hollowed 2.5 with a distance of 2 mm x 2 cm. Media used fine sand, soil and manure in the ratio 2: 1: 1, and provide Natural GLIO per 20 25 kg of manure that has been finished and brooded over the ± 2 weeks. And before the seed is planted flush with the ground NASA POC 5 ml / lt of water or 0.5 caps per liter of water. Then the poly-stacking on the prepared seedbed.
- Watering is done twice a day. Weeding is done 2-3 times a month adjusted to the growth of weeds. The intensity of shading is slowly reduced gradually down to 40% when seed was transferred to the field.
- Fertilization with NPK performed with a dose of 10 g / tree / year or with Urea, SP-36 and KCl with each dose of 3.5 g / seed / year. Fertilizer is given once every 3 months while for granted in polybags of 1.5 months.
Note: It would be better punctuated seeding / SUPERNASA interval plus four months at a dose of one bottle to ± 400 seedlings. 1 bottle SUPERNASA diluted in 4 liter (4000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then every 1 liter was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering each seedling.IV. CREATE A MAKER
Create a maker done on the block to facilitate planting plants with spacing
of 8 x 8 m with a pattern of squares or rectangles.V. PLANTING
Hoes land that has been given a marker with the size of the planting hole 75 x 75 x 75 cm. Perform planting at the beginning of the rainy season. Give manure 25-50 kg which had been mixed with one pack of Natural GLIO and 1.5 - 2 kg of dolomite, mix until blended. Put 5-10 kg of mixture per planting hole. Enter the seed and soil clumps into the hole to the limit of the root neck. Give artificial shade as high as 30 cm with an intensity 50%. Pour evenly POC NASA with a dose of 2-3 ml / liter of water per seed or spray dose of 2 POC NASA cap / tank. The results will be great to use SUPERNASA by: 1 bottle SUPERNASA diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) was used as the mother liquor. Then in 1 liter of water was added 10 ml of mother liquor is then provided for each tree.VI. PLANT MAINTENANCE shade settings done between 4-6 months.
VII. Fertilization
| |||
| |
0,5 | 50 | 25 | 35 | 50 |
1 | 100 | 50 | 75 | 100 |
2 | 150 | 75 | 125 | 150 |
3 | 200 | 100 | 150 | 200 |
4 | 500 | 200 | 400 | 400 |
5 | 750 | 300 | 600 | 500 |
6 | 1000 | 400 | 800 | 750 |
7 | 1500 | 500 | 1000 | 1000 |
8 | 2200 | 600 | 1250 | 2000 |
9 | 2600 | 700 | 1500 | 2500 |
10 | 3000 | 800 | 1750 | 2900 |
11 | 3500 | 900 | 2000 | 3300 |
12 | 3500 | 900 | 2250 | 3800 |
- When given the first two periods of fertilizer application for early rainy season (September-October) and the second at the end of the rainy season (March-April).
- Pour SUPERNASA or POWER NUTRITION dose of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water per tree every 3-6 months
- Spray the NASA POC dosage 3-4 caps 1-2 + dose HORMONIK cap per tank every 1-2 months until age 5 years.
VIII. PEST and DISEASE CONTROL. Aphids (Coccus viridis)Part of the attack: the young twigs, young leaves. Symptoms: Growth has sucked dry twig will stop eg, leaves and flowers dry and fall off. Preventive use of pentane + BVR AERO 810 or NaturalB. Twig borer / trunk (Xyleborus sp)Part of the attack: branches / trunk. Symptoms: Liang gerekan a small hole, causing the onslaught of twigs / stems become brittle and easily patah.Pengendalian: Prune branches / stem is attacked, preventing use or Natural PESTONA BVR.C. Ladybug Helopeltis (Helopeltis sp)Part of the attack: shoots or young leaves. Symptoms: Usually shoots and young leaves will die berguguran.Pencegahan: Natural Spray or PESTONA BVR.D. Single die of disease (bacteria Xylemlimited bacterium).Affected parts: roots, young twigs. Symptoms: the death of twigs at the ends of the leaves followed by death tanaman.Gugurnya branches simultaneously. Control: setting a good drainage, tilling the soil, preventing kocorkan NASA POC + + NATURAL HORMONIK GLIO.E. Root rot disease (Rhizoctonia and Phytopthora Pytium).Part of the attack: the roots. Symptoms: in the nursery plants die suddenly, the dried leaves of mature plants from the lower branches. Control: if the attack was vicious then the affected plant dismantled and destroyed, the plant holes give 200 g of sulfur powder evenly, or the isolation of the affected plants to create a channel isolation, improve drainage, use Natural GLIO early planting for prevention.Note: If the control of pests and diseases with natural pesticides have not been overcome, can be used as a last alternative to chemical pesticides is recommended. In order to spray more evenly and not easily lost by rain water add Grader wetting adhesive AERO 810 0.5 doses per tank lidIX. HARVESTCloves can begin to be harvested from mature plants and 4.5 to 6.5 years, to obtain good quality flowers are picked when ripe pimento picking, which is visible when the flower heads are full but not yet opened. Mature plants generally do not pick any in unison and plucking can be repeated every 10-14 days for 3-4 months. Flowers per cluster cloves plucked leaves just above the last book. Flowers that have been learned and incorporated into the basket / small bag and taken to the processing.X. POST-HARVEST HANDLING- Sorting fruit. Perform separation of the stems and place flowers at different places.- Curing. Performed during the first days of curing is done to fix the color to brown shiny clove.- Drying. Drying can be done with a dryer that uses firewood or fuel minyak.Dapat also dried by natural drying in the sun on the concrete floor to be 12-14% water content, and can be stored and safe from mold.- Sorting. At this stage, cloves separated from impurities by ditampi. Then cloves that have been included in net bags and sewn.
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