Beef Cattle Farming
I. Introduction.The majority of beef cattle breeding business is still with the traditional pattern and scale of a sideline business. This
is due to the large investment if done on a large and modern, with the
scaleeven small will get a good profit if done with the principles of
modern farming. PT. NATURAL
NUSANTARA with the principle of K-3 (Quantity, Quality and Health) to
help beef cattle feedlot farming for both large and small scale
II. FatteningFattening of beef cattle are the maintenance of mature cows in thin condition to be improved through the enlargement of the meat weight in a relatively short (3-5 months).Some issues related to fattening beef cattle are:
A. Types of Beef Cattle.Several types are used for feeder cattle in the fattening of beef cattle in Indonesia are:
A. Bali cattle.Characteristic red color with white on the legs from the knees down and on the buttocks, the back striped black (line eel). The advantages of this cow can adapt well to the new environment.
B. Ongole cattle.Characteristic white with black in some parts of the body, flabby and humped, and the good adaptation. These types have been crossed with Madura cattle, the offspring is called Peranakan Ongole (PO) characteristics similar to Ongole cattle but lower production capacity.
C. Brahman cows.Characteristic brown to dark brown, with white on the head. The rapid growth, so that the star of beef cattle in Indonesia.
D. Madura cattle.Has a characteristic hump, yellow to red brick, sometimes there are white on the muzzle, tail and lower legs. These breeds have low body weight accretion of power.
E. Limousin cattle.Have a characteristic black color varies with red brick and white, there is white on the muzzle of his head, big body and has a good production level
2. Elections going.Going to be an important factor because it can determine the final fattening. The selection of feeder requires precision, flair and experience. The characteristics of a good feeder are:
Age of 2.5 years.
Male gender.
Length of the body shape, round and wide, a minimum length of 170 cm at least 135 cm shoulder height, chest circumference of 133 cm.
Thin body, bones protruding, but still healthy (thin from lack of food, not because of illness).
Bright shining eyes and soft fur.
Normal dirt
III. Maintenance Treatment.3.1. Cage.In general, the cage has two types, namely individuals and groups. At the individual cages, each occupying its own place cow measuring 2.5 X 1.5 m. This type can spur more rapid growth, as there was no competition in getting the food and have limited space, so that the energy obtained from food is used for basic living and production of meat is not lost as many moves. In the cage group, going in the fattening period are placed in one cage. One cow requires more space than an individual cage. The weakness of this type of enclosure that is happening in the competition to get the feed that cows are more likely to rapidly grow stronger rather than weaker, as more get the feed.
3.2. Feed.Under the conditions fisioloigis and digestive system, cows classified as ruminants, because digestion through three processes, which are mechanically in the mouth with the help of saliva (saliva), a Fermentative in the rumen with the help of rumen microbes and enzymatically after passing through the rumen.Research shows that by relying on fattening feed the forage alone, does not provide optimum results and take a long time. One way to speed up the fattening is to feed a combination of forage and concentrates. The concentrate used was the beer dregs, dregs know, bagasse, rice bran, soybean seed coat, leather-made pineapple and feed mill. The concentrate is given in advance to feed the rumen microbes, so that when the forage feed into the rumen, rumen microbes have been prepared and actively digesting forage. Feed requirements (in dry weight) per head was 2.5% weight. Forage used is rice straw, sugarcane leaves, corn leaves, reeds and wild grasses as low-quality feed and elephant grass, Setaria kolonjono as high-quality feed.Determination of feed quality on the basis of high and low content of nutrients (food substances) and crude fiber content. Low-quality forage feed containing high crude fiber that are difficult to digest because there are poorly soluble lignin by digestive enzymes.
Therefore, PT. NATURAL NUSANTARA also issued a special supplement, namely cattle VITERNA Plus, NASA POC, and HORMONIK. These products, especially products VITERNA Plus uses technology that was created with the amino acids the body's physiological approach to cattle, by examining a variety of nutrients needed cattle.
VITERNA Plus contains a variety of nutrients needed cattle, namely:
Minerals as a constituent of bone, blood and play a role in the synthesis of enzymes, namely N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, and others.
Amino acids, that is Arginine, Histidine, Leucine, isoleucine and others as building blocks of protein, and cell-forming organs.
Vitamins serve to complete the course of normal physiological processes of the body and increases resistance of the cattle disease.
Acids - essential organic acids, including propionic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid.
While giving NASA POC containing various minerals essential to the growth of livestock, such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe etc. and is equipped protein and fats, can increase the growth of cattle daily weight, improve endurance cattle, reducing the levels of cholesterol meat and reduce the smell of dirt.While HORMONIK function more as growth regulators for the cattle. Where this formula will help improve overall animal growth.How to use it is to be mixed in drinking water or feed concentrate komboran. Do the following:
Plus VITERNA Mix 1 bottle (500 cc) and a NASA POC bottle (500 cc) into a special container. Add to the mix the solution with 20 cc HORMONIK. Stir or shake until evenly mixed.
Subsequently given to cattle at a dose of 10 cc per tail. Interval 2 times a day, ie morning and evening.
3.3. Disease Control.In disease control, a more mainstream do is prevention rather than treatment of disease, due to drug use will increase production costs and no guarantee of success of the treatment performed. Prevention efforts can be done to maintain the health of cattle are:
a. Utilization of home quarantine. The new calves should be quarantined in a separate cage, with the aim to monitor the presence of certain symptoms that are not known at the time of the purchase process. In addition also to adapt cattle to the new environment. At the time of quarantined cattle, de-worming should be given due largely based on studies of cattle in Indonesia (especially cow people) had worms. This disease is not deadly, but it will reduce the speed of weight gain when fattened. When cattle are quarantined for a week of healthy cows and cows with newly issued hospital after a healthy cow. Quarantine cage in addition to the new cattle are also used to separate the old cows were sick in order not to spread to other healthy cows.
b. Keeping the cage clean and calves. Intensively fattened cows that will produce a lot of dirt because obtaining sufficient food, so that the sewage should be made at any time if it starts a dirty cage to prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses that cause disease.
c. Vaccination for the new feeder. Enough vaccine made at the time the cow was in quarantine cages. Vaccination is important is the anthrax vaccination.Several types of diseases that can subjugate cattle are worms, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), bloating (Bloat) and others.
IV. Meat Production.Factors that influence the production of meat isA. Feed.Forage quality and optimal amounts of either will affect the quality of meat. Treatment of feed with the NPB will increase the digestibility of feed, especially for low-quality forage while giving VITERNA Plus provides a variety of nutrients needed to beef cattle will grow faster and healthier.
2. Genetic factors.Animals with good genetic quality will grow well / quickly so that the production of meat is higher.
3. Sex.Male cattle livestock grow faster than females, so that at the same age, male animals have a body and a larger meat.
4. Management.Maintenance with good management to make cattle grow faster and healthier form of meat, so that the fattening period is becoming shorter.
II. FatteningFattening of beef cattle are the maintenance of mature cows in thin condition to be improved through the enlargement of the meat weight in a relatively short (3-5 months).Some issues related to fattening beef cattle are:
A. Types of Beef Cattle.Several types are used for feeder cattle in the fattening of beef cattle in Indonesia are:
A. Bali cattle.Characteristic red color with white on the legs from the knees down and on the buttocks, the back striped black (line eel). The advantages of this cow can adapt well to the new environment.
B. Ongole cattle.Characteristic white with black in some parts of the body, flabby and humped, and the good adaptation. These types have been crossed with Madura cattle, the offspring is called Peranakan Ongole (PO) characteristics similar to Ongole cattle but lower production capacity.
C. Brahman cows.Characteristic brown to dark brown, with white on the head. The rapid growth, so that the star of beef cattle in Indonesia.
D. Madura cattle.Has a characteristic hump, yellow to red brick, sometimes there are white on the muzzle, tail and lower legs. These breeds have low body weight accretion of power.
E. Limousin cattle.Have a characteristic black color varies with red brick and white, there is white on the muzzle of his head, big body and has a good production level
2. Elections going.Going to be an important factor because it can determine the final fattening. The selection of feeder requires precision, flair and experience. The characteristics of a good feeder are:
Age of 2.5 years.
Male gender.
Length of the body shape, round and wide, a minimum length of 170 cm at least 135 cm shoulder height, chest circumference of 133 cm.
Thin body, bones protruding, but still healthy (thin from lack of food, not because of illness).
Bright shining eyes and soft fur.
Normal dirt
III. Maintenance Treatment.3.1. Cage.In general, the cage has two types, namely individuals and groups. At the individual cages, each occupying its own place cow measuring 2.5 X 1.5 m. This type can spur more rapid growth, as there was no competition in getting the food and have limited space, so that the energy obtained from food is used for basic living and production of meat is not lost as many moves. In the cage group, going in the fattening period are placed in one cage. One cow requires more space than an individual cage. The weakness of this type of enclosure that is happening in the competition to get the feed that cows are more likely to rapidly grow stronger rather than weaker, as more get the feed.
3.2. Feed.Under the conditions fisioloigis and digestive system, cows classified as ruminants, because digestion through three processes, which are mechanically in the mouth with the help of saliva (saliva), a Fermentative in the rumen with the help of rumen microbes and enzymatically after passing through the rumen.Research shows that by relying on fattening feed the forage alone, does not provide optimum results and take a long time. One way to speed up the fattening is to feed a combination of forage and concentrates. The concentrate used was the beer dregs, dregs know, bagasse, rice bran, soybean seed coat, leather-made pineapple and feed mill. The concentrate is given in advance to feed the rumen microbes, so that when the forage feed into the rumen, rumen microbes have been prepared and actively digesting forage. Feed requirements (in dry weight) per head was 2.5% weight. Forage used is rice straw, sugarcane leaves, corn leaves, reeds and wild grasses as low-quality feed and elephant grass, Setaria kolonjono as high-quality feed.Determination of feed quality on the basis of high and low content of nutrients (food substances) and crude fiber content. Low-quality forage feed containing high crude fiber that are difficult to digest because there are poorly soluble lignin by digestive enzymes.
Therefore, PT. NATURAL NUSANTARA also issued a special supplement, namely cattle VITERNA Plus, NASA POC, and HORMONIK. These products, especially products VITERNA Plus uses technology that was created with the amino acids the body's physiological approach to cattle, by examining a variety of nutrients needed cattle.
VITERNA Plus contains a variety of nutrients needed cattle, namely:
Minerals as a constituent of bone, blood and play a role in the synthesis of enzymes, namely N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, and others.
Amino acids, that is Arginine, Histidine, Leucine, isoleucine and others as building blocks of protein, and cell-forming organs.
Vitamins serve to complete the course of normal physiological processes of the body and increases resistance of the cattle disease.
Acids - essential organic acids, including propionic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid.
While giving NASA POC containing various minerals essential to the growth of livestock, such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe etc. and is equipped protein and fats, can increase the growth of cattle daily weight, improve endurance cattle, reducing the levels of cholesterol meat and reduce the smell of dirt.While HORMONIK function more as growth regulators for the cattle. Where this formula will help improve overall animal growth.How to use it is to be mixed in drinking water or feed concentrate komboran. Do the following:
Plus VITERNA Mix 1 bottle (500 cc) and a NASA POC bottle (500 cc) into a special container. Add to the mix the solution with 20 cc HORMONIK. Stir or shake until evenly mixed.
Subsequently given to cattle at a dose of 10 cc per tail. Interval 2 times a day, ie morning and evening.
3.3. Disease Control.In disease control, a more mainstream do is prevention rather than treatment of disease, due to drug use will increase production costs and no guarantee of success of the treatment performed. Prevention efforts can be done to maintain the health of cattle are:
a. Utilization of home quarantine. The new calves should be quarantined in a separate cage, with the aim to monitor the presence of certain symptoms that are not known at the time of the purchase process. In addition also to adapt cattle to the new environment. At the time of quarantined cattle, de-worming should be given due largely based on studies of cattle in Indonesia (especially cow people) had worms. This disease is not deadly, but it will reduce the speed of weight gain when fattened. When cattle are quarantined for a week of healthy cows and cows with newly issued hospital after a healthy cow. Quarantine cage in addition to the new cattle are also used to separate the old cows were sick in order not to spread to other healthy cows.
b. Keeping the cage clean and calves. Intensively fattened cows that will produce a lot of dirt because obtaining sufficient food, so that the sewage should be made at any time if it starts a dirty cage to prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses that cause disease.
c. Vaccination for the new feeder. Enough vaccine made at the time the cow was in quarantine cages. Vaccination is important is the anthrax vaccination.Several types of diseases that can subjugate cattle are worms, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), bloating (Bloat) and others.
IV. Meat Production.Factors that influence the production of meat isA. Feed.Forage quality and optimal amounts of either will affect the quality of meat. Treatment of feed with the NPB will increase the digestibility of feed, especially for low-quality forage while giving VITERNA Plus provides a variety of nutrients needed to beef cattle will grow faster and healthier.
2. Genetic factors.Animals with good genetic quality will grow well / quickly so that the production of meat is higher.
3. Sex.Male cattle livestock grow faster than females, so that at the same age, male animals have a body and a larger meat.
4. Management.Maintenance with good management to make cattle grow faster and healthier form of meat, so that the fattening period is becoming shorter.
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