Cultivation Vanilla
INTRODUCTIONVanilla plants or the Green Gold is a commodity that promise. But not all vanilla precious "gold", just gives the best quality is given special rates. PT. Attempt to increase production of natural vanilla archipelago in Quantity, Quality and Sustainability (aspects of K-3).
GROWTH CONDITIONSVanilla can live in a tropical climate, rainfall 1000-3000 mm / year, sunlight + 30% -50%, the optimum temperature 200C-250C, relative humidity around 60% -80%, altitude 300-800 m asl. Loose soil, light sandy loam soil that is of type (sandy loam) and sandy clay gravel (Gravelly sandy loam), easy to absorb water, soil pH + 5.7 to 7NurseriesA. Seed Selection
- Vanilla type of economic value that is Vanilla planifolia Andrews, Vanilla tahitensis JW. Moore, Vanilla pompana
- Terms of generative seeds: pure, have properties similar to its parent; pure, not mixed with the seeds of poor quality; beans in a fresh and healthy conditions; vegetative seedling: parent plants healthy and old enough, have issued a strong vine branches, plant parent has not or should not be fruitful.
2. Preparation of Seeds
- Seeds of generative derived from superior seed
- Seeds vegetative cuttings, rooting cuttings can be soaked accelerate HORMONIK (1-2 cc / liter) and then left to wilt somewhat newly planted and watered NASA POC (2-3 ttp) + HORMONIK (1 ttp) per 10 liters of water.
- Kulture Network
3. Seeds Seeding TechniqueSeeds sown in sandy soil so the roots are easy to grow. Seeding must be shady place.4. Maintenance Breeding / seedingWatering every day, should not be too wet. Bad seeds removed. Spray once a week with NASA POC (2-3 caps) + HORMONIK (1 cap) per tank (14-17 liters).5. Seed removalTransfer of seedlings to the field dependent origin of seeds, namely seedling cuttings about 1-2 months old, long time bean seeds.
- Processing of land is done in mid-dry season so that shade trees can be planted, check the condition of the soil
- Clear the land of weeds and plowed.
- Create a raised bed lines, the width of 80-120 cm and 30-50 cm wide trench.
- Perform calcification when the soil is too acidic.
- Investment in the nursery, monoculture cropping
- Make the planting hole near the crop length enforcement, and the width of 20x15x10 cm, 25x20x12 cm and 30x25x15 cm.
- Plant cuttings by inserting three sides all the way into the hole so the roots grow horizontally quickly and perfectly
- Cover with soil minerals are mixed with manure
- Cuttings top seeds are not buried in the ground tied to tree climbing with loose ties.
- When planting cuttings of good seed at the beginning of the rainy season. While the cuttings to be planted should be allowed / withered during the first 4-7 days and the base of the cuttings soaked seeds in POC NASA / HORMONIK (1-2 cc / liter) + Natural GLIO to avoid spoilage.
PLANT MAINTENANCEA. StitchingMake a check after the age of 2-3 weeks after planting, if any cuttings that grow poorly, be embroidered.2. Weeding and pembubunanWeeding is done once a month after planting until growth is stunted and late vanilla. Pembubunan along with weeding to keep the nursery tidy and keep the soil loose so water easily absorbed.3. Perempelan
- Perempelan shape, cut 15 cm from the plant that is curved and reserving the best 3 branches in order to form a framework to maintain a strong and balanced crop
- Perempelan production, 10-15 cm long shoots cut before the season when flowering and fruiting to stimulate generative growth, especially growth of flowers and fruit
- Perempelan rejuvenation, cut the branches that have been fruitful and the branches of the sick.
4. Fertilization
- Spreading fertilizer macro and piled around the tree to the ground because the root system is shallow enough vanilla. Macro fertilizer requirements per ha per year is 8 kg Urea, TSP 4 kg, 14 kg KCl, CaCO3 5-10 kg, H2O MgSO4 from 2.5 to 5 kg / ha / year and manure 10-20 kg / tree / year.
- Fertilization is given once a year. It would be better if dikocor with NASA SUPER dose + 0.5 tbsp / 5 liters of water per tree every 3 months and 4-5 doses spray NASA POC cap / tank every 2-4 weeks or POC NASA (3-4 closed) HORMONIK + (1 cap) per tank every 2-4 weeks.
5. Irrigation and WateringVanilla
plants are not resistant to drought in the dry season so it should be
watered enough to stimulate plant growth, flower and fruit development.6. Giving Mulch & PendangiranMulching can be done simultaneously with weeding and pendangiran. Mulch material of the protective tree trimming, but it can also be put sawdust on the ground near the tree vanilla.7. PropagationFence system tendrils, vanilla crop is left to spread on the fence that was installed horizontally. Spread of the fence where vanilla can be made of bamboo tied to a tree with another tree.Propagation of a single support system, vanilla plants propagated straight up in the shade.8. Trimming the Tree ProtectionShade trees can be used Glyricidia maculate, lamtoro and dadap. Branch pruning done to maintain to remain calm, ease your circulatory system and regulate the intensity of sunlight.9. Flowering and PollinationVanilla flowering after 1.5 to 3-year-old, who appeared in the form of flowers and will bloom dompolan a flower in turn. Bloom only lasts 12 hours, starting at 24:00 until noon, after which interest begins to wilt and die. Therefore, flower pollination made around 08:00 and 10:00. Artificial
pollination in principle is raised / cut lip that limits the anthers
and the stigma, then pressed the stamens to the stigma for pollination
done. A week after pollination spray at a dose of NASA POC (3-4 caps) and HORMONIK (1 cap) per tank every 2-3 weeks.DISEASE AND PEST CONTROLa. PestA. SnailsAttacked and damaged stems, flowers and fruit. Activities carried out at night. Control: manually by taking and collecting snails one by one and then burned at once in one hole.2. Grasshoppers swordDestroy / eat young leaves and stems of vanilla. Control: spray PESTONA or Natural BVR3. Stem borerLarvae of this pest damage / gnawing the stems of plants that cause plant vanilla vanilla slowly wither and die. Control spraying PESTONA4. Caterpillar caterpillar crest and geniDamaging the shoots, leaves, stems and flowers. Control: spraying PESTONAb. Penyakit1. Root rotSymptoms: black roots, the plant becomes brown and eventually die, usually occurs during peak production is reached first. Control:
to maintain soil fertility with fertilizer, lime provision to taste,
and adjust the humidity, beginning with the Natural GLIO prevention.2. Stem rotCause: The fungus Fusarium batatatis. Symptoms occur on the trunk black spots that will spread rapidly and circular. Stem will develop wrinkles, brown and eventually dry. Control: reducing moisture and good drainage, will be planted as cuttings dipped in Natural GLIO + NASA POC.3. Fruit rotFound in young fruit vanilla. Symptoms
appear when attacking the base of the young fruit so much fruit that
fell off and when to attack the middle of the fruit will be black, then
dry off. Control: Natural GLIO + spraying a dose of sugar 1-2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water.4. Stem rotCause: The fungus Sclerotium sp. Symptoms:
The base of the stem looks brown and kebasah-basahan, which attacked
the plant and the land around there misellium feathery white mushrooms
with lots of brown Sclerotium. Control: use of stem rot-free seed, spraying GLIO + Natural sugar.5. Brown spots on fruitCause: by the fungus Phytophthora sp. and attacked the nearly ripe fruit vanilla. Symptoms: brown spots and eventually rot. Control:
(1) immediately attacked by picking fruit and then burn it, (2)
spraying with a dose of 1-2 sendok/10 Natural GLIO liter of water.6. Brown spots on the trunkCause: The fungus Nectria vanilla, Zimm. Symptoms: brown spots that appear rod gradually darken and circular sections and die. Control: Cut and burn the affected stems.7. AnthracnoseCause: The fungus Calospora vanillae, Mass.. Symptoms: stems, leaves, yellowish brown fruit looks slick and clearly visible and not affected part. Control: Cut and burn the infected, set the moisture and drainage.8. Red rustCause: Algae Cephaleuros heningsii, Schm. Symptoms: spots on leaves and continue to expand until the next dry dead leaves. Control: Remove infected parts and adjust the humidity of the garden by pruning shade trees.9. Postharvest diseasesCause
of a disease that attacks the vanilla after harvest: the fungus
Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Sclerotium sp, sp. Control: post-harvest handling is good.Note:
If the control of pests and diseases with natural pesticides can not be
overcome, it can be advisable to use chemical pesticides. Spraying
of chemical pesticides in order to more evenly dn not easily lost by
rain water add Adhesives Straighten dose of 1-2 AERO 810 cap / tank.E. HARVEST AND POST-HARVEST
- Picking at the age of 240 days (8 months) will result in dry vanilla with a high vanillin content, low ash content, the highest yield and moisture content of the safe
- The characteristics of vanilla ready for harvest the color changed from dark green to light green shiny dark with small stripes yellow color which gradually widened until the end of the fruit
- The harvest season between May and July, about 2-3 months
- How to harvest it is best to pick ripe fruit one by one without disturbing the other fruit in a cluster is still raw, to maintain the quality of vanilla.
- The fruit is collected in bamboo baskets and maintained so that the fruit is not injured or disabled and sorting by size, shape, level of maturity and fruit defects> 20 cm
- Perform withering to stop the process of respiration which occurs in the fruit, turning off the cells of fruit and vanilla without reducing the levels of enzyme activity in the fruit. Withering process by using a boiling water ¾ filled with a temperature of between 65-950 C
- Perform curing in a special box complete with lid and a gunny sack as its base, the formation of aroma for weeks to + 48 hours
- Do it by drying in the sun dried, roasted and aerated to reduce the moisture content up to 25-30%
- Place the dried fruit of vanilla in the box that it has been coated newsprint paper / thin plastic bag and store at room temperature, ready to be delivered and sold.
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