Sugarcane cultivation
INTRODUCTIONCurrently the government is promoting the planting of sugarcane to address the low sugar production in Indonesia. Government
business is very reasonable and not excessive considering they had
never experienced the heyday of Indonesia as an exporter of sugar before
the war. Could it happen again the golden age?To the PT. Natural
Nusantara trying to restore the glory of taking part through an
increase in sugarcane production both in quantity, quality and
sustainability (aspects of K-3).
GROWING CONDITIONSSuitable soil is dry-dry is wet, the rainfall is less than 2000 mm per year. The soil is not too acidic, a pH above 6.4. Altitude less than 500 m above sea level.
TYPE - TYPE OF SUGAR CANEThis type of cane is often grown POY 3016, P.S. 30, P.S. 41, P.S. 38, P.S. 36, P.S. 8, B.Z. 132, B.Z. 62, etc..
GARDEN OPENINGClearing and planting should start from the swath farthest from the main road or lorry factoryStandard gutter sizes; Got circumference / lucky width of 60 cm in 70 cm, Got poor / beam width of 50 cm in 60 cm. Got laid waste ground on the left gutter. If got deepened again after planting, the soil is placed on the right exhaust got so that there is still a way to control the plant.Juringan / cemplongan (planting hole) may only be made once got - got poor reached a depth of 60 cm and soil excavation already got flattened. Juringan standard size is 50 cm wide and 30 cm for the wet soil, 25 cm for dry land. Making juringan should be done twice, the first cutting and second cutting and tidy.Control is created along the road got lucky with a width of m + 1. Every 5 tub is made along the way got poor control by + 80 cm wide. In the segment number 28, mound leveled to control road (street rat)
LAND DOWNThat is to return the soil cuttings into juringan to make kasuran / pad / foundation soil. Thickness depending on the circumstances, if the soil is still wet + 10 cm. thick in the hot dry season + 15 - 20 cm.
- Make a selection out of the garden seeds
- Seeds of cuttings should be planted close together in order to get the maximum number of tillers. Seedling cuttings + 70 000 per ha.
- Before planting, soak the surface of the first pieces of POC NASA with a dose of 2 caps + Natural GLIO dose of 5 g per 10 liters of water.
- Before planting, must be irrigated to wet juringan kasuran, so kasuran crushed and smooth.
HOW TO PLANTINGA. Seedlings mule / debbeltop / generationKasuran ground should be leveled first, then the ground underlined with a pointed tool with a depth of 5-10 cm +. Seeds inserted into the ex-ruler with his eyes turned to the side of seed. Subsequently seeds covered with soil.
2. Rayungan seeds (seeds that have been grown in nurseries), if the eyes (buds) one: the stems of seedlings and shoots hidden on your side and slightly oblique, + 45 degrees. If the seed rayungan edged; rod buried seeds and buds on your side with a depth of + 1 cm.
3. Preferably, the mule seeds (cuttings) and rayungan planted separately in separate plots to plant growth evenly.
PLANTING TIMEAssociated with cooking sugar cane with high sucrose content right to the ground in the timing of the sugar factory. Appropriate time in May, June and July.
SprinklingWatering should not be excessive so as not to damage the soil structure. After one day of no rain, watering should be done immediately.
StitchingA. Embroidered insertions, done 5-7 days after planting, which is to plant one-eyed rayungan.2. Embroidered to - 1, done at age 3 weeks and leaves 3-4 strands. Seedlings from a double-edged rayungan or nursery.3. Stitching from ros / pucukan cane be done when the old plants + 1 month4. Stitching to-2 must be completed before pembubunan, together with the provision of water to the - 2-2 or manure to the age of 1.5 months5. Extra stitching if necessary, before the pile to -2
PEMBUMBUNAN LAND> Pembumbunan to-1 performed at the age of 3-4 weeks, which leaves 3-4 strands. Pembumbunan done by cleaning the grass, and destroying the land flipping guludan (jugar) and then add soil to the plant so buried in the ground.> Pembumbunan to - 2 do if the puppies are complete and sugarcane + 20 cm is large enough, so do not worry damaged or broken when the soil or + 2 months.> Pembumbunan to-3 or garrulous performed at 3 months, all sewers have to be deepened; got lucky and got as deep as 70 cm 60 cm poor.
HOME fork GULUDPenggarpuan be done up to the edge of the gutter, so water can flow. Usually done in October / November when sugarcane drought.
KLENTEKIe let the leaves dry, it should be done three times, ie before the end gulud, age 7 months and 4 weeks before harvest.
CANE collapseSugarcane collapsed or angled to be bound, either cross or cross two four. Ros - ros cane, which consists of one row of plants, together with clumps - clumps of row crops on his side, so that the shape of crosses.
FertilizationA. Before planting given the TSP 1 quintal / ha2. SUPER NASA pour fertilizer that has been mixed with water evenly over the juringan dose ± 1-2 botol/1000 m² by:Alternative 1: 1 bottle SUPERNASA diluted in 3 liters of water used as mother liquor. Then every 50 liters of water were given 200 cc of the mother liquor was to flush juringan.Alternative 2: every one yells vol 10 lt given 1 tablespoon SUPERNASA pressed to flush the 5-10 meter juringan.3. At age 25 days after planting give as much as 0.5 to 1 kw ZA fertilizer / ha. Fertilization is sprinkled on the right side of clumps of sugarcane4. Age of 1.5 months after planting ZA give as much as 0.5 to 1 kw / ha and KCl of 1-2 kw / ha. Fertilization is sprinkled on the left clumps of sugarcane.
5. To
obtain high yield and sugar cane production, NASA POC spray dosage 4-6
caps mixed HORMONIK 1-2 per-tank cap at the age of 1 and 3 months
Pests and diseasesA. Shoot Borer pests and stemUsually attack from the age of 3-5 months. Control by natural enemies and fly Jatiroto Tricogramma sp, PESTONA spray / BVR Natural
2. Pest MiceTake control with gropyokan, natural enemies, namely: a snake, a dog or an owl
3. Fusarium diseases PokkahbungThe cause of fungal Gibbrella moniliformis. The sign is leaf chlorosis, leaf midrib is imperfect and stunted growth, the joints bent and slightly flattened and the decomposition of leaf to stem. Spraying with 2 tablespoons of Natural GLIO + 2 tablespoons granulated sugar in the tank 14 or 17 liters of spray on the young leaves of each week, pengembusan copper powder lime (1: 4: 5)
4. Dongkelan diseaseCause Marasnius sacchari fungus, which affects the weight bias and yield of sugarcane. Symptoms, older plants suddenly ill, dry leaves from outside to inside. Control by means of drying and drying of the soil, must be maintained, GLIO Natural spread from the beginning.
5. Pineapple diseaseCeratocytis fungal paradoxa. Attack the seed that has been cut. On site (cut) trim, there is a red color mixed with black and smells like pineapple spread. Seeds soaked with sugar cane and Natural GLIO NASA POC.
6. Blendok diseaseCaused by the bacterium Xanthomonas albilincans At first emerged at the age of 1.5 to 2 months after planting. Klorotis leaves will dry up, usually on the leaf buds and leaves are generally going to fold along the lines earlier. If the leaves are attacked by a great, all the leaves striped green and white. Soak the seeds in hot water and POC NASA for 50 minutes and then dried in the sun. Use Natural GLIO early before planting to localize the attack.
CANE yieldCane maturity process is a process that runs from segment to segment depending on the level kemasakannya the relevant sections. Sugar cane has reached the ripe age, state of the sugar levels along the stem uniform, except a few sections at the top and base of the stem.Try to keep the current yield of sugarcane harvested at the optimum position around August or depending on the type of cane. 10-month-old sugarcane will contain saccharose 10%, were aged 12 months to reach 13%.
Pests and diseasesA. Shoot Borer pests and stemUsually attack from the age of 3-5 months. Control by natural enemies and fly Jatiroto Tricogramma sp, PESTONA spray / BVR Natural
2. Pest MiceTake control with gropyokan, natural enemies, namely: a snake, a dog or an owl
3. Fusarium diseases PokkahbungThe cause of fungal Gibbrella moniliformis. The sign is leaf chlorosis, leaf midrib is imperfect and stunted growth, the joints bent and slightly flattened and the decomposition of leaf to stem. Spraying with 2 tablespoons of Natural GLIO + 2 tablespoons granulated sugar in the tank 14 or 17 liters of spray on the young leaves of each week, pengembusan copper powder lime (1: 4: 5)
4. Dongkelan diseaseCause Marasnius sacchari fungus, which affects the weight bias and yield of sugarcane. Symptoms, older plants suddenly ill, dry leaves from outside to inside. Control by means of drying and drying of the soil, must be maintained, GLIO Natural spread from the beginning.
5. Pineapple diseaseCeratocytis fungal paradoxa. Attack the seed that has been cut. On site (cut) trim, there is a red color mixed with black and smells like pineapple spread. Seeds soaked with sugar cane and Natural GLIO NASA POC.
6. Blendok diseaseCaused by the bacterium Xanthomonas albilincans At first emerged at the age of 1.5 to 2 months after planting. Klorotis leaves will dry up, usually on the leaf buds and leaves are generally going to fold along the lines earlier. If the leaves are attacked by a great, all the leaves striped green and white. Soak the seeds in hot water and POC NASA for 50 minutes and then dried in the sun. Use Natural GLIO early before planting to localize the attack.
CANE yieldCane maturity process is a process that runs from segment to segment depending on the level kemasakannya the relevant sections. Sugar cane has reached the ripe age, state of the sugar levels along the stem uniform, except a few sections at the top and base of the stem.Try to keep the current yield of sugarcane harvested at the optimum position around August or depending on the type of cane. 10-month-old sugarcane will contain saccharose 10%, were aged 12 months to reach 13%.
- That rekindled the former sugar cane has been cut down, both former sugar cane milled or nurseries (KBD).
- Garden which will be cleaned of dirt dikepras logged ago. Before mengepras, should the soil is too dry at first watered. Kepras plots - plots of sugarcane, respectively. After dikepras pour SUPER NASA (same dose as above). Five days or a week after dikepras, and made the cultivation of irrigated crops (jugaran) as the first pile and cleaning grass - grass.
- Spray and HORMONIK NASA POC at age 1.2 and 3 months with doses as above. Subsequent maintenance together with the first sugar cane planting.
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