Oyster Mushroom Cultivation
mushrooms considerable advantages, in addition to the relatively
expensive price, the profits generated is relatively high, short life,
the plant is also very salable in the market.
In addition, other advantages, easy cultivation and can be done throughout the year and does not require a large area. "Oyster mushrooms are tolerant to the environment and can be used as a main job or second job," said Krisnadi, oyster mushroom growers Pontianak.
of products is quite a lot of oyster mushrooms can be a form of fresh,
dried, canned, and processed into chips, Pepes, saute, and nugget.In addition, other advantages, easy cultivation and can be done throughout the year and does not require a large area. "Oyster mushrooms are tolerant to the environment and can be used as a main job or second job," said Krisnadi, oyster mushroom growers Pontianak.
Chain starting from the oyster mushroom cultivation; sawdust, sifting, mixing, sterilization, inoculation, incubation, spawn running, growing, and harvesting.
Krisnadi then explain in detail about the cultivation of oyster mushroom. For the media using the earnings to a floured timber (sawn), rice straw, weeds, paper wastes, bagasse and other.
As the mixture can be added to other ingredients in the form of bran (bran) and agricultural lime with a ratio of 80:15: 5. Media polypropilen put in plastic and then compacted diseterilisasi for 10-12 hours. "Sterilization is intended to suppress the growth of other microbes that are antagonistic and become an obstacle to growth for the parent plant in this oyster mushrooms," he said.
Sterilization can be done by heating with steam baglog for 8-12 hours at a temperature of ± 95 ° C. After sterilization is completed, baglog cooled in a closed room for 24 hours to avoid contamination baglog.
The next stage is the process of inoculation. Inoculation is the process of transmission of the mycelium of the seeds (F3) to the planting medium. This process is done with sterile and the inoculation chamber. About the seed, before he got it from Lembang and Yogyakarta. "Now we've been able to produce their own," he said.
Continued the process of incubation the mycelia growth phase. This process takes approximately 40-60 days to baglog white. Krisnadi asserted, room temperature incubation should be kept in stable conditions and low light 22-28 ° C with a humidity of 70-90%.
After baglog white uniform, then moved to kumbung. Typically, age baglog displaced has reached 40 days.
The process begins with the growth of fruit body open end baglog to give 02 in fruiting bodies of fungi. Usually 7-14 days later, the body of the fruit will grow.
After 7-30 days of penyobekan baglog will continue to grow the fruit body mernbesar to achieve optimal growth that is ready to be harvested (3-4 days).
Krisnadi said, during the maintenance period the temperature and humidity must be kept well in the temperature range 20-22 ° C and humidity of 95-100%, by way of condensation kumbung.
"Harvesting the first 30 days since penyobekan baglog, while the next harvest every 10-14 days. Fruiting bodies that are ready for harvest shall immediately harvest good quality mushrooms, "he said.
How postharvest handling? He said, immediately clean the mold from the dirt on the fruiting bodies of fungi. It aims to maintain the durability of the product. "Oyster mushrooms be stored in a freezer to hold within one to two weeks," he said. While for dried mushrooms, done drying in the sun for about 5 days.
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