Cultivation of Chicken Cut
I. PreliminaryBroiler chickens (Broiler) is a chicken that can grow rapidly so as to produce meat in a relatively short (5-7 weeks). Broiler has an important role as a source of animal protein from cattle. PT. NATURAL
NUSANTARA seeks to help increase productivity, quantity, quality and
efficiency of broiler chickens naturally (non-chemical).
II. Seed SelectionHave a good seed traits: healthy and active, body fat (round shape), clean and looked shiny fur, clean nose, eyes sharp and clean and dirt hole (anus) clean
III. Technical condition of the Ideala. Location of the cageIdeal enclosure located in areas far from human habitation, easily accessible means of transportation, there are sources of water, longitudinal direction from east to west.b.Pergantian air in the enclosure.Chickens need to breathe oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. So that oxygen demand is always met, the cage should be well ventilated.c.Suhu air in the enclosure.The ideal temperature is stable according to age:
d. Kemudahan get the means of productionLocation of the cage should be close to the shop or store poultry farm facilities.
IV. Maintenance Procedure4.1 DevelopmentBroiler chicken coop type two, which forms the stage and no stage (litter). Stage type cage floor cleaner because dirt falls directly into the ground, does not require stable base so that more efficient management, but the cost of making a larger enclosure. More widely used type of breeder litter, because it is easy to make and less expensive.At the start of maintenance, cages covered with plastic to keep warm, so that the energy obtained from food entirely for growth, not for the production of body heat. Density enclosure that is ideal for the tropics such as Indonesia is 8-10 ekor/m2, more than that number, cage temperature rapidly increased, especially during the day at an adult age that causes decreased feed intake, chickens tend to be a lot of drinking, stress, stunted growth and susceptible diseases.
4.2. Feed- Feed is 70% maintenance fee. Feed given should provide food substances (nutrients) needed chickens, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, so the weight gain per day (Average Daily Gain / ADG) high. Feeding ad libitum with the system (always available / not limited).- When using feed from the mill, the type of feed adjusted growth rate of chickens, which are divided into 2 (two) phases. The first stage is called stage of enlargement (age 1 to 20 days), which must contain a minimum of 23% protein levels. The second stage is called fattening (age above 20 days), the use of feed protein yield of 20%. Type of feed is usually written on the packaging. The addition of POC-NASA via drinking water at a dose of 1-2 cc / liter of drinking water provide a variety of nutritional food in sufficient quantities to help the growth and fattening of broiler chickens.- Can also be used VITERNA Plus as a special supplement cattle with a dose of 1 cc / liter of drinking water / day, which has more nutritional content and complete.- Efficiency calculation of feed expressed in FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio). How to count the number of feed for maintenance divided by the total weight of chickens that are harvested.
Example calculation:1000 harvested known chicken tail, average weight 2 kg, the weight of 3125 kg of feed for maintenance, the FCR is:The total weight of the chicken crop =1000 x 2 = 2000 kgFCR = 3125: 2000 = 1.6The lower the number of FCR, the better the quality of feed, because it is more efficient (with a bit of feed produces high body weight). The use of POC NASA or VITERNA Plus may decrease the FCR.
4.3. VaccinationVaccination is the entry of germs into the body's weakened immune chickens to a natural cause. Vaccination is important that vaccination ND / Newcastle. Conducted at the age of 4 days by the method of eye drops, with ND vaccine strains B1 and at the age of 21 days with Lasotta ND vaccine by injection or drinking water.4.4. Technical Maintenance
- First Sunday (day 1-7). Curse / DOC moved to the parent or heating, warm water immediately given a dose plus NASA POC + 1-2 cc / liter of drinking water or VITERNA Plus + with a dose of 1 cc / liter of drinking water / day and sugar to replace the energy lost during transport. Feed can be given to the needs of 13 grams per fish or 1.3 kg to 100 chickens. This amount is the minimum requirement, in practice the provision is not restricted. Feed given at the beginning of maintenance in the form of small granules (Crumbles).- From day-2 until the chicken is in the form of harvested water cold water with the addition of POC NASA with a dose of 1-2 cc / liter of drinking water or VITERNA Plus with a dose of 1 cc / liter of drinking water / day (given as the first provision of drinking water ). The first vaccination is carried out on day-4.- Week Two (day 8 -14).Maintenance of the second week still require supervision as the first week, although it is lighter. Heating temperature can be reduced. Feed requirements for the second week is 33 grams or 3.3 pounds per head for 100 chickens.- Week Three (day 15-21).Heater can already be turned off, especially in summer. Feed requirements per cow is 48 grams or 4.8 kg for 100 individuals. At the end of the week (age 21 days) conducted a second vaccination using a vaccine strain ND Lasotta by injection or drinking water. If using water, chicken should not be given water to drink for a while first, so that the chicken actually feel thirsty to drink water so that it will contain as much as possible vaccines. Vaccine treatment was also fixed plus or VITERNA Plus POC NASA with a fixed dose.- Fourth Sunday (day 22-28).Heating is no longer needed during the day because it has thick feathers. At the age of 28 days, sampling weight to control the growth rate of chickens. Normal growthhave a minimum of 1.25 kg body weight. Feed requirements per cow is 65 grams or 6.5 kg to 100 chickens. Control of the chicken should also be improved because at this age begin to chickens susceptible to disease.- Fifth Sunday (day 29-35).By this week, keep in mind is treatment of the cage floor. Because the amount of sewage released was high, and the addition of agitation necessary to keep the floor mats keep the floor dry. Feed requirements per cow is 88 grams or 8.8 kg to 100 chickens. At the age of 35 days was also conducted sampling of chicken weighing. Body weight with good growth at 1.8 - 2 kg. With these weights, the chicken was able to be harvested.- Sixth Sunday (day 36-42).If you want to be extended to obtain a higher weight, then the control of the chicken coop and the floor remains to be done. At this age the growth of good, the chicken has reached the weight of 2.25 kg.
4.5. DiseaseDisease that often affects broiler chickens are:- Newcastle (Newcastle Disease / ND)Paramyxo that are caused by viruses agglutinate blood cells. Symptoms often gasping chickens, appetite decreased, diarrhea and fun come together in a warm place. After 1-2 days of nerve symptoms, which paralyzed legs, neck and chicken berpuntir circling a dead end. Chickens fell ill soon separated, because it is easily spread to other chickens through the dirt and breathing. No drug can cure, then to reduce mortality, which is still healthy chickens vaccinated again and kept to the cage floor remains dry.- Gumboro (Infectious bursal disease / IBD)Is a disease that attacks the immune system caused by Reovirus type virus. Symptoms begin with loss of appetite, chicken likes to move irregularly, inflammation around the anus, diarrhea and body shaking, vibrating. Often attack at the age of 36 weeks. Transmission directly through the dirt and indirectly through food, drinking water and contaminated equipment. No drug can cure, you can do is prevention with Gumboro vaccines.- Snoring Disease (Chronic Respiratory Disease)A respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum visible symptom is frequent sneezing and runny chicken out through the nose while breathing and snoring. At a young chicken causes the body is weak, drooping wings, drowsiness and diarrhea with green manure, whitish-yellow discharge. Transmission through respiratory and mucus or through intermediaries such as tools. Treatment can be performed with appropriate drugs.- Defecate Kapur (pullorum).Called defecation lime disease because symptoms are easily visible is the chicken diarrheal stools and after a dry white powder to be like chalk. Caused by the bacteria Salmonella pullorum.Death can occur on day 4 after infection. Transmission through the dirt. Treatment have not been able to give satisfactory results, should be made to prevent the cage sanitation improvements.Infection easily germs cause disease, if the chicken in a state of weakness or stress. Both of these conditions are caused by a dirty cage floor, and the weather is bad. The weather is weak and easily lead to stress the chicken is too hot, too cold or changing drastically. Disease, primarily caused by a virus is difficult to cure. For sanitation must be done regularly and well ventilated enclosure. NASA POC provision containing a variety of minerals essential to the growth of livestock, such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe etc. and is equipped protein and fats, can increase the growth of chickens, chicken endurance, reduce cholesterol levels and reduce meat the smell of dirt. For optimal results, giving NASA POC can be mixed with a dose of 1 bottle HORMONIK NASA POC is mixed with 1-2 HORMONIK bottle cap, or a bottle POC NASA mixed with 2-4 capsules Amino Acids. Can also use VITERNA Plus which is a special supplement cattle with content:A. Minerals essential for bone growth, the outer and inner organs, blood formation and others.2. The main amino acids such as Arginine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Lycine, Methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, Thryptophan, and valine as the building blocks of protein for the formation of cells, tissues, and organs3. Complete vitamins A, D, E, K, C and B complex for the health and endurance.
4.6. Sanitation / Pest Cage WashSanitizing cages must be done after the harvest. Performed with several stages, namely the cage washing with water until clean of debris waste prior cultivation. The second stage of the calcification in the walls and floor of the cage. Perfect for sanitizing spray is then performed with formalin, to kill germs. After that left at least 10 days before cultivating again to break the life cycle of viruses and bacteria, which are not killed by previous treatments.
II. Seed SelectionHave a good seed traits: healthy and active, body fat (round shape), clean and looked shiny fur, clean nose, eyes sharp and clean and dirt hole (anus) clean
III. Technical condition of the Ideala. Location of the cageIdeal enclosure located in areas far from human habitation, easily accessible means of transportation, there are sources of water, longitudinal direction from east to west.b.Pergantian air in the enclosure.Chickens need to breathe oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. So that oxygen demand is always met, the cage should be well ventilated.c.Suhu air in the enclosure.The ideal temperature is stable according to age:
Umur (hari) | Suhu ( 0C ) |
01 - 07 | 34 - 32 |
08 - 14 | 29 - 27 |
15 - 21 | 26 - 25 |
21 - 28 | 24 - 23 |
29 - 35 | 23 - 21 |
d. Kemudahan get the means of productionLocation of the cage should be close to the shop or store poultry farm facilities.
IV. Maintenance Procedure4.1 DevelopmentBroiler chicken coop type two, which forms the stage and no stage (litter). Stage type cage floor cleaner because dirt falls directly into the ground, does not require stable base so that more efficient management, but the cost of making a larger enclosure. More widely used type of breeder litter, because it is easy to make and less expensive.At the start of maintenance, cages covered with plastic to keep warm, so that the energy obtained from food entirely for growth, not for the production of body heat. Density enclosure that is ideal for the tropics such as Indonesia is 8-10 ekor/m2, more than that number, cage temperature rapidly increased, especially during the day at an adult age that causes decreased feed intake, chickens tend to be a lot of drinking, stress, stunted growth and susceptible diseases.
4.2. Feed- Feed is 70% maintenance fee. Feed given should provide food substances (nutrients) needed chickens, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, so the weight gain per day (Average Daily Gain / ADG) high. Feeding ad libitum with the system (always available / not limited).- When using feed from the mill, the type of feed adjusted growth rate of chickens, which are divided into 2 (two) phases. The first stage is called stage of enlargement (age 1 to 20 days), which must contain a minimum of 23% protein levels. The second stage is called fattening (age above 20 days), the use of feed protein yield of 20%. Type of feed is usually written on the packaging. The addition of POC-NASA via drinking water at a dose of 1-2 cc / liter of drinking water provide a variety of nutritional food in sufficient quantities to help the growth and fattening of broiler chickens.- Can also be used VITERNA Plus as a special supplement cattle with a dose of 1 cc / liter of drinking water / day, which has more nutritional content and complete.- Efficiency calculation of feed expressed in FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio). How to count the number of feed for maintenance divided by the total weight of chickens that are harvested.
Example calculation:1000 harvested known chicken tail, average weight 2 kg, the weight of 3125 kg of feed for maintenance, the FCR is:The total weight of the chicken crop =1000 x 2 = 2000 kgFCR = 3125: 2000 = 1.6The lower the number of FCR, the better the quality of feed, because it is more efficient (with a bit of feed produces high body weight). The use of POC NASA or VITERNA Plus may decrease the FCR.
4.3. VaccinationVaccination is the entry of germs into the body's weakened immune chickens to a natural cause. Vaccination is important that vaccination ND / Newcastle. Conducted at the age of 4 days by the method of eye drops, with ND vaccine strains B1 and at the age of 21 days with Lasotta ND vaccine by injection or drinking water.4.4. Technical Maintenance
- First Sunday (day 1-7). Curse / DOC moved to the parent or heating, warm water immediately given a dose plus NASA POC + 1-2 cc / liter of drinking water or VITERNA Plus + with a dose of 1 cc / liter of drinking water / day and sugar to replace the energy lost during transport. Feed can be given to the needs of 13 grams per fish or 1.3 kg to 100 chickens. This amount is the minimum requirement, in practice the provision is not restricted. Feed given at the beginning of maintenance in the form of small granules (Crumbles).- From day-2 until the chicken is in the form of harvested water cold water with the addition of POC NASA with a dose of 1-2 cc / liter of drinking water or VITERNA Plus with a dose of 1 cc / liter of drinking water / day (given as the first provision of drinking water ). The first vaccination is carried out on day-4.- Week Two (day 8 -14).Maintenance of the second week still require supervision as the first week, although it is lighter. Heating temperature can be reduced. Feed requirements for the second week is 33 grams or 3.3 pounds per head for 100 chickens.- Week Three (day 15-21).Heater can already be turned off, especially in summer. Feed requirements per cow is 48 grams or 4.8 kg for 100 individuals. At the end of the week (age 21 days) conducted a second vaccination using a vaccine strain ND Lasotta by injection or drinking water. If using water, chicken should not be given water to drink for a while first, so that the chicken actually feel thirsty to drink water so that it will contain as much as possible vaccines. Vaccine treatment was also fixed plus or VITERNA Plus POC NASA with a fixed dose.- Fourth Sunday (day 22-28).Heating is no longer needed during the day because it has thick feathers. At the age of 28 days, sampling weight to control the growth rate of chickens. Normal growthhave a minimum of 1.25 kg body weight. Feed requirements per cow is 65 grams or 6.5 kg to 100 chickens. Control of the chicken should also be improved because at this age begin to chickens susceptible to disease.- Fifth Sunday (day 29-35).By this week, keep in mind is treatment of the cage floor. Because the amount of sewage released was high, and the addition of agitation necessary to keep the floor mats keep the floor dry. Feed requirements per cow is 88 grams or 8.8 kg to 100 chickens. At the age of 35 days was also conducted sampling of chicken weighing. Body weight with good growth at 1.8 - 2 kg. With these weights, the chicken was able to be harvested.- Sixth Sunday (day 36-42).If you want to be extended to obtain a higher weight, then the control of the chicken coop and the floor remains to be done. At this age the growth of good, the chicken has reached the weight of 2.25 kg.
4.5. DiseaseDisease that often affects broiler chickens are:- Newcastle (Newcastle Disease / ND)Paramyxo that are caused by viruses agglutinate blood cells. Symptoms often gasping chickens, appetite decreased, diarrhea and fun come together in a warm place. After 1-2 days of nerve symptoms, which paralyzed legs, neck and chicken berpuntir circling a dead end. Chickens fell ill soon separated, because it is easily spread to other chickens through the dirt and breathing. No drug can cure, then to reduce mortality, which is still healthy chickens vaccinated again and kept to the cage floor remains dry.- Gumboro (Infectious bursal disease / IBD)Is a disease that attacks the immune system caused by Reovirus type virus. Symptoms begin with loss of appetite, chicken likes to move irregularly, inflammation around the anus, diarrhea and body shaking, vibrating. Often attack at the age of 36 weeks. Transmission directly through the dirt and indirectly through food, drinking water and contaminated equipment. No drug can cure, you can do is prevention with Gumboro vaccines.- Snoring Disease (Chronic Respiratory Disease)A respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum visible symptom is frequent sneezing and runny chicken out through the nose while breathing and snoring. At a young chicken causes the body is weak, drooping wings, drowsiness and diarrhea with green manure, whitish-yellow discharge. Transmission through respiratory and mucus or through intermediaries such as tools. Treatment can be performed with appropriate drugs.- Defecate Kapur (pullorum).Called defecation lime disease because symptoms are easily visible is the chicken diarrheal stools and after a dry white powder to be like chalk. Caused by the bacteria Salmonella pullorum.Death can occur on day 4 after infection. Transmission through the dirt. Treatment have not been able to give satisfactory results, should be made to prevent the cage sanitation improvements.Infection easily germs cause disease, if the chicken in a state of weakness or stress. Both of these conditions are caused by a dirty cage floor, and the weather is bad. The weather is weak and easily lead to stress the chicken is too hot, too cold or changing drastically. Disease, primarily caused by a virus is difficult to cure. For sanitation must be done regularly and well ventilated enclosure. NASA POC provision containing a variety of minerals essential to the growth of livestock, such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe etc. and is equipped protein and fats, can increase the growth of chickens, chicken endurance, reduce cholesterol levels and reduce meat the smell of dirt. For optimal results, giving NASA POC can be mixed with a dose of 1 bottle HORMONIK NASA POC is mixed with 1-2 HORMONIK bottle cap, or a bottle POC NASA mixed with 2-4 capsules Amino Acids. Can also use VITERNA Plus which is a special supplement cattle with content:A. Minerals essential for bone growth, the outer and inner organs, blood formation and others.2. The main amino acids such as Arginine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Lycine, Methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, Thryptophan, and valine as the building blocks of protein for the formation of cells, tissues, and organs3. Complete vitamins A, D, E, K, C and B complex for the health and endurance.
4.6. Sanitation / Pest Cage WashSanitizing cages must be done after the harvest. Performed with several stages, namely the cage washing with water until clean of debris waste prior cultivation. The second stage of the calcification in the walls and floor of the cage. Perfect for sanitizing spray is then performed with formalin, to kill germs. After that left at least 10 days before cultivating again to break the life cycle of viruses and bacteria, which are not killed by previous treatments.
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