Banana Cultivation
I. INTRODUCTIONBanana is a fruit crop, source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. In Indonesia, bananas are grown both in scale farm households or less maintenance-intensive. Thus, Indonesia banana production low, and unable to compete in international markets. To the PT. NATURAL NUSANTARA felt called to help farmers increase production in quantity, quality and sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
II. GROWING CONDITIONS2.1. Climatea. Wet tropical climate, humid and hot banana growth. However, bananas are still able to grow in subtropical areas.b. Wind speed is too high.c. Optimum rainfall is 1520-3800 mm / year with 2 months of dry.2.2. Planting Mediaa. Bananas should be planted in the ground berhumus with fertilization.b. Water should always be available but not stagnant.c. Bananas do not live in the soil containing 0.07% salt.
2.3.Ketinggian PlaceLowlands to the mountains as high as 2,000 m above sea level. Banana, jackfruit and horns grow well up to an altitude of 1,000 m asl
- Propagation by means of vegetative shoots (tillers).
- Height of saplings to seedlings from 1 to 1.5 m, width of cut tubers of 15-20 cm.
- Puppies taken from trees that are producing well and healthy.
- A good seed leaves are shaped like a sword, narrow leaves.
3.2. Preparation of Seeds
- Plants for the seedlings planted with spacing of 2x2 m
- One parent trees have buds left between 7-9.
3.3. Before sanitation Seeds Planted
- After the cut, clean soil attached to roots.
- Save the seeds in shade 1-2 days before planting.
- Remove leaves that wide.
- Soak the seed tubers in the extent of the stem neck NASA POC solution (1-2 caps), HORMONIK (0.5 -1 cap), Natural GLIO (1-2 tablespoons) in every 10 liters of water, for 10 minutes. Then the dried seeds.
- If the existing planting area pest nematodes, seed tubers soaked in hot water a few minutes.
3.4. Media Processing Plant
- Do the eradication of weeds, grass or shrubs.
- Gemburkan still solid ground
- Create sengkedan especially on sloping land and also a channel for water discharge.
- It is advisable to plant legumes such as lamtoro in sengkedan limit.
3.5. Planting Technique
- Hole size is 50 x 50 x 50 cm in the soil weight and 30 x 30 x 30 cm in loose soil.
- Planting distance 3 x 3 m for the soil medium, and 3.3 x 3.3 m for heavy soil.
- Planting is done before the rainy season (September-October).
- Prepare a mixture of Natural GLIO and manure, how: Mix 100 grams of Natural GLIO with 25-50 kg of manure, keep the humidity by pouring enough water, put into sacks, allow 1-2 weeks.
- Separate the quarry top and bottom.
- Soil excavation upper mixed GLIO Natural manure that has been mixed (0.5 - 1 kg per planting hole), add dolomite (0.5 - 1 kg / planting hole), manure 15-20 kg / planting hole.
- Put the seeds in an upright position, cover first with the top soil that has been mixed Natural GLIO, dolomite and manure, followed by soil excavation bottom. Note: manure is given if available, otherwise it can be replaced with SUPERNASA.
- Flush with NASA POC solution (1-2 caps), HORMONIK (0.5 cap) in every 5 liters of water. To get better results, NASA POC can be replaced with POP SUPERNASA. How to use SUPERNASA POP: 1 (one) bottle of POP SUPERNASA diluted in 4 liter (4000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then every 5 liters of water were given 5 close to the mother liquor was watering each tree. -Watering is done 2-3 months.
Data needs and ways of fertilization, are as follows:
FACTSUREA 207 (kg / ha) Give the 2x a year, the array is then closed around the clump of soilSP-36 138 (kg / ha) 6 months after planting (2x in one year)KCl 608 (kg / ha) 6 months after planting (2x in one year)Dung0.8 to 10 (kg / ha)Basal fertilizer, mixed with top soil excavationDolomite200 (kg / ha)Basal fertilizer, mixed with top soil excavationNASA POC20 (bottles / ha)Poured over 3 monthsSUPERNASA10 (bottles / ha)4 monthsHORMONIK10 (bottles / ha)NASA POC mixed watered 3 months
3.6. Maintenance of Plant
FACTSUREA 207 (kg / ha) Give the 2x a year, the array is then closed around the clump of soilSP-36 138 (kg / ha) 6 months after planting (2x in one year)KCl 608 (kg / ha) 6 months after planting (2x in one year)Dung0.8 to 10 (kg / ha)Basal fertilizer, mixed with top soil excavationDolomite200 (kg / ha)Basal fertilizer, mixed with top soil excavationNASA POC20 (bottles / ha)Poured over 3 monthsSUPERNASA10 (bottles / ha)4 monthsHORMONIK10 (bottles / ha)NASA POC mixed watered 3 months
3.6. Maintenance of Plant
- One family only 3-4 bars.
- The cutting is done in such a way that children in one family there are puppies that each different age (growth phase).
- After 5 years of the new plant replaced groves dismantled.
- Weeding is done in conjunction with tilling the soil and hoarding dapuran.
- Weeding and tilling should not be too deep.
- Cut the dried leaves.
- Water should be maintained. By flushing or filling drainage ditches.
- Put mulch in the form of dry or wet leaves. But the mulch should not be placed continuously.
3.7. Maintenance of Fruit
- Cut the banana that was within 25 cm of the last pieces of the comb.
- After a perfect fluffy banana combs, bunches of bananas wrapped in clear plastic bags polyethylene 0.5 mm thick, a hole diameter of 1.25 cm. The distance of each hole 7.5 cm. Keep the bag cover 15 -45 cm above the base of the comb top and 25 cm below the bottom end of the fruit from the comb.
- Propped up by bamboo plant stem is buried as deep as 30 cm into the soil.
3.8. Pests and Diseases3.8.1. Pesta. Caterpillar leaves (Thrax Erienota.)Attack the leaves. Symptoms: The leaf sheaths and roll up like a leaf torn to the bone.
b. Uret weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus)Petals attack leaves, stems. Symptoms: the halls of the up / down in the sepals, the hall full of banana stem. Control: banana grove sanitation, clean the remaining clumps of banana trees, use PESTONA.
c. Nematodes (Rotulenchus similis, Radopholus similis)Attacking the roots. Symptoms: The plants looked miserable, to form a cavity or small spots on the roots, root swelling. Control: use of resistant seed, increase humus soil and land use with little clay content.
d. Flower caterpillars and fruit (Nacoleila octasema.)Attacking flowers and fruit. Symptoms: abnormal growth of fruit, fruit peel mangy. The existence of at least 70 tail caterpillars in bunches of bananas.
3.8.2. Diseasea. Blood diseasesCause: Xanthomonas celebensis (bacteria). Invade the inner tissues of plants. Symptoms: The network becomes reddish as bloody. Control: Delivery of Natural GLIO before planting, and dismantle and burn diseased plants.
b. PanamaCause: The fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Attack the leaves. Symptoms: The leaves wither and drop, first outside and the inside of the leaf, the leaf midrib split lengthwise, black out the sap vessels. Control: Delivery of Natural GLIO before planting, dismantle and burn diseased plants.
c. Leaf spotsCause: The fungus Cercospora musae. Attack leaves with brown spots symptoms are more widespread. Natural Control :: Giving GLIO before planting.
d. WitheredCause: The bacterium Bacillus sp. attacking the roots. Symptoms: plants wither and die. Control: unpack and burn the diseased plants, plant early GLIO Natural
e. Leaf budsCause: virus by aphids Pentalonia nigronervosa intermediaries. Attacked leaf shoots. Symptoms: The leaves grow upright shoots in groups. Control: Controlling ticks with Natural BVR Duan, dismantle and burn diseased plants.
3.9. Harvest
- Characteristic of the flag leaf crops are drying up. Fruit 80-100 days with a right-angled pieces that are still unclear to almost spherical.
- Bananas are harvested together with tandannya. Bunch length is taken as 30 cm from the base of the comb at the top. Use a clean sharp knife and cut the bunches.
- Banana bunches stored in the inverted position so that the sap from the cut trickle down without a polluting units.
- After it is cut up banana stem tuber eliminated altogether.
- In a fairly extensive banana plantations, harvesting can be done 3-10 days depending on the number of productive plants.
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