Thursday, June 2, 2011

Coconut Cultivation

Declining interest of farmers to cultivate palm commodity actually harm national, because the coconut crop suitability requirements have grown almost in all parts of Indonesia. PT. Natural Nusantara attempt to provide technical guidelines for the cultivation of coconut with aspects of K-3 is the quantity, quality and environmental sustainability, so as to improve farmers' incomes.

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Oil Palm Cultivation

Agribusiness oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), Both local and global market oriented will be faced with the demands of product quality and environmental sustainability in addition to quantity production. PT. Natural Nusantara trying to play a role in increased production of oil palm cultivation in Quantity, Quality, and still maintain environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS2.1. ClimateSolar radiation on average 5-7 hours / day. Annual rainfall 1500-4000 mm. Optimal temperature 24-280C. The ideal altitude between 100-500 m above sea level. Wind speeds of 5-6 km / h to help the process of pollination.2.2. Growing MediaGood soil contains much clay, beraerasi good and fertile. Well drained surface soil water deep enough, solum enough in (80 cm), soil pH 4-6, and the soil is not rocky. Land Latosol, Ultisol and alluvium, peat Saprik, coastal plains and estuaries can be used as oil palm plantations.
III. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING3.1. Nurseries3.1.1. SeedingSprout included 12x23 or 15x23 cm polybags containing 1.5 to 2.0 kg of topsoil that has been sifted. Sprouts are planted as deep as 2 cm. Land in polybags should always be moist. Save polybags in bed with a diameter of 120 cm. After the age of 3-4 months and 4-5 strands of leafy Transplanting seedlings.Seeds from dederan transferred into polybags 40x50 cm 0.11 mm thick containing 15-30 kg of sifted topsoil. Before the seed is planted, spray the soil with NASA POC 5 ml or 0.5 cap per liter of water. Polybags arranged in an equilateral triangle position with a distance of 90x90 cm.

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Mango Farming

INTRODUCTIONMango production currently unable to meet the market demand, especially overseas markets. This inability is not only due to low productivity but also quality is still lacking. This condition is caused by the application of cultivation technology that has not been optimal.Noting that the PT. NUSANTARA NATURAL help increase production in quantity, quality and sustainability (Aspects of K-3). so that farmers can compete in the free market era.AgroecologyMango plants grow well at an altitude of 50-300 m above sea level on a thick layer of soil and soil crumb structure and grainy.VARIETYVarieties of high value such as 21 or Arumanis Gadung 143. Other varieties are Manalagi 69, Lalijiwo, Chokanan and Marionette 31.LAND PREPARATIONPlanting hole was made 1-2 months before planting, size 1 mx 1m x 1 m and spacing of 6 mx 8 m. Two weeks before the planting, the soil excavation is inserted back into the planting hole with manure mixed with a ratio of 1: 1. It would be optimal flush SUPERNASA (0.5 tablespoons / + 5 lt of water / tree).PLANTINGPlanting at the beginning of the rainy season. Before seeds are planted plastic bags removed. The depth of planting + 15-20 cm above the neck of roots and soil around the plant is pressed to the plant so as not to collapse. Plants given the auspices of the oblique position to the west and then reduced gradually.Fertilization

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Durian Cultivation

INTRODUCTIONCurrently, demand and price of durian is high, because it provides lucrative benefits for those who cultivate. So planting durian is a good prospect agribusiness. How to raise a good durian is the gateway to success.PT. Natural Nusantara help alternative technical solutions how durian intensive cultivation, resulting in increased yield in K-3, the Quantity, Quality and Environmental sustainability.
GROWTH CONDITIONSDurian grows optimally at an altitude of 50-600 m above sea level, light intensity 40-50%, with a temperature of 22-30 0C, ideal rainfall 1500-2500 mm per year. Suitable land, fertile sandy loam and lots of organic matter content, and pH 6-7.
NurseriesSelect a fertile seeds, fresh, healthy, leaves many, stem robust, free of pests & diseases, 2-4 branching direction and there are new shoots
LAND PREPARATIONThe opening should be on dry land. Clear weeds and other weeds and crops that interfere with the entry of sunlight. Sloping land should be made terraces. Create drainage channels.

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Grape Cultivation

INTRODUCTIONProduction of grapes (Vitis sp.) In Indonesia is not yet optimal. PT. Natural Nusantara attempt to increase the production of wine in quantity, quality and environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3) to compete in the free market era.
GROWING CONDITIONSAltitude 25-300 m above sea level, temperature 25-310 C, 75-80% air humidity, radiation intensity 50% - 80%, 3-4 dry months, rainfall 800 mm / yr and soil pH 6-7. Type of soil: clay and sandy clay (alluvial and grumosol).
LAND PREPARATION1. Clean land, hoe / plow until crumbly.2. Liming on acid soils dose of 5 tons / ha.3. Create channels of irrigation water intake and discharge4. Make the planting hole 60x60x50 cm / 75x75x70 cm, spacing 3 x 3 m / 5 x 4 m, keringanginkan + 2-4 weeks, fill in the soil layer below the bottom of the hole.5. Mix topsoil: manure (+ 20-40): sand ratio of 1:1:2 and Natural GLIO + 50-10 grams / hole and fill to the top of the hole.

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Ginseng Cultivation

I. INTRODUCTIONTrend 'back to nature' in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, food and soft drinks, has spurred increased demand for ginseng. The high demand needs to be balanced with crop cultivation technologies that meet the aspects of K-3 (Quantity, Quality and Sustainability), as it has been implemented in. NUSANTARA NATURAL.
II. GROWING CONDITIONS- Preference will be given in open areas. Loose soil, high organic matter content, good aeration and drainage.- Acidity (pH) of soil from 5.5 to 7.2.- Rainfall 1000 - 2500 mm / yr.- Temperature range 20 º C - 33 º C.- Humidity 70% - 90%.- Elevation range from 0-1600 asl.

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Coffee Cultivation

I. INTRODUCTIONCoffee Plant is a plant that is very familiar in their yards rural population in Indonesia. If this tremendous potential we can use commodity is not hard to make this a mainstay in the plantation sector. Just need a little technical touch cultivationappropriate, surely we are optimistic expectations into reality.
PT. Natural Nusantara trying to realize those expectations along with a package of technical guidance and products without forgetting the aspect of K-3 is the quantity, quality and sustainability that has become one of the conditions of competition in the era of globalization.

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Cocoa Farming

INTRODUCTIONCocoa is a crop plant perkebunaan promising prospect. But if the land is increasingly hard factors and poor nutrients, especially micro-nutrients and natural hormones, climate and weather factors, factors of pests and plant diseases, and other maintenance factors are not considered then the level of production and quality will be low.
PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help the cocoa farmers to be able to increase its productivity to compete in the era of globalization with a program to improve production in quantity and quality, based on the concept of environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).

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Rubber Cultivation

I. INTRODUCTIONThe main purpose of the market of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is ndonesia export. In the international market (free trade) Indonesian rubber products face tough competition. PT. Natural Nusantara attempt to improve the quantity and quality of production, while maintaining environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).

II. GROWTH CONDITIONS- The temperature was 240C - 280C.- Rainfall 1500-2000 mm / year.- Solar irradiation between 5-7 hours / day.- High humidity- The condition of fertile soil, water and not to continue berpadas- Soil had a pH 5-6 (tolerance limit of 3-8).- Altitude 200 m above sea level land.

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Citrus Cultivation

I. INTRODUCTIONProspect citrus agribusiness in Indonesia is good, because the potential for extensive production land. Through the course of the quality of citrus farmers and supported by the results of technological innovation and natural hormone fertilization, integrated pest management and disease, as well as other farming systems which are all based on environmentally friendly spirit will improve quantity and quality of citrus production while maintaining environmental sustainability.
II. GROWTH CONDITIONSIt should be 6-9 months wet (rainy season), rainfall 1000-2000 mm / yr evenly throughout the year, need adequate water, especially in July-August. Optimum temperature between 25-30 ° C and humidity optimum around 70-80%. Wind speeds of more than 40-48% will be knocked out of flowers and fruit. Optimum altitude of between 1-1200 m above sea level. Citrus do not like places that are protected from sunlight. Andosol soil type and Latosol highly suitable, soil acidity (pH of the soil) is 5.5 to 6.5. Optimal ground water at a depth of 150-200 cm below the soil surface. In the dry season 150 cm and 50 cm in the rainy season. Citrus plants like salt water containing about 10%.III. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING3.1. Nurseries3.1.1. Generative modeSeeds taken from the fruit by squeezing the fruit that has been cut. Dikeringanginkan seeds in places that are not exposed for 2-3 days until the mucus is lost. Land cultivated seedbed in 30-40 cm and made from 1.15 to 1.20 m-sized map stretching from north to south. Distance plot of 0.5-1m. Before planting, add manure 1 kg/m2. Seeds planted in the groove with a spacing of 1 to 1.5 x 2 cm and immediately doused the NASA POC solution + 1-2 cc / lt of water. Nursery were given a roof. Seeds dipindahtanam into polybags 15 x 35 cm after 20 cm tall at the age of 3-5 months. Growing medium in polybags are manure and chaff mixture (2:1) or manure, rice husks, sand (1:1:1) or simply use ordinary soil watered NASA POC (3-4 cap) + HORMONIK (1 cap) 10-15 per liter of water.

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Patchouli cultivation

A. INTRODUCTIONPatchouli oil in a large enough contribution to the State foreign exchange earner among other essential oils. However, patchouli oil production in Indonesia is still limited and the production has not been optimal. PT Natural Nusantara trying to increase production of patchouli oil in quantity, quality and environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
B. ECOLOGYPatchouli plants can be grown in lowland and high with optimal height 10-400 masl, rainfall between 2500-3500 mm / yr and evenly throughout the year, temperature 24 - 280C, more than 75% humidity, solar radiation intensity sufficient, fertile soil and make the soil rich in humus.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tobacco Cultivation

INTRODUCTIONTobacco is a commodity pretty much cultivated by farmers. To obtain optimal yields of PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help increase production in quantity, quality and sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
GROWTH CONDITIONSTobacco plants, the average rainfall 2000 mm / year, suitable temperature between 21-32 degrees C, pH between 5-6. Loose soil, crumbs, easy to bind water, have good water and good air so as to improve drainage, altitude between 200-3000 m above sea level.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Melon Farming

I. INTRODUCTIONAgribusiness melon show promising prospects. But if the land is increasingly hard factors, poor nutrients, especially micro-nutrients and natural hormones, climate and weather factors, pest and disease factors and maintenance factors not addressed then the profits will decline.PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help improve the productivity of melon in Quantity, Quality, and Environmental Sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS2.1. ClimateKeep in full sun exposure during growth. At high humidity melon crop vulnerable to disease. The optimal temperature between 25-300C. The wind is blowing hard enough to damage the melon crop. Rain will continue to harm the plant melons. It grows well at an altitude of 300-900 m above sea level.

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Cultivation of Watermelon

I. INTRODUCTION The level and quality of watermelon production in Indonesia is still relatively low. This is mainly due to hard ground, poor nutrients and hormones, which are not balanced fertilization, pest and plant diseases, the influence of weather / climate, and farmers' cultivation technical. PT. Natural Nusantara attempt to help farmers in increasing production quantity and quality while maintaining environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).  

II. GROWTH CONDITIONS 2.1. Climate Rainfall ideally 40-50 mm / month. The entire planting area to sunlight from sunrise to drown. The optimal temperature ± 250 C. Watermelon suitable to be planted in the lowlands to a height of 600 m above sea level.

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Corn Cultivation

I. INTRODUCTION In Indonesia, maize is an important food crop commodities, but not optimal production levels. PT. Natural Nusantara working to improve maize production in quantity, quality and environmentally friendly / sustainable (Aspects of K-3).
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS Ideal rainfall of about 85-200 mm / month and must be evenly distributed. In the phase of flowering and seed filling need to get enough water. Should be planted before the beginning of the rainy season or dry season. Requires sunlight, plants are shaded, its growth will be retarded and give seed yield that is not optimal. The optimum temperature around 230 C - 300 C. Corn requires no special soil requirements, but the loose soil, humus rich soil will produce optimal. soil pH between 5.6 to 7.5. Aeration and good water availability, land slope of less than 8%. Areas with slopes of more than 8%, should be performed before the formation of terraces. Altitude between 1000-1800 m above sea level with optimum height of between 50-600 m above sea level

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Soybean Farming

INTRODUCTION Dependence on imported soybeans is very alarming, because we should be able to own insufficiency. This is due to low productivity and the increasing need for soybean. PT. Natural Nusantara trying to assist in increasing production in quantity, quality and environmental sustainability so that we can compete in the free market era.
GROWING CONDITIONS Plants can grow on various types of soil from the drainage (water system) and aeration (air conditioning) pretty good soil, rainfall 100-400 mm / month, the air temperature 230C - 300C, humidity 60% - 70%, soil pH 5.8 - 7 and a height of less than 600 m above sea level.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Cabbage Cultivation

INTRODUCTIONUntil now, the level of the cabbage crop production both in quantity and quality is still quite low. This is caused partly because the soil was nutrient poor, which is not balanced fertilization, plant pests, weather and climate.For that, PT. Natural Nusantara as a company that cares about the problems of agriculture and environmental preservation effort to assist farmers in increasing production in quantity and quality and maintain environmental sustainability (3 - K). So that farmers can compete in the free market era.

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Potato Cultivation

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the main source of carbohydrates, thus becoming an important commodity. PT. NUSANTARA NATURAL national efforts to improve potato production in quantity, quality and equipment based on environmental sustainability (Aspect 3K).

2.1. Climate
The average rainfall is 1500 mm / year, radiation are 90-10 hours / day, optimal temperature 18-21 ° C, humidity 80-90% and a height between 1000-3000 m above sea level.

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Eggplant Farming

Prospects eggplant cultivation the better to intensively managed and commercial-scale agribusiness, but the results of the average is still low. This is due to a culture that still sideline farming, inadequate information on cultivation techniques at farm level.
PT. Natural Nusantara trying to provide alternatives solutions how eggplant cultivation technique that achieved production increases in K-3, the Quantity, Quality and Environmental sustainability.

- Can be grown on high plains
- Air temperature 22 - 30o C
- The best type of soil, sandy loam type, fertile, rich in organic matter, aeration and good drainage and pH between 6.8 to 7.3
- Sunlight should be enough
- Suitable for dry season planting

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Long Beans Cultivation

GROWTH CONDITIONSPlants grow well in soil Latosol / sandy loam, fertile, friable, many containing organic matter and good drainage, pH around 5.5 to 6.5. Temperatures between 20-30 degrees Celsius, dry climate, rainfall between 600-1500 mm / year and the optimum height of less than 800 m above sea level.
Nurseries- Seed beans are good and quality are as follows: appearance pithy / dull, high germination above 85%, is not damaged / defective, do not contain any outbreak of pests and diseases. Purposes of seed for 1 hectare of between 15-20 kg.- The seeds planted need not specifically, but the seed planted directly in the prepared planting hole.

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Tomato Cultivation

Description Tomatoes are an important horticultural commodities, but they produce a good quantity and quality is still low. This is due, among others, hard ground, poor micro-nutrients and hormones, are not balanced fertilization, pest and disease attack, the influence of weather and climate, and farmers' cultivation technical PT. Natural Nusantara attempt to help farmers in increasing production quantity and quality while maintaining environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3), so that farmers can compete in the era of free trade.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Catfish Farming

INTRODUCTION 1. BRIEF HISTORY Catfish is a species of freshwater fish consumption with elongated body and slippery skin. In Indonesia catfish has several names, among Other: prop fish (Padang), fish death (Gayo, Aceh), fish pintet (Kalimantan South), fish rivet (Napier), fish Cepi (Bugis), catfish or leachate (Java Middle). Who's in other countries known as the mali (Africa), plamond (Thailand), fish keli (Malaysia), gura Magura (Sri Lanka), ca tre light (Japan). In English is called also catfish, siluroid, mudfish and walking catfish. Catfish were never found in brackish water or salt water. Habitat in the river with a slow flow of water, marshes, ponds, reservoirs, rice fields are flooded. Catfish are noctural, ie active search for food at night days. By day, catfish silence and refuge in places dark. In the wild catfish spawn in the rainy season.

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Pepper Cultivation

I. INTRODUCTIONPepper plants, including plants herbs that has been developed in Indonesia. PT. Natural Nusantara attempt to help increase production in quantity, quality, while maintaining environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS2.1. Climate- Rainfall 2000-3000 mm / yr.- Enough sunlight (10 hours a day).- 200C temperature - 34 0C.- Air humidity 50% - 100% relative moisture and optimum between 60% - 80% RH.- Shielded from the wind is too strong.

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Strawberry Cultivation

INTRODUCTION Prospect strowberry agribusiness in Indonesia is quite bright views of market absorption and world demand increases from year to year. In the spirit of PT environmentally friendly. Natural Nusantara role in improving the quantity, quality and sustainability of the environment on the cultivation of this strowberi.
GROWTH CONDITIONS Solar radiation 80-10 hours a day. Rainfall ranges from 600 700 mm per year. Optimum air temperature between 17 ° C - 20 ° C and minimum temperatures between 4 ° C - 5 ° C with humidity 80% - 90%. Altitude ideal place between 1000-2000 m asl
Before the plowed land LAND TREATMENT flooded earlier last night. The next day is about 30 cm deep piracy, after which the land is a new drying mashed.

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Cucumber Cultivation

I. INTRODUCTION Cucumber production in Indonesia is still very low but its potential can still be improved. For the PT. Natural Nusantara seeks help improve production quality, quantity and Sustainability (K-3).
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS 2.1. Climate Adaptation of cucumbers in a variety of climate is quite high, but optimum growth in dry climates. Simply get sunlight, temperature (21.1 to 26.7) ° C and not much rain. Optimum altitude of 1000-1200 masl.

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Onion Farming

INTRODUCTION Red onion (Allium cepa) is one of horticultural commodities that are needed by humans. To be successful cultivation of onions we are faced with various problems (risks) in the field. Among them the way of cultivation, pests and diseases, lack of micro elements, etc. which cause production to decline. Noting that, PT. NUSANTARA NATURAL attempt to help resolve the problem. One of them with the increase in onion production in quantity, quality and sustainability (K - 3), so that farmers can produce and to compete in the era of free trade.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jatropha Cultivation

INTRODUCTIONJatropha plants in Indonesia can grow well because of the suitability of climate and soil, so that could grow equally as weeds. However, because the results from these plants can be processed into valuable economic products, the plant is now starting in the cultivated.PT. Natural Nusantara try to provide technical assistance cultivation of this plant so as to produce the desired line with expectations without abandoning the standards of quantity, quality, and environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
GROWTH CONDITIONSTerms of growing plants need water range 350-500 ml of water during its growth.Besides the factor of water, plant spacing requires temperature conditions 20 º -30 º C throughout their lives, as well as the optimal altitude is 000-800 m above sea level. The release of the seeds are greatly reduced or minimal if the temperature reaches 40 º C or more.

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Rice Cultivation

RICE CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE USING SRI (System of Rice Intensification)ORGANIC FERTILIZER USING POWDER 135 (POP 135 - Super TUGAMA)1. The principles of organic rice cultivation using SRI methods1. Young seedlings are less than 12 days after seeding (HSS) when seedlings areleaved 2 pieces.2. Seedlings planted one tree perlubang a distance of 30 x 30, or 35 x 35 or less frequently.3. Move the seedlings should be as soon as possible (less than 30 minutes) and mustcareful not to break roots and be planted shallow.4. The supply of water up to 2 cm (macak-macak) and dried until a certain periodground rupture (Irrigation intermittent / interrupted)

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Cultivation of red chilli

A. INTRODUCTION Chillies can be grown in the highlands and low, pH 5-6. Planting peppers are faced with various problems (risks), among others, technical culture, lacking the elements, pests and diseases, etc.. PT. Natural Nusantara (NASA) seeks help solving the problem, for an increase in the production of peppers in quantity, quality and sustainability (K-3), so that farmers can compete in the era of free markets.

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Sunflower Cultivation

Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio: MagnoliophytaClass: MagnoliophytaOrder: AsteralesFamilia: Asteraceae (Compositae).Genus: HelianthusSpecies: Helianthus annuusName of species: Helianthus annuus LinnaeusMorphological Description
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), is a clump of plants. A sense of soft, neutral. Herba anual (generally short, less than a year), erect, hairy, tall 1-3 m. Trunked plants including wet (herbaceus), heart-shaped leaves along a single length of 15 centimeters and 12 centimeters wide with a long handle containers arranged leaves on main stem is hard and hairy. Just as high as 90-350 cm, trunked small, wire-haired and almost no branching.

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Jasmine Flower Growing


Jasmine is a flower plant ornamental shrubs in the form of chronic trunked upright living. In Casablanca Italian jasmine (Jasmine officinalle), called Spansish Jasmine planted in 1692 to be made in the perfume. In 1665 in England cultivated white jasmine (J. sambac) are introduced by the Duke Casimo de 'Meici. In 1919, discovered jasmine J. parkeri in North-Western region of India, then cultivated in England in 1923.In Indonesia the name jasmine is known by people across the archipelago. Local names for jasmine is Menuh (Bali), cut or Meulu Meulu China (Aceh), Menyuru (Banda), jessamine (Gayo and Batak Karo), manduru (Manado), Mundu (Bima and Sumbawa) and Manyora (East) , and Malete (Madura). 

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