Oil Palm Cultivation
Agribusiness oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), Both local and global market oriented will be faced with the demands of product quality and environmental sustainability in addition to quantity production. PT. Natural Nusantara trying to play a role in increased production of oil palm cultivation in Quantity, Quality, and still maintain environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS2.1. ClimateSolar radiation on average 5-7 hours / day. Annual rainfall 1500-4000 mm. Optimal temperature 24-280C. The ideal altitude between 100-500 m above sea level. Wind speeds of 5-6 km / h to help the process of pollination.2.2. Growing MediaGood soil contains much clay, beraerasi good and fertile. Well drained surface soil water deep enough, solum enough in (80 cm), soil pH 4-6, and the soil is not rocky. Land Latosol, Ultisol and alluvium, peat Saprik, coastal plains and estuaries can be used as oil palm plantations.
III. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING3.1. Nurseries3.1.1. SeedingSprout included 12x23 or 15x23 cm polybags containing 1.5 to 2.0 kg of topsoil that has been sifted. Sprouts are planted as deep as 2 cm. Land in polybags should always be moist. Save polybags in bed with a diameter of 120 cm. After the age of 3-4 months and 4-5 strands of leafy Transplanting seedlings.Seeds from dederan transferred into polybags 40x50 cm 0.11 mm thick containing 15-30 kg of sifted topsoil. Before the seed is planted, spray the soil with NASA POC 5 ml or 0.5 cap per liter of water. Polybags arranged in an equilateral triangle position with a distance of 90x90 cm.
3.1.2. Maintenance NurseriesWatering was done twice a day. Weeding 2-3 times a month or adapted to the growth of weeds. Seeds are not normal, diseased and have genetic abnormalities should be discarded. Selection is done at ages 4 and 9 months.Fertilization at the time of breeding as follows:
Note: It would be better punctuated seeding / plus NASA SUPER 1-3 times with a dose of 1 bottle to + 400 seeds. 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 4 liters (4000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering
3.2. Planting Technique3.2.1. Determination of Crop PatternsTo monoculture cropping pattern nor intercropping. Cover crops (legume cover crop LCC) in the area of oil palm trees is very important because it can improve the properties of physics, chemistry and biology of the soil, prevent erosion, maintain soil moisture and suppress the growth of nuisance plants (weeds). Planting legumes should be held immediately after land preparation is completed.
3.2.2. Hole Making PlantPlanting hole was made several days before planting with the size 50x40 cm, 40 cm deep. Time excavation of land above (20 cm) separated from the soil below. Distance 9x9x9 m. Hilly areas, created a terrace encircled the hill and a hole located 1.5 m from the slopes.
3.2.3. How PlantingPlanting at the beginning of the rainy season, after rain fell steadily. A day before planting, watering seedlings in polybags. Remove the plastic poly bag carefully and insert the seedling into the hole. Sprinkle Natural GLIO already bred in manure for + 1 week around the plant roots. Immediately backfilled with soil dug up. NASA POC Pour evenly with dose ± 5-10 ml / liter of water each tree or spray (dosage 3-4 cap / tank). The result would be great if you use SUPER NASA. As for how to use SUPER NASA is as follows: 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering each tree.
3.3. Plant Maintenance3.3.1. Stitching and SpacingPlants die embroidered with 10-14 month-old seedlings. Population 1 hectare + 135-145 trees there is no competition for sunlight.
3.3.2. WeedingSoil around the tree should be cleared of weeds.
3.3.3. FertilizationFertilization recommendation as follows:
Fertilizer Macro
NB. : The first fertilizer should be at the beginning of the rainy season (September-October) and the second at the end of the rainy season (March-April).NASA POCa. Dose POC NASA began early planting:
b. Dose NASA POC production at existing plants but not from scratch using NASA POCStage 1: Apply 3-4 times in a row at intervals of 1-2 months. Dose 3-4 cap / treePhase 2: Apply every 3-4 months. Dose 3-4 cap / treeNote: It would be better punctuated delivery / plus NASA SUPER 1-2 times / year with a dose of 1 bottle to + 200 plants. How to see Planting Techniques (Point 3.2.3.)
3.3.4. Leaf PruningThere are three types of pruning are:a. Trimming sandDiscard the dried leaves, fruit or fruit rot first time 16-20 month-old plants.b. Trimming productionCut the leaves are growing each piling (songgo two) for the preparation of harvest age of 20-28 months.c. Trimming maintenanceDiscard the leaves songgo two regularly so that the principal crops there are only a number of 28-54 strands.
3.3.5. Flowers castrationCutting flowers of male and female plants are grown at 12-20 months old.
3.3.6. Artificial pollinationTo optimize the number of bunches of fruit, artificial pollination assisted by humans or insects.a. Pollination by humanPerformed 2-7 weeks after planting on the female flowers that are repressive (the female flowers are ready to pollinated by male pollen). Feature of interest is the stigma of openly repressive, the color of the stigma reddish and slimy.
How pollination:1. Bath flower sheath.2. Combine with talk of pure pollen (1:2). Pollen taken from the tree of good and is usually prepared in the laboratory, spray pollen on the stigma of using baby Duster / puffer.b. Pollination by insect pollinators PalmCamerunicus Elaeidobius insect pollinators attracted to the smell of male flowers. Insects removed when the female flowers are repressive. The advantages of this approach is the fruit bunches larger, more perfect form of fruit, larger oil production by 15% and production of the core (kernel oil) increased by 30%.
3.4. Pests and Diseases3.4.1. Pesta. Pest MitesCause: red mite (Oligonychus). Sections of leaves attacked. Symptoms: The leaves become shiny and colored bronz. Control: Spray or Natural PESTONA BVR.
b. Silkworm SetoraCause: Setora nitens. The part that was attacked is a leaf. Symptoms: leaves eaten so that the remaining lidinya only. Control: Spraying with PESTONA.
3.4.2. Diseasea. Root BlastCause: Rhizoctonia lamellifera and Phythium Sp. Attacked the root. Symptoms: sudden death in nursery seedlings, mature plants withered and died, there was a root rot. Control: the creation of a good seedbed, water in the dry season, the use of seedlings older than 11 months. Prevention by use of Natural GLIO.
b. Yellow LineCause: Fusarium oxysporum. Attacked the leaf. Symptoms: pale yellow oval circle around the brown color on the leaves, dry leaves. Control: inoculation of disease on seedlings and young plants. Prevention by use of Natural GLIO since the beginning.
c. Dry Basal RotCause: Ceratocyctis paradoxa. Attacked the stem. Symptoms: midrib easily broken, rotting leaves and dry; young leaves dead and dry. Control: is to plant seeds that had been inoculated with the disease.Note: If a pest control using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended use of chemical pesticides. To be more evenly spraying of chemical pesticides and are not easily lost by rainwater add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank. Spraying herbicides (for weeds) to be more effective and efficient in the mixed adhesive to Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank.
3.5. Harvest3.5.1. Age HarvestBegan to bear fruit after 2.5 years and 5.5 months after pollination cook. Can be harvested if the crop has been aged 31 months, at least 60% fruit ripe harvest, there is 1 of 5 trees harvested bunches of ripe fruit. Feature harvest is ripe bunches there are at least 5 pieces of loose / fallen from bunches that weigh less than 10 kg or at least there are 10 pieces that separated from the bunches weighing 10 kg or more.
Agribusiness oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), Both local and global market oriented will be faced with the demands of product quality and environmental sustainability in addition to quantity production. PT. Natural Nusantara trying to play a role in increased production of oil palm cultivation in Quantity, Quality, and still maintain environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
II. GROWTH CONDITIONS2.1. ClimateSolar radiation on average 5-7 hours / day. Annual rainfall 1500-4000 mm. Optimal temperature 24-280C. The ideal altitude between 100-500 m above sea level. Wind speeds of 5-6 km / h to help the process of pollination.2.2. Growing MediaGood soil contains much clay, beraerasi good and fertile. Well drained surface soil water deep enough, solum enough in (80 cm), soil pH 4-6, and the soil is not rocky. Land Latosol, Ultisol and alluvium, peat Saprik, coastal plains and estuaries can be used as oil palm plantations.
III. TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING3.1. Nurseries3.1.1. SeedingSprout included 12x23 or 15x23 cm polybags containing 1.5 to 2.0 kg of topsoil that has been sifted. Sprouts are planted as deep as 2 cm. Land in polybags should always be moist. Save polybags in bed with a diameter of 120 cm. After the age of 3-4 months and 4-5 strands of leafy Transplanting seedlings.Seeds from dederan transferred into polybags 40x50 cm 0.11 mm thick containing 15-30 kg of sifted topsoil. Before the seed is planted, spray the soil with NASA POC 5 ml or 0.5 cap per liter of water. Polybags arranged in an equilateral triangle position with a distance of 90x90 cm.
3.1.2. Maintenance NurseriesWatering was done twice a day. Weeding 2-3 times a month or adapted to the growth of weeds. Seeds are not normal, diseased and have genetic abnormalities should be discarded. Selection is done at ages 4 and 9 months.Fertilization at the time of breeding as follows:
Fertilizer Macro | |
> 15-15-6-4 | Week 2 & 3 (2 grams); weeks 4 & 5 (4gr); weeks to 6 & 8 (6gr); week 10 & 12 (8gr) |
> 12-12-17-2 | Week of the 14, 15, 16 & 20 (8 g); Week 22, 24, 26 & 28 (12gr), week 30, 32, 34 & 36 (17gr), weeks 38 & 40 (20gr). |
> 12-12-17-2 | Week 19 & 21 (4gr); weeks 23 & 25 (6gr); week 27, 29 & 31 (8gr) |
> POC NASA | Starting week 1 - 40 (1-2cc/lt perbibit water once poured 1-2 weeks). |
Note: It would be better punctuated seeding / plus NASA SUPER 1-3 times with a dose of 1 bottle to + 400 seeds. 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 4 liters (4000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering
3.2. Planting Technique3.2.1. Determination of Crop PatternsTo monoculture cropping pattern nor intercropping. Cover crops (legume cover crop LCC) in the area of oil palm trees is very important because it can improve the properties of physics, chemistry and biology of the soil, prevent erosion, maintain soil moisture and suppress the growth of nuisance plants (weeds). Planting legumes should be held immediately after land preparation is completed.
3.2.2. Hole Making PlantPlanting hole was made several days before planting with the size 50x40 cm, 40 cm deep. Time excavation of land above (20 cm) separated from the soil below. Distance 9x9x9 m. Hilly areas, created a terrace encircled the hill and a hole located 1.5 m from the slopes.
3.2.3. How PlantingPlanting at the beginning of the rainy season, after rain fell steadily. A day before planting, watering seedlings in polybags. Remove the plastic poly bag carefully and insert the seedling into the hole. Sprinkle Natural GLIO already bred in manure for + 1 week around the plant roots. Immediately backfilled with soil dug up. NASA POC Pour evenly with dose ± 5-10 ml / liter of water each tree or spray (dosage 3-4 cap / tank). The result would be great if you use SUPER NASA. As for how to use SUPER NASA is as follows: 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering each tree.
3.3. Plant Maintenance3.3.1. Stitching and SpacingPlants die embroidered with 10-14 month-old seedlings. Population 1 hectare + 135-145 trees there is no competition for sunlight.
3.3.2. WeedingSoil around the tree should be cleared of weeds.
3.3.3. FertilizationFertilization recommendation as follows:
Fertilizer Macro
Urea |
| 225 kg/ha 1000 kg/ha |
| 115 kg/ha 750 kg/ha |
| 200 kg/ha 1200 kg/ha |
Kieserite |
| 75 kg/ha 600 kg/ha |
Borax |
| 20 kg/ha 40 kg/ha |
NB. : The first fertilizer should be at the beginning of the rainy season (September-October) and the second at the end of the rainy season (March-April).NASA POCa. Dose POC NASA began early planting:
0-36 month | 2-3 cap / diluted sufficiently and around the base of the stem, every 4-5 months |
>36 month | 3-4 cap / diluted sufficiently and around the base of the stem, every 3-4 months |
b. Dose NASA POC production at existing plants but not from scratch using NASA POCStage 1: Apply 3-4 times in a row at intervals of 1-2 months. Dose 3-4 cap / treePhase 2: Apply every 3-4 months. Dose 3-4 cap / treeNote: It would be better punctuated delivery / plus NASA SUPER 1-2 times / year with a dose of 1 bottle to + 200 plants. How to see Planting Techniques (Point 3.2.3.)
3.3.4. Leaf PruningThere are three types of pruning are:a. Trimming sandDiscard the dried leaves, fruit or fruit rot first time 16-20 month-old plants.b. Trimming productionCut the leaves are growing each piling (songgo two) for the preparation of harvest age of 20-28 months.c. Trimming maintenanceDiscard the leaves songgo two regularly so that the principal crops there are only a number of 28-54 strands.
3.3.5. Flowers castrationCutting flowers of male and female plants are grown at 12-20 months old.
3.3.6. Artificial pollinationTo optimize the number of bunches of fruit, artificial pollination assisted by humans or insects.a. Pollination by humanPerformed 2-7 weeks after planting on the female flowers that are repressive (the female flowers are ready to pollinated by male pollen). Feature of interest is the stigma of openly repressive, the color of the stigma reddish and slimy.
How pollination:1. Bath flower sheath.2. Combine with talk of pure pollen (1:2). Pollen taken from the tree of good and is usually prepared in the laboratory, spray pollen on the stigma of using baby Duster / puffer.b. Pollination by insect pollinators PalmCamerunicus Elaeidobius insect pollinators attracted to the smell of male flowers. Insects removed when the female flowers are repressive. The advantages of this approach is the fruit bunches larger, more perfect form of fruit, larger oil production by 15% and production of the core (kernel oil) increased by 30%.
3.4. Pests and Diseases3.4.1. Pesta. Pest MitesCause: red mite (Oligonychus). Sections of leaves attacked. Symptoms: The leaves become shiny and colored bronz. Control: Spray or Natural PESTONA BVR.
b. Silkworm SetoraCause: Setora nitens. The part that was attacked is a leaf. Symptoms: leaves eaten so that the remaining lidinya only. Control: Spraying with PESTONA.
3.4.2. Diseasea. Root BlastCause: Rhizoctonia lamellifera and Phythium Sp. Attacked the root. Symptoms: sudden death in nursery seedlings, mature plants withered and died, there was a root rot. Control: the creation of a good seedbed, water in the dry season, the use of seedlings older than 11 months. Prevention by use of Natural GLIO.
b. Yellow LineCause: Fusarium oxysporum. Attacked the leaf. Symptoms: pale yellow oval circle around the brown color on the leaves, dry leaves. Control: inoculation of disease on seedlings and young plants. Prevention by use of Natural GLIO since the beginning.
c. Dry Basal RotCause: Ceratocyctis paradoxa. Attacked the stem. Symptoms: midrib easily broken, rotting leaves and dry; young leaves dead and dry. Control: is to plant seeds that had been inoculated with the disease.Note: If a pest control using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended use of chemical pesticides. To be more evenly spraying of chemical pesticides and are not easily lost by rainwater add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank. Spraying herbicides (for weeds) to be more effective and efficient in the mixed adhesive to Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank.
3.5. Harvest3.5.1. Age HarvestBegan to bear fruit after 2.5 years and 5.5 months after pollination cook. Can be harvested if the crop has been aged 31 months, at least 60% fruit ripe harvest, there is 1 of 5 trees harvested bunches of ripe fruit. Feature harvest is ripe bunches there are at least 5 pieces of loose / fallen from bunches that weigh less than 10 kg or at least there are 10 pieces that separated from the bunches weighing 10 kg or more.
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