Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jasmine Flower Growing


Jasmine is a flower plant ornamental shrubs in the form of chronic trunked upright living. In Casablanca Italian jasmine (Jasmine officinalle), called Spansish Jasmine planted in 1692 to be made in the perfume. In 1665 in England cultivated white jasmine (J. sambac) are introduced by the Duke Casimo de 'Meici. In 1919, discovered jasmine J. parkeri in North-Western region of India, then cultivated in England in 1923.In Indonesia the name jasmine is known by people across the archipelago. Local names for jasmine is Menuh (Bali), cut or Meulu Meulu China (Aceh), Menyuru (Banda), jessamine (Gayo and Batak Karo), manduru (Manado), Mundu (Bima and Sumbawa) and Manyora (East) , and Malete (Madura). 

Among the 200 species of jasmine that have been identified by the botanist only about 9 types of jasmine are commonly cultivated and there are 8 types of jasmine potential to be used as an ornamental plant. Most of the type of jasmine grows wild in the forests because they have not revealed the potential for economic and social development. Jasmine jasmine plant, including interest-melatian or family Oleaceae.The position of the jasmine plant systematics / taxonomy of plants is as follows: Kingdom: PlantaeDivision: SpermatophytaSub Division: AngiospermaeClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: OlealesFamily: OleaceaeGenus: JasminumSpecies: Jasminum sambac (L.) W. Ait ..Species, Varieties and important characteristics (characteristics) jasmine plant are as follows:a) Water Jasmine sambac (jasmine white, nation puspa)b) Jasmine Andr multiflora (wild jasmine: jasmine gambier, poncosudo, Star Jasmine, J,. pubescens Willd.)c) Jasmine officinale (jasmine Casablanca, Spanish Jasmine) is synonymous with J. floribundum = Jasmine grandiflorum).shrubs as high as 1, 5 meters.d) rex Jasmine (jasmine King, King Jasmine).e) Jasmine parkeri Dunn (jasmine pot).f) mensyi Jasmine (Jasmine primulinum, jasmine pimrose).g) revolutum Sims Jasmine (jasmine Italy)h) simplicifolium Jasmine (jasmine Australia, J. volibile, m. stars)i) Jasmine hybrid. Pink flowers and fragrant.The species and varietes Jasmine who is on the island of Java among other things: a) Jasmine. Sambac (jasmine White), among other varieties:a) The Maid of Orleans, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and Rose Pikeke Menurb) Jasmine. multiflorum (Star Jasmine)c) Jasmine officinale (jasmine Gambier)3. BENEFITS OF PLANTSUseful as a jasmine flower sow, industrial materials perfumes, cosmetics, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, decorator wreaths and tea mix ingredients or fragrances.
4. INVESTMENT CENTERIn Indonesia, Center for the spread of jasmine plants are concentrated in Central Java, particularly in District Pemalang, Purbalingga and Tegal.
5. TERMS growth
5.1. Climate1. Rainfall is 112-119 mm / month with rain 6-9 days / month, and has a dry climate with 2-3 months and 5-6 wet months.2. The temperature was 28-36 ° C daytime and nighttime air temperature 24-30 ° C,3. Air humidity (RH) is suitable for the cultivation of this crop 50-80%.4. In addition, development of cultivation of jasmine is best suited in an area that gets enough sunlight.5.2. Growing Media1. Jasmine plant generally thrives on soil type Podsolic Red Yellow (FMD), and andosol latosol.2. Jasmine plants need sandy soil to clay texture, aeration and good drainage, fertile, friable, many containing organic materials and has.3. Good soil acidity for plant growth is pH = 5-7.5.3. Altitude VenueJasmine plants can grow and produce well in the lowlands to the highlands at an altitude of 10-1600 m above sea level. However, each type of jasmine has its own adaptability to the environment grows. White jasmine (J. sambac) ideal planted in the lowlands to a height of 600 m asl, while Jasmine Star Jasmine (J.multiflorum) can adapt well to a height of 1600 m above sea level. In the center of production of jasmine, as in Tegal regency, Purbalingga and Pemalang (Central Java), jasmine grows well in lowland to middle plains (000-700 m asl).6. RAISING GUIDELINES
6.1. Seeding seeding technique SeedsPlug each seedling cuttings 10-15 cm in the medium / long-third of the cuttings. Cover the surface of the nursery container with clear plastic sheet (transparent) for moist air.Maintenance Nurseries / seedinga) Preparation of the seedlings: - Prepare a place / container seedlings in the form of large pots / poly bag, medium seedlings (a mixture of soil, sand sterile / clean).- Check the bottom of the container seedlings and give a small hole for the disposal of excess water.- Fill in the medium into the container until the seedlings were quite full / thick as 20-30 cm. Flush medium seedlings with clean water until wet.b) Maintenance of seed cuttings: - Make a continuous watering 1-2 times a day.- Keep the seeds cuttings get the morning sun.- Move the seedlings rooted cuttings that have been strong enough (age 1-23 months) in the polybag containing medium to grow a mixture of soil, sand and organic manure (1:1:1).- Maintain an intensive jasmine seedlings (watering, fertilizing and pesticide spraying low dose) to 3-month-old seedlings.Maintenance steka seeds) Extract (lift) rose seeds from fruits that have been rotting in seedling media.b) Select the seeds of good roses, which filled out the sink when put in waterc) Rinse with clean water rose seeds.d) Drain the seeds of selected roses quiet place to be planted in the nursery tanks.e) Seeding roses seed evenly according to the distance between the rows and rows of 50-10 cm. Seeds will germinate at the age of four weeks after sowing.Maintenance Nurseries / Penyemaiana) Sprinkle rose nursery media continuously 1-2 times a day.b) wean (perjarang) rose seeds that have been big enough in a small polybag which is already filled with mixed media of soil, sand and organic manure (1:1:1).Seed removalMove the seedlings planted roses that have been aged 22 months to the gardens / plantings where a fixed (permanent)6.2. Media Processing Plant Opening of Land a) Clean the location for the garden of jasmine from a wild grass (weeds), the trees are not useful / rocks for easy management of land.b) Sports ground by means of hoes / plowed 30-40 cm until crumbly, then let it air dry for 15 daysFormation of bedsShaping 100-120 cm wide beds, 30-40 cm tall, the distance between beds 40-60 cm long and adapted to land conditions.CalcificationSoil pH can be improved through liming sour, for example with lime calcite (CaCO3) {dolomite CaMg (CO3) 2}, grilled lime (quick lime, CaO) / hydrated lime (lime Slakked, {Ca (OH) 2}. Function / purpose of liming acid soils is to raise the pH of the soil, and to add the elements Ca and Mg.FertilizationSprinkle fertilizer on the soil surface, then mix evenly with top soil. Manure incorporated in each planting hole as much as 1-3 kg. Manure doses ranged between 10-30 tonnes / hectare.Planting hole is made size 40 x 40 x 40 cm by 100-150 cm distance between holes. Land preparation should be done at kemarau/1-2 season months before the rainy season.6.3. Planting Technique Determination of Planting PatternA month before planting, seedlings had adapted jasmine around the garden. Land garden ready for planting given the basal fertilizer consisting of 3 grams of TSP plus 2 grams of KCI per plant. When each have about 60,000 hectares of planting holes (spacing of 1.0 mx 1.5 m), basal fertilizer needs to consist of 180 kg TSP and 120 kg of KCI. Joint provision of basic fertilizer can be added "and pemantap pembenah ground" for example Agrovit, Stratos / humus acid Gro-Mate.Hole Making PlantJasmine seedlings grown in polybags flushing medium and roots. Each planting hole jasmine planted a seed. Land near the base of the stem of seedlings jasmine solidified slowly to the roots in direct contact with the ground water.How PlantingPlant spacing can vary, depending on the culture form of cultivation, soil fertility and type of jasmine that is planted, plantation culture forms a spacing generally is 1 x 1.5 m, while the other variation is 40 x 40 cm, 40 x 25 cm and 100 x 40 cm.6.4. Maintenance of Plant Spacing and stitching.How stitching is to replace the dead plants / plant with seeds that new abnormal. Same stitching technique with good governance principle of planting, it's just done on location / block / seed planting holes that need to be replaced. Period stitching should be no more than one month after planting. Stitching as early as possible so as not to complicate aiming the next planting and maintenance of plant growth to be uniform. Left stitching should be done in the morning / late afternoon, when sunlight is not too hot and the air temperature is not too hot.WeedingAt the age of one month after planting, often overgrown with jasmine garden weeds (weeds). These weeds become a competitor in the jasmine plant needs sunlight, water and nutrients.FertilizationFertilization jasmine plants were carried out every three months. The type and dosage of fertilizer used consisted of 300-700 kg urea, KCI STP 300-500 kg and 100-300 kg / ha / year.Provision of fertilizer can be done by distributed evenly in the trench between rows of plants / plant canopy around 10-15 cm deep, then covered with soil. Fertilization can also be a way to enter Portugal fertilizer into the hole around the plant canopy of jasmine. When fertilization is prior to pruning, flowering time, according to harvest when the growth rate and less vibrant.Provision of fertilizer can increase the production of jasmine, especially rich in the element type of fertilizer phosphorus (P), such as Gandasil B (6-20-30) / Hyponex blue (10-40-15) and time of foliar fertilizer spraying done in the morning (09:00 ) or afternoon (15:30 to 16:30 o'clock) or when the sun is not scorching sting.Irrigation and WateringIn the early phases of growth, jasmine plants need adequate water availability. Watering needs to continuously every day until the plants approximately 1 month old. Watering performed 1-2 times a day either during morning and evening. How irrigation is by flushing clean IAR each planting until the soil around the roots moist enough.Pesticide Spraying TimeStimulating substances / substance Growing regulator (PGR) can be used to maintain and increase production rates, stimulating substances that influence interest both to the flowering jasmine is Cycocel (Chloromiguat) and Etherel. Jasmine plants in the spray with 5000 ppm concentration Cycocel yield the highest interest rate, ie 1.45 kg / plant.The way of administration: aphrodisiac flower is sprayed on the whole plant, especially the ends and flowering shoots. The recommended concentration of 3000 ppm-5000 ppm for Cycocel or 500-1500 ppm when used Ethrel.OtherPlants generally grow jasmine creeper, except on some types of jasmine, such as varieties of the Grand Duke of Tuscany that type of growth is upright. High pruning is very dependent on the type of jasmine, white jasmine type (J.sambac) can be cut at a height of 75 cm from soil surface, whereas type Spnish Jasmine jasmine (J. officinale var. Grandiflorum) as high as 90 cm from soil surface.7. PEST AND DISEASEJasmine plants do not escape from pest and diseases, basic principles and priorities for pest control technology / disease. Biological control is a maximum with the use of pest natural enemies (parasitoids, perdator, pathogens) by: - ​​enter, maintain, reproduce, release of natural enemies- Reduce the use of synthetic organic pesticides are broad spectrum / using selective pesticides.b agricultural ecosystems are managed by: - ​​the use of healthy seedlings- Sanitation garden- Balanced fertilization- A good crop rotation- The use of trap crops,c Pesticides used selectively based on the results of monitoring and analysis of ecosystems.7.1. Pest1.Silkworm palpita (Palpita unionalis Hubn)These pests include the order Lepidoptera and the family Pyralidae, Stadium jasmine pests that damage crops are larvae (caterpillars).Control: performed by cutting a section of heavily infected plants and spraying insecticides and sangkil efficiently, such as Decis 2.5 EC, Perfekthion 400 E / Curacron 500 EC.2. Borer interest (Hendecasis duplifascials)These pests include the order Lepidoptera and the family Pyralidae.Symptoms: jasmine plants attacked by menggerek / pierce flowers that failed to bloom. Flowers that develop into damaged and sometimes secondary infection by fungi to cause decay rates.Control: sprayed with insecticide that efficiently, such as Decis 2.5 EC, Cascade 50 EC / Lannate L.3. Thips (Thrips sp)Including the order Thysanoptera Thrips and family Thripidae. These pests are predators of all types of plants (polifag).Symptoms: The attack by way of sucking the liquid surface of the leaves, especially young leaves (shoots).Control: performed by reducing the variety of types of host plants around the garden of jasmine and spraying insecticide that efficiently: Mesurol 50 WP, Pegasus 500 SC / Dicarzol 25 SP.4. Scales peudococcus (Psuedococcus longispinus)These pests include the order Homoptera Pseudococcidae and family that live in groups on the surface of the leaf stalk shoots and bottom to resemble scales gray or yellowish.Symptoms: attack plants by sucking plant cell fluids and remove fluid honey.Control: performed by spraying insecticide efficiently, for example Bassa 500 EC / Nogos 50 EC.5. Silkworm nausinoe (Nausinoe geometralis)These pests include the order Lepidoptera and the family Pyralidae.Characteristics: brown moths with an average body length of 12 mm and a long wingspan approximately 24 mm colored mottled brown and transparent.Symptoms: attack the leaves of jasmine plants are identical (same) with P. worm attack unionalis.6. Other PestsAnother pest is often found mealybug (Dialeurodes citri) and lice shell (scale Insects). Clustered attached to the branches, twigs and shoots of plants jasmine, attacked by sucking the liquid cell, so that the process of photosynthesis (metabolism).Control is carried out efficiently by spraying insecticides, such as Perfekthion 400 EC / Decis 2.5 EC.7.2. Diseases 1. Leaf blightCause: The fungus (mold) Rhizcotonia solani Kuhn.Symptoms: attack the leaves which were located near the soil surface.2. Hawar thread (Thread Blight)Cause: The fungus Marasmiellus scandens (Mass.).Symptoms: attacking the jasmine crop branch.3. Flower blight (Flower Blight)Cause: The fungus (mold), Curvularia sp. Fusarium sp and Phoma sp.Symptoms: rotten flowers, light brown and sometimes falling interest rates.4. Mushrooms poisonCause: The fungus Capnodium salmonicolor. The disease attacks the stems and branches of woody plants jasmine.Symptoms: occur decay fungi covered by a layer of pink on the infected plants apnodium sp. and Meliola jasmini Hansf. et Steve. Capnodium attack symptom is upper leaf surface covered by black sooty mold evenly.5. Leaf spotCause: The fungus Pestaloita sp. Symptoms: patches of brown to blackish on the leaves.6. Leaf rust (Rust)Cause: parasitic green algae (Cephaleuros virescens Kunze).Symptoms: on the surface of affected leaves appear reddish spots and hairy-merahaan. This disease generally attacks the leaves of the old.7. AntraknosaCause: The fungus Colletotrichum gloesporoides.Symptoms: formed small spots blackish color. The spots are enlarged and elongated pink, especially on the leaf. Severe attacks can lead to dead ends (die back).8. Other diseasesDecay rates by the bacterium Erwinia tumafucuens. Nodules by the nematode Meloidogyne incognito, abnormilitas cause plant roots. The virus causes stunted plant growth of jasmine, mottled leaves and sometimes all the twigs and shoots become stiff.8. P A N E N8.1. Age Characteristics and Flowering PlantsThe characteristics of jasmine flowers that it was time to harvest is already a large flower size (maximum) and still bud / half-bloom. Jasmine flower production in Indonesia is still low which ranged from 20-25 kg / ha / day.Jasmine plants begin flowering at the age of 7-12 months after planting. Jasmine harvest can be done throughout the year as many times until the age of the plant between 5-10 years. Every year flowering jasmine plants generally run for 12 weeks (3 months).8.2. How to HarvestPicking the jasmine flowers should be performed in the morning afternoon, that is when the sun is not too hot / air temperature is not too hot.8.3. Harvest PeriodMost jasmine harvest ranged between 1-2 weeks. Furthermore, production rates will decline and then increased again 2 months8.4. Production ForecastJasmine flower production is usually highest during the rainy season, in Central Java, jasmine harvest during the dry season to produce 5-10 kg / ha, while the harvest in the rainy season reaches 300-1.000kg/ha. Data jasmine flower production in Indonesia ranges from 1.5 to 2 tons / ha / yr in the wet season and 0.7 to 1 ton / ha / yr in the dry season.9. POST HARVEST9.1. CollectionIn the open jasmine will rapidly wither to maintain / extend the freshness of such interest is spread out inwinnowing grounded plastic sheet and then stored at room temperature of cold air between 0-5 ° C.9.2. OtherOne of the products of post-harvest processing of jasmine flowers are Jasmine Oil. a) The special jasmine oil, the oil extracted from jasmine flowers with petroleum ether solvent, as raw materials of high quality perfume.b) regular jasmine oil, ie oil extracted from jasmine flowers with a solvent benzole, as the perfume raw material quality is.c) Oil special pomade, which is oil obtained with jasmine enfleurage techniques, as raw material for hair oil.d) Oil pomade usual, the oil extracted from jasmine flowers enfleurage former, as a technical fragrance.Enfleurage technique called smear technique. The working principle of jasmine extraction with smear technique is as follows: a) Apply a muri fat on the surface of thin glass.b) Put the jasmine flowers are still fresh (new quotes) above the surface of the glass.c) Save the thin glass with jasmine flowers in storage racks made of plastic, wood / metal corrosion resistant.d) Allow the jasmine flowers for 3-4 days until the flower is wilting.e) jasmine flowers that have withered immediately removed to be replaced with new flowers / still fresh.f) Make way was repeated for 2-3 months until the fat filled jasmine perfume.Jasmine oil extraction techniques can be done by using vacuum tubes. a) Input of fresh jasmine flowers into the tube, then stream solvents (alcohol, ether, chlorofrom, ecetone, pure fat, petroleum ether) on an ongoing basis.b) Distributes liquid extract containing the solvent and the elements of jasmine flowers to a vacuum tube that is heated to evaporate the solvent modest. Diallirkan solvent vapors back into the condenser to a liquid.c) Add ethanol to the element of jasmine flowers. Jasmine element is usually a wax solid (concrete) that still contain dyes, resins and other elements that do not evaporate.d) Combine oil had with alcohol then strain again to remove the resin content.e) Perform an absolute distillation using glycol sthlene irradiation with ultraviolet light to remove the dye.10. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF CROP CULTIVATION10.1. Cultivation of Business AnalysisApproximate analysis of jasmine cultivation area of ​​0.5 ha conducted in 1999 in Bogor.1) Production costs a. USD 0.5 ha of land lease. 750.000, -b. Seeds USD. 190 000, -c. Fertilizer USD. 325.000, -d. Pesticides USD. 50. 000, -e. USD labor. 6,425,000, -f. Tools (compilation tools) to Rp. 50.000, -Total production costs Rp. 7.79 million, -2) Revenue 15 555 kg @ Rp. 850, - Rp.12.750.000, -3) Net Profit of Rp. 4.96 million, -4) Parameter feasibility1. The ratio of output / input2. ROI3. BEP= 1.637= 0698= Rp, 1696352.84, -10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity OverviewThe development of commercial scale farming jasmine has bright prospects and great market opportunities. Every day for the purpose of sowing rate required 600 pounds of jasmine flowers. Jasmine potential market is Japan, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The economic value of jasmine flowers growing need for advanced life (modern) industrial raw material for perfumes, cosmetics, fragrance, flavoring tea, paint, ink, pesticides, deodorant soap and textile industries.Although the jasmine flower market opportunities within and outside the country is big enough, the new Indonesian jasmine flower production able to meet about 2% of the jasmine needs the world market. This phenomenon shows the opportunities that need to be put to good use in Indonesia because of the potential resources and vast land suitable for farming agroekologinya jasmine.The study conducted by agribusiness jasmine Horticulture Research and Development center in the area of ​​production stun Tegal (Central Java) indicated that jasmine farming profitable and feasible to be developed.11. STANDARD PRODUCTION11.1. ScopeJasmine standard covers the scope, description, classification, quality requirements, the way sampling, test methods, labeling and packaging requirements.11.2. Description-11.3. Classification and Quality StandardsSpecification and packing flowers for export to international markets is determined by the importing country.11.4. SamplingOne party / lots of fresh jasmine flowers consist of a maximum of 1000 packs. Sample taken at random from the total package. a) Number of containers in the party 1-5, samples taken by all.b) Number of containers in the party's 600-100, samples taken at least 5.c) Number of containers in the party's 101-300, samples taken sekurangkurangnya 7.d) The number of containers in the party's 301-500, samples taken sekurangkurangnya 9.e) Number of containers in the party 501 - 1000, samples taken sekurangkurangnya 10.5.11 PackagingFresh jasmine flowers are packed with new cardboard boxes and solid, good, clean and dry and ventilated. The number of stems of 15-20 stalks tied and wrapped. Then inserted into cardboard packaging. Other packaging by weight and a certain number of stalks can be used atasdasar agreement between the seller and the buyer. Flower stalk tip is inserted into a plastic bag containing damp cotton contain preservatives.

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